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After taking the shower and dress up, jeonghan make his way to the dining room with seungcheol and seokmin trailing him from behind like a puppy.

There, his eyes meet his brother, the crown prince who already sit at his chair, waiting for all his family member.

With a smile, jeonghan greets "hi, hyung, good morning" and take a seat opposite the crown prince.

The crown prince throw a smile to his lil brother "good morning, jeonghan"

After chatting a bit, sharing each other day, the parents finally come.

"The king and the queen have arrive," the guard in charge announces as both of the prince stand up as a show of respect.

The princes's eyes widened as they see both their mom and dad are there. They can't believe that their mom will come as well "mom, why are you here? Why don't you rest and eat at your room?," jeonghan asks, full with concern. Jeonghan have a point, it must be tiring for the queen in her condition. Everyone at the kingdom know well about it, that she is suffering from ovary cancer.

"Don't you want to eat with me, jeonghannie?,"the queen asks with a small weak smile.

Jeonghan quickly shook his head "aigoo mom. Its not like that," jeonghan pouts. This make the queen cooes, like i say, jeonghan is still a baby in their eyes.

"I know sweetheart. But i want to spend time as much as i can with all of you. With your father, your brother and with my baby, jeonghannie," she said as he coughs a bit. This make all the three males' heart broke to a broken piece. She might be the queen of the kingdom but she also have the biggest role in their heart, give them love and care.

"Mom," jeonghee, the crown prince, whines. Clearly did not like that kind of talk. But their mom still talk about it cause she want them to accept whatever happen to her and accept her gone.

"That's it. Lets eat with peace. Dont be sad okay? Dont cry, especially in front of the food,"* the king said and with that the maids come with a tray of food in their hands and a teapot of jasmine tea.

They eat with a gloomy feeling, with sorrow, especially for jeonghan. For goodness sake, the boy is still too young! He still need his mother eventhough sometime he hate when they do him like a baby, he will never mind if it is from the his mother.

"Jeonghan," the king start the conver and try to change the atmosphere "what will you do today?" he asked with a cherry voice.

"Dont know," jeonghan said in a monotous tone. He dont want to be rude, look, he, in fact close with his dad but a) he is still sad and upset for what happen the day before and b) he seriously dont know what he want to do.

But knowing the a)'s reason is more strong, the king look at his beloved wife, wanting some help. The queen give his husband a smile and nod.

"Hannie," jeonghan look at his mother. "How about we have our bonding time at your garden today?"

Hearing that make jeonghan smile widely and nod enthusiastically even. He and his mother always spend time at the garden, helping Mr. Kim sometime (after been force by the queen) or chit chat. But they never do that ever again after they know their mom's condition.

"Ah that's remind me that we have a new gardener. He just come yesterday. You haven't meet him yet, right jeonghan?" the king asks.

"Oh, really?," jeonghan fake a gasps. Why lying you might ask. Jeonghan need to lie cause, if he said 'yes' the king will ask 'when' and be all suspicious cause he spend his time with their parents all evening till 10 cause of that things. And the king already warn him to never get out from his bed of its already pass 10. See? If he tell the truth, he will risk his only friends at the palace job.

"Yeah, his name is Hong Jisoo. He will take over Mr. Song's job for a couples of month" Jeonghan hums as the respond sincehe already know it and dont know what else to say (or he still upset). And after that, the whole place is fill with the talk between the king and the crown prince about the kingdom. While jeonghan and the queen just stay silent. Not that jeonghan want to talk anyway.

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