dua《new gardener?》

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"But I don't recall hiring a new gardener? Where is Mr. Song?," jeonghan asks. Just that morning, he having a chat with him. Now he suddenly take a break and the boy in front of him said he replace the man?

"Ah, that's mean you still know nothing. It's okay, I'll tell you. Mr. Song have a family matter so he will stay at his hometown for a couple of months and since i have a close relationship with him, he recommend me to the king and like what you see, I'm here now," jisoo replied, still smiling.

Jeonghan hums, eyes still looking at Jisoo suspiciously before decide to shrug it off since he use the king's name. Though, he still have another thing he want to ask "what are you doing here at night?"

"I guess it's the same answer for why you come here too"

Jeonghan frowns "huh? What are you talking about?"

"Well, I come here for calm and nice, fresh air and also trying to adapt myself with the garden but mainly for calm. I know you come here for the same reason too" he answers "by the way, can I sit down right beside you? My legs start aching for standing too long"

Jeonghan raises his eyebrow for the question, shocked by the boy's boldness. Well, no one ever ask if they can sit or not when they standing cause usually the royal family will told them to do so. The only person who have that boldness around him is his butler and personal guard. But then, jeonghan still motion the new gardener to do so. The boy give a small smile as he come forward and sit beside the prince but still keep a distance between them.

"I do not come here for calm," jeonghan lied.

"Well, your mumbles earlier tell me otherwise," and jeonghan sighs. Maybe he can tell the boy right? Its not a secret anyway. Sooner or later, everyone will know but as he open his mouth the boy beat him "it's okay if you dont want to tell me. Not like I am interested with it or something," he said with a even wide sweet smile.

Jeonghan gasps, shocked with the answer. No one ever say something like it cause of respect "are you aware with your word right now, Hong Jisoo-ssi?"

"Yes. Uhm, so, will you fire me because i stating my mind? Or did my word just offensed you? Should I apologize?," there's no mocking tone in the word as the boy actually ask him seriously.

Jeonghan look at him attentively. Everything about that boy amuse him now. His bodyguard and the butler might be the same but they still have some sort of respect and well, will never ask but rather apologize right away.

"Well, no. I have no time in finding a new one. I don't feel offended by your word, maybe a little but i also don't think the apologize is necessary so i'm good. As long as you do your work properly i will not fire you"

Jisoo nods as the replies.

"Prince Yoon Jeonghan!", suddenly a male voice call out for him. Jisoo and jeonghan throw their look to the male who now running toward them, ah, he's not alone. Another male with a very sharp nose also coming toward them.

"Yes, seokmin and seungcheol. Why did you yell my name like that? What if you woke up anyone who sleep around this area?," he try to change the point since he don't want to get scold in front of the gardener.

"Well, it's getting late and you are supposed to be in your bed right now. Why are you here?," seokmin, the butler said with a sighs.

"I'm not a kid anymore. I can do whatever i want," jeonghan rolls his eyes. He love his butler, in friendly way ofc but the way they still attend him like a kid make the prince sick.

"Well, if you really do want to go out, you should, no must, tell me or seokmin. Do you want both of us get fire?" Their job is already easy, which is be at the prince side wherever he go and the king already warned he and seokmin about this. Jeonghan might not be a crown prince but he is the baby in the family, in their eyes.

Jeonghan sighs before mutturing a fine. Jeonghan can't lose his only friends in the palace.

"Then, let's go to your room now your highness," seokmin said which make jeonghan snorts. The two never use the formality when there's only three of them and he still find it funny when they use it. But nontheless, he still nods and turn to jisoo who already standing up "it's good to meet you, hong jisoo-ssi. I expect the best from you since this garden is basically mine"

"Will do, jeonghan-ssi," and that make jeonghan laugh a bit. He can't believe jisoo will still drop the formality when other people is there but it's amuse him while the servants look at each other with a question mark.

As they arrive at the prince room, seokmin asks "who is that?" before he find the pajamas for the prince.

"A new gardener here. He take over Mr. Song's role for some months," jeonghan replied as he take the pajamas from seokmin's hand and go to change it at the change room.

"He called you by your name," seungcheol point out when the prince come out.

"So do you guys right? Anyway, I dont think I care about it. I don't know, I guess its fine" jeonghan said as he climbs to his bed.

"If that so," seokmin shrugs "please do not go out from your room anymore this night. We will excuse ourself to our room now. Good night"

"Good night"

But the prince can't sleep right away cause his mind is full with the gardener's image. It's not because of his face since it's too dark to see him properly but the boldness make him chuckle out loud. But as soon as he remember what happening before, he groans out of annoyance and go to sleep within a minute.

And the night goes by in silence as everyone and every animal fall in sleep. Ah, look like some nights animal still wake up. Its okay, you cute yet scary animals. But keep quite since the others have gone to their sleep and dont disturb the second prince, he have a rough day and need a sleep.


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