dua puluh lima《the ending》

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Yeah, sorry, I lost idea for the tittle but the one I chose conclude everything.

Panicked is the best word to describe the whole mood in the palace now and it all start after Seokmin went to Jeonghan's room, wanting to wake him up but got greeted by an empty room.


"Prince Yoon Jeonghan!!"

"Faster! Fine him now!"

An hour had passed with the shouting and everyone got panicked but the prince is still nowhere to be found.

Inside the hallroom, the King is rubbing his face roughly on his throne while the crown prince himself walking back and forth, both are worried sick.

After deciding what should they do, the king commanded "I want Seungcheol to bring some our guards and go find him outside while Seokmin will join me and Jeonghee, we will go and greets the Prince of Emerald now. I heard they are already waiting for us at the gate"

With that, two different groups marching to two different direction since the guards decide to walk out by the back gate.

Seokmin badly want to go with Seungcheol, he want to be one of the first one to meet his beloved hyung but then, who is he to say no to the king's command. He walk between the royal fams and thier guard and their butlers at his backsidr while the other guards marching behind all of them.

Oh, hyung. Please be safe.

Sooner, they finally stop right in front of the big gate. He can see a group of men standing outside but because of where he stand, he still don't know which one is the waited Prince since all men in front him is big.

"Good Morning, Your Highness," one of them said, which led to all to foreign men bows respectfully to them, to the king to be exact. Seokmin frowns, the voice sound oddly familiar.

"Welcome to our Kingdom," Jeonghee greets, replying the bow, finally got the chance to see the Prince of Emerald. But what he see dropped his jaws because standing in front of him, charmingly is Jisoo, looking like a prince. Wait! Jisoo hyung is the prince? So jisoo hyung is the same Joshua Hong that jeonghan hyung will marry? Wait, what?

 Wait! Jisoo hyung is the prince? So jisoo hyung is the same Joshua Hong that jeonghan hyung will marry? Wait, what?

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He can't contain himself than blurts out loud "jisoo hyung???"

The said boy look at him with a smile "Good morning, seokmin"

Seokmin eyes widening. As he open his mouth, a guy with a very handsome and unique look and seem like younger than him cutted him off "Where is your manner? He is the Crown Prince of Emerald Kingdom, call him with a proper name"

"I-i'm so-sorry," seokmin stammered by the harsh tone the guy's gave.

Jisoo put his hand on the guy's shoulder, patting it softly with a smile "it's okay, vernonie. He's a friend of mine," he turn to seokmin "you can call me 'jisoo-hyung', Seokmin. I won't mind," he said.

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