Chapter 14

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Handie_Bars is my shout out for this chapter! I'm still doing shout outs, so if you want one just comment your favorite ship and include that you want a shout out! And I know I usually switch povs every time but I'm just gonna keep going with shigaraki.


                                                                        ~Shigaraki's POV~              

I continued to work on the last minute plans until my phone started to buzz. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was All for one. I quickly answered it.

Shigaraki- "hello?"

AFO- "is everything ready to go?"

Shigaraki- "Yes sir"

AFO- "Remember, we only want Bakugou. Kill the rest of you can."

Shigaraki- "I know sir"

AFO- "Call me when it is over"

After that he hung up. I put my phone down and walked out of my room. I find Toga and tell her to gather everyone in the living room so I can give out the final plan. I sit down on the couch waiting. When everyone shows up I pull out a map of the area and start to explain.

"Ok, we will start the attack while they are doing their little training scare thing. Kurogiri, you are our transportation. You'll get us in and out. Dabi will burn down some of the forest while Mustard fills it with his gas. Make sure you all have gas masks before you go out. Twice stay with Dabi, I'll tell you why in a second. Muscular, Moonfish, Mr. Compress. Your task is to find Katsuki Bakugou and capture him, don't harm him much." I say handing them a picture. 

"Magne and Spinner, your task is to distract the Pussycats. Kill them if you want. Toga, I want you to collect as many blood samples as possible. We can use them later. Dabi, after you burn down your part of the forest, you and Twice will have the job of distracting Eraserhead and Vlad King. The Nomu will be doing it's part. Any questions?" I finish up. Toga raises her hand.

"Yes Toga?" I ask.

"Why are we capturing this Bakugou kid anyway?" She questions.

"I don't know everything, but mainly we are to convince him to join us. So everyone be on their best behavior when he arrives."

I stand up and check the clock on the wall. We have about 2 hours until it's time.

"Ok, that's everything. Meet here in 2 hours and we will go. Do whatever you want in the meantime." I say and walk out, heading to the bar.

I sit down and pour some whiskey in to a glass. I took a swig then felt someone put their head on my shoulder, saying "You don't want to get drunk before the attack, so don't go overboard princess." The voice and the shitty nickname gave away that it was Dabi.

"Get off me, patches. I'm not a dumbass." I reply, shifting so his head falls off my shoulder. He pouts and sits down in the chair next to me. I pour another glass and hand it to him. 

"So, you never really told us what you were going to be doing." He said, taking a gulp of his drink.

"I'll find a hill and be watching you guys. If anything goes wrong I'll step in and handle it." I explain.

"It kinda seems to me that your hiding from the fight, making us do the dirty work." He says with a smirk.

"Oh please, I could do this all on my own. I'm just giving you guys a chance to do something with your pathetic lives." I reply, playfully nudging him. 

"You're so full of yourself." Dabi says while rolling his eyes. I just chuckle and finish the rest of my glass. 

"I'll be watching tv" I say, walking to the living room. I find Mr. Compress and Twice talking on the couch. I sit next to them and turn on the tv. They seemed to be to deep in their conversation to notice anything. I flipped through the channels until I found something interesting. 

A while later I looked at the clock and saw that we had 30 minutes left. I walked to my room and grabbed father (shiggy's hand mask if you didn't know) then walked to Dabi's room to find him. He was playing on his phone so I walked over and sat on his lap.

"You know there are other ways to get my attention, right?" He says, putting down his phone. I just nod and lean into him. We sit there for a while until I speak up.

"Promise me you won't get hurt. Promise me you'll come back." I say, looking into his eyes.

"I promise." He chuckles, giving me a kiss on the forehead. We sit like that a little longer until I notice the time. I get up and pull him along with me. 

We arrive in the living room. Everyone was here except for Muscular and Kurogiri. We waited until they showed up and then I spoke up.

"Everyone remember their part?" I ask.

Everyone nods and Twice says "yep" then "nope I forgot." His split personality can be annoying sometimes. I nod to Kurogiri and he opens the warp gate. Everyone walks through in their groups. I wait til everyone is through then me and Kurogiri walk through.

Welp, wait till next chapter and you can see how the attack goes. Now, I'm going to bed UwU

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