dua belas《letter》

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Late that night when jeonghan is laying on his bed, reading a novel, seokmin come, knocking on the door.

"Come in," jeonghan said as he put aside the book in his hand as seokmin walking into the room "yes, seokmin?"

The boy then show jeonghan a piece of paper that he hold "jisoo hyung ask me to give this to you. But he said, i need to ask wether you want to take this latter or not. He also said, if he you dont want to take it, its tottaly fine for him," hearing that make jeonghan smile. Really jisoo, really.

Jeonghan nods before take the latter from seokmin "tell him, i'm glad to receive this latter and thanks"

Seokmin nods befor excuse himself. Jeonghan then take the the letter to his table, open it and read

Dear Yoon Jeonghan,
First of all, thanks for take this letter and spend your time to read it. I just want to ask if you want to join me tomorrow. Tomorrow, i decide to visit the nearest village from this palace, Amethyst for a day since im taking a day off. Do you want to join me and maybe be my guide? Its okay if you dont want to. I will wait for you at the palace's gate at 8:00 am for 10 minutes. If you didnt show up, i will take it as a no and its fine to me.
Sleep tight and good night.

Hong Jisoo

Jeonghan cant stop smiling through the letter. Ah, this boy is so sweet. Awww, he give me a letter, will surely keep it :3 feel like he asking me to a date. A classic one. Spending time at the vil- wait. A village? Its been years i didnt go there since im too busy and because of mom condition. I dont remember that place at all. Ah! What should i do? What should i do? I know!  Seokmin and Seungcheol! Its their village.

With that, jeonghan storm off from his room and rushing to seokmin's room. Knowing that seungcheol will come to there eventually. There, he kno- no, banging on the door.

"Seokmin! Seokmin!," he yells as seungcheol finally arrive.

"Whats going on, jeonghan?" And at the same time, seokmin open the door with a sleepy look. Eyes squinting because of the light from the hallway.

"I just got to sleep for a minute and you already banging my door and calling my name like its the end of the world," seokmin groans "what do you want?"

"I want one of you to accompany me to amethyst village tomorrow. So who want to go with us?"

"Us?," seungcheol asks.

"Us as in me and jisoo. Forget about it. I have decide. I want seokmin to join us tomorrow. I dont want seungcheol to be there cause he might scared the people. The shadows will be with us like always. Ok, thats it. Seokmin get ready before 7:50 and meet me first, then we will walk together to the gate and meet jisoo there. Okay, good night," jeonghan give a sweet smile before walk to his toom back while his servants just look at him in disbelief.

"Hes lucky hes a prince or i snap his head from his neck," seokmin grumbles before getting back to his room, slamming the door, leaving a smiling seungcheol. More time with chan then.

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