dua puluh dua《selfish》

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"Are you really okay now, jeonghan?," seungcheol asks concernly.

"I'm breathing in a normal way, Cheollie. I'm good," Jeonghan replies, nod slightly to show he is getting fine.

Seokmin and seungcheol look at each other, sharing the same look. Both sighing before seungcheol nods to seokmin, hinting him something, the prince just look at them in confusion.

"Hyung," seokmin start "we know you love jisoo hyung. Yes, both of us didn't stop you when we first talk about this before because at that time, you still just crushing on him not love him like now. Yes, we are happy you found happiness and comfort with him and we like jisoo hyung's company too. It just, need to remember that you'll getting married in just a week. You know that you will never can have jisoo hyung. You are already destined as someone else mate.  Your Emeraldian Prince is waiting for you. You can't do anything cause this is on the will. No one can change it, no one can break it" jeonghan pouts, know that they want to talk about this. He sighs.

"I know, I know, I know can't have him but guys, as long as he's here, he'll always be mine. He promise me. We have promise that he will always be there for me and will always accompany me and knowing jisoo, as long as i'm there to remind him, I can keep him at my side. I can't lose ," jeonghan shakes his head desperately which make his friends just look at him with full concerned.

"But the one you should love is the Emerald Prince. Not him," seungcheol heave a sighs "look, jeonghan, I understand, we both did. But if you countinue this, you will just hurt yourself and so does jisoo. Just forget your crush feeling for jisoo and live happily with the Emerald Prince. "

"What? Why? Why should I forget Jiso?!"

"Because, my prince, jisoo is just a garderner and jisoo is just jisoo. Your grandparent promise to let you marry with the Emerald Prince and jisoo is not him. Jisoo is not the one who mated with you," (seungcheol)

"Can you like please stop use the word 'mated'? It make me feel all eww"

"Hyung! We're serious," seokmin start getting mad, the rarest thing to see but it's fine cause at least, Jeonghan realise they are worry about him and they, both, just want the best for him but they are not him. They can give advices but he's the only one can decide his future eventhough he can't marry the boy.

"Look, hyung," seokmin spoke again after calming himself down "everyone know you never agree wirh this whole forced-marriage thing. We know, you don't even like this fella. But hyung, as your friend, we need to  keep you on track and wake you up from the daydreaming. You need to face the reality. This whole painful and hard situation is the reality. Yes, like we said before, we like Jisoo hyung too. He is nice to us, to channie too but you that do not change the fact that you and him is destined to be together. You can't keep him like that when you can't even give your heart to him"

"Yes I can!," jeonghan burst, startling the others "this marriaged like what you just said ia planned, I didn't give my heart to this fake forced relay and I will never give. My heart belong to him and I don't care how clíche I sound now"

"But does Jisoo love you back?,"seungcheol's question shut jeonghan up. Jeonghan just stare at the later, once again, he feel suffocated, having a problem in breathing but lucky for him, it's not as bad as when he experienced it in front of jisoo.

"I think we know the answer," seokmin shoots jeonghan a sad look, pitying the elder "hyung, we said this cause we love you and we just want you to be happy. You are so nice and kind to us eventhough we are just a servant here. You still attend us like friend. You never forget us. We love you hyung, we need to say this now so you'll not get hard in the future," seokmin's voice turn slower, teary eyes looking at jeonghan making the prince can'r help but forgetting their debate and hug the latter.

"I know minnie, cheollie and I'm so thankful for that," he rubs the younger back.

"It's okay, what if you re-think your feeling back?," seungcheol asks which jeonghan nods eventhough his heart say no. Seungcheol countinue "it's good that jisoo will not be here start from today until the wedding day"

Jeonghan release the boy in his embrance, looking at seungcheol with a very wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows "what did you just say? Jisoo will  not be here?? Why??"

"Don't you know? The king give everyone except the guarda two weeks off. That's mean seokmin, jisoo and the other will return to the castle three days after you move to Emerald"

"Are you guys serious?" Jeonghan ask, completely amazed by the sudden news, he certainly not ready for this. He expect everyone, especially jisoo to stay at the palace. No, one can leave him.

"We never lie hyung. Seungcheol hyung will stay though, he is the guard. I'm just a butler and jisoo hyung is just a gardener. We are not important at all in the prepare process. Not that we care but that's the true. We are just the ordinary people, we friend, you might love jisoo but that doesn't mean we are speacial. It's getting late," seokmin yawns "we should go back to our room. The king asked me to left early so the preparation can start as soon as they ready"

"But but Jisoo promise me, we'll spend time at the garden together tomorrow," jeonghan's voice shackened, his lips trembling.

"Maybe he's forget," seungcheol replies.

Jeonghan shakes his head, disagreeing eventhough the decision had been make. He doesn't care. Without any words from him, Jeonghan take a step back, before run to the door and stormed off from the room; leaving the shouting boys behind.

"Your highness! Your highness!!"

Jeonghan just keep on running. His mind keep on thinking how unfair this whole thing is. He just lose his mom and now his dad asked everyone, including his friends to leave? He need everyone to stay with him

Arrived at the place, he quickly and forcefully banging on the door, he didn't care how disrespectful he look now. His respect have limits too and this have been too far for his liking.

Soon, the door open, "Son? What are you doing here?"

Sorry if there's too much mistake here. I have a problem and I decide to write instead solving it bcs somehow, this book give me comfort. Maybe bcs, this is my ult ship book haha. I'll find a day to fix it. This chap have too many talking which make it lost some emotion. But I hope you guys take note that Jeonghan's big day and special event that he not really tell jisoo is his own wedding.

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