dua puluh tiga《dad》

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"Is it true? You ask all of our servant, the people I grow up with, leave the palace when my wedding day is just a week away?," Jeonghan's voice raises, he don't care if the man in front of him is his dad or not, but he can't just sit at his bed and let his dad control his life like that ever again. It's good enough he accept the stupid wedding and not kill himself in instant. But to kick everyone he be with since he's born at this time, especially his friend? No. No way.

Thr king sighs, "Not all if them, jeonghan. The guards are still there. I know, you'll miss your friends but trust me, you'll be too busy until you don't even notice the time pass by. There'll be no time for you to miss them and with a blink of eye, your wedding day arrived and you can meet them again," the king reassured.

"But they are my friends, I need them. I don't want to be seperate from them. They are just like family for me. Please dad, let them stay," jeonghan start begging, eyes become glossy "plus I'll be off to Emerald a week after the wedding day. There'll be no time for us to hang out again and they'll come back right after I go"

The king bored his gaze to jeonghan's before realeased a sigh and said, "Ok, I'll give you the permission but only Seokmin can stay, Mingyu can't"

"Uhm, can Jisoo stay? Hong Jisoo, the gardener,"  Jeonghan asked coyly as the king look at him with raised eyebrow.

"He's not even close with you, right? I can see the reason for Seokmin to stay but Jisoo? Isn't he new here? If I'm not wrong, he just been here for a month or so"

"Y-yeahh but we getting closer a-and and h-he from Emerald himself! He have no one here. Where will he stay? We can't let him sleep anywhere," Jeonghan insisted.

"Ah, don't worry about that. I already ask him where will he stay and he said he'll stay at Lapiz Luizi Hotel," his words make Jeonghan bit his inner cheeks that is not the problem dad. I just want him to stay here. Why is it so hard for you to understand?

"But dad-"

"Enough, Jeonghan. Okay look, you can choose. Seokmin or Jisoo? Only one can stay," jeonghan sighs.

"Fine, Seokmin will stay," jeonghan can feel how suddenly he feel like a part of him suddenly gone. Jisoo sure is important for him but Seokmin is his friends since kid. Seokmin is like his younger brother, his pabo.

"Okay then. Now, go back to your room and sleep," Jeonghan nods at the word.

"Sorry for disturbing dad and thanks. Have a nice dream," Jeonghan bows respectfully befor heading to his room with a heavy heart. What are you regretting now, Yoon Jeonghan. You regret choosing Seokmin, after you said he is like your fam? Then why don't you choose Jisoo? No, Seokmin is his fam. He can't leave his fam, will never do that. But hey, maybe I can meet Jisoo again at Emerald! Then I can hired Jisoo again and once again, Jisoo will be mine. Right?

I just realise how stupid I am in arranging my chap. I should have put this chap at the prev chap bcs the next one will be quite long. This is quite short than usual. I'm sorry.

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