Chapter 24

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Shigaraki and Dabi were awoken by the loudest fangirl noise known to man the next morning. Shigaraki had snuck into Dabi's room that night, and had fallen asleep there. They looked up to see Toga and Twice standing at the foot of their bed, holding pots and pans and poppers. Toga was the one making the noise, and Twice just looked awe struck. They could also see Bakugou trying not to laugh in the doorway. Thank God for the thin sheet that covered them. 

"What the fuck?! Get out of my room!" Dabi yelled at the blonde trio. Shigaraki pulled the sheet up over his head, trying not to die of embarrassment. 

Twice seemed to break out of his trance, and started popping a bunch of the poppers. "Happy birthday!" Toga and Twice yelled in unison. 

"God damn it..." Dabi groaned and layed back down. He did not want to deal with this.

"Get it gay asses dressed! We made muffins and pancakes and waffles and bacon and-" Twice began.

"So basically you made everything you could find in the entire kitchen?" Kurogiri cut him off, walking into the room. Then Kurogiri saw what had caused the Toga squeal. "Oh, I'm sorry to intrude..." He made warps and pushed Toga and Twice through them. "We will be waiting in the kitchen... Um.... Take your time..." Then Kurogiri also walked through the warp.

"Are they gone?" Tomura said, finally peeking out from under the sheets. Dabi nodded and wrapped his arms around Shigaraki, pulling him closer. He began to kiss his collarbone, earning a small moan from Shigaraki. "You know they are waiting for us right?"

"Yes well, Mamagiri did say to take our time..." Dabi replied with a smirk. 

"And you really think Toga will be able to wait longer then 5 minutes? Or Twice?"

"Yea, I guess you're right" Dabi groaned, hopping out of bed and walking into the bathroom, but he stopped at the doorway. "You're welcome to join me" he said with a wink and a smirk.

"And make my ass hurt more then it already does? Yea, no thanks." Shigaraki grinned and grabbed his clothes off the floor.

~time skip. In the kitchen~

Dabi walked into the kitchen, finding everyone (who lives there) already in there. He spotted Shigaraki flustered and sitting at the counter, Toga seemed to be asking him questions about... Things. Shoto, who was sitting nearby, looked very uncomfortable from what he was hearing.  After watching Tomura go even more red, he decided to step in and save him.

"Oi, Toga! Knock it off will ya? It shouldn't concern you who I fuck." Dabi said, pulling her away.

"Um, it concerns me when it's my boss you're fucking!" Toga shoved him playfully. 

"Shut up guys! Let's eat!" Twice yelled, dishing up his plate. It honestly did look like they used everything in the kitchen. They made a 5 course meal out of breakfast, if that was even a thing. 

After breakfast, Twice dragged Dabi to the living room. There he found a small pile of gifts, but to him it seemed like way to many.

"Wait no. I said no gifts. I can't take these." Dabi said, pulling away. 

"Oh come on! We already bought them... Or stole... But still! Honestly it would be more rude if you didn't take them." Toga placed her hands on her hips.

"... Damn you Toga. How did you guys possibly get these in one night?" Dabi groaned.

"Well it was pretty easy. We all headed out and got you a little something from each of us. Nothing to fancy, knowing you." Todoroki said, sitting down next to Bakugou.

"Open mine first! It's the best!" Toga said, shoving a bright pink gift bag into his hands. He opened it and found a black hoodie with the words "fuck off" on the front inside. Shigaraki chuckled.

"It suits you perfectly Dabi" he said. In the end he got a bottle of whiskey from Bakugou (all I know is that you like to drink" he had said), a new chain necklace from Todoroki, a watch from Kurogiri, a video game from Shigaraki, and.... A bottle of lube and candy bars from Twice...

"Of course Twice, you couldn't get me something normal." Dabi said.

"Hey! Candy is normal!" Twice yelled. The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly from there. Kurogiri went out and got everyone some drinks from Starbucks. Sadly, Dabi didn't get much time alone with Shiggy like he had wanted. But, even though he wouldn't admit it, he had fun. The day ended with some cake and then everyone heard to their own rooms. Dabisat there for a while, thinking about how much he actually loved his friends, until he heard a faint knock on the door.

"Doors unlocked" he called. Shigaraki opened it and stepped inside, holding a small wrapped box. 

"Here, I um, forgot to give this to you" tomura said, handing Dabi the box. Dabi unwrapped it he found a silver ring inside.

"Wow Shigaraki, are you proposing to me?" Dabi joked.

"W-what, no! I just... Thought it fit you. I mean if you don't like it-"

"Hey, I like it. It's cool" Dabi grinned at Shigaraki and slid the ring onto his finger. "Perfect fit" Dabi then yanked Tomura down into a kiss. "You know, today wasn't really that bad."

"Oh shut up, you had fun"

(Heeeeyyyy guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I kinda made them a little softer in this chapter but I think it works... Anyways thanks for reading! Next chapter soon!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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