empat《mom, really?》

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The queen is already in the garden, sitting at the hut when jeonghan come running in hurry.

"Hi, mom," he said while patting for air "Sorry for being late. I need to settle something and-"

"Its okay, sweetheart. I understand," his mom said before give the boy a smile and pat the place beside her, motioning the prince to come and sit.

"You want to talk about that things right? Thats why you want to meet me, am i right?"

Thr queen keep her signature soft smile "i want to spend time with you but also because of that. I think, we need to talk about it, privately" Jeonghan sighs, clearly dont want to talk about it, in fact, he dont want to remember anything about it

"Love, i know you feel betrayed, mad and upset cause that thing surely unfair. I know, this is about your life we risking about, your happiness and you definitely have all right on it. We all know that. But we also can't broke it. Its a promise between your granfather and the other. We're so sorry we need to force you"

"But why me? Why not jeonghee hyung? He is a crown prince himself," jeonghan cried.

"Yeah, but he is too old for it," the mother replied.

"I'm younger and I still dont want to do it," jeonghan said as he put his head in her shoulder which make the queen pats the prince's back, giving the comfort.

"I know, love. But...can you do it? For me, at least? I know, I'm being selfish, we're sorry but, i really hope you can make it, son"

"Mom! Never say something like that to yourself," jeonghan shooks his head furiously, hating it.

"I know. It just, i dont have much time left and-"

"Mom, please!," he cried, dont want to hear it. Heck, which child want to hear that their mother is slowly dying and you can't help it than feel sad and pity. Its hurt "i will do it. I promise! I will make it and then live happily ever after like those disney princesses. B-but y-you need to stay with me at that time. D-don't leave me"

"You know i cant promise that," she muttured under her breath.

And moments pass, with the jeonghan's soft cries and the mother giving all comfort to her baby till someone interrupts the mother-son scene.

"Good morning your highness and jeonghan-ssi," the two look up to see the new gardener bowing respectfully before stand up properly with a smile.

"Good morning," the queen greets "you must be the one and only Hong Jisoo" she said with a smile.

"Yes, i am," he replies before looking at the crying prince "why are you crying jeonghan-ssi?"

"N-none of your b-business" jeonghan said as he wipes his tears with the end of his sleeve.

"Jeonghan," the mother warns. She don't like it when people being so disrespectful or rude. Even if the person did not come from the royal family.

"Its okay, your highness. Since you, jeonghan-ssi, can talk back to me, i assume you are fine. Then, how about helping me with my work? You know, since you are fine," jisoo said with a smile which make jeonghan thing jisoo is mocking him. But no, jisoo is not mocking, he ask seriously.

"Oh yes!," the queen said happily and that make jeonghan's jaw drop. Look, jeonghan have no problem in helping but a)he just done crying and b)why the heavan his mother feel so happy and excited for it?

"Jeonghan-ssi, i'm waiting," jisoo said as he motion the boy to get his ass beside him now "ah, yes" jeonghan quickly get up. He dont know why but theres something in jisoo's voice that feel like everything he say is a command and you cant say no.

"Ah, your highness," jisoo said to the queen "can i get your permission to command jeonghan-ssi to do anything i want? That related to the garden for sure," this seriously make jeonghan's jaw drop lower. Who is he to ask something like that? Huh, not that the queen will give the per-

"Oh yes! Yes yes! Of course you can," the queen said with a happy tone and even shining eyes "i will leave the two of you here alone. Jeonghan, do behave and do what ever jisoo told you okay?"

"O-okay, mom," the queen smile before walking out from the garden.

"Now, yoon jeonghan-ssi"

"Its a prince for you," jeonghan stated. He honestly dont care with the name but after what happen, he demand some respect from the gardener.

"Fine, then, prince, please lift all this pots," he points to the pots that at least have 15 of it and maybe even more "to the store there," he points to the store at the corner of the garden and it sure too far away.

"All this? All by myself? It's too far and this pots are heavy not to mention how many it is"

"Yes," and with that jisoo leave him stand there dumbfoundly, start trimming the bushes. Jeonghan want to just run away and leave jisoo alone, well, jisoo have no choice then do it alone after that. But if he don't do it, the mother will know and well, he dont want to get any punishment from his mother cause his mother is the scarriest woman he ever know when she mad.

I hate that boy! Who does he think he is?!

Happy birthday to one of the main vocal for svt, seungkwannie!! I love you so much. Here some of seungkwan for you guys💕 kwanlanghae!

 Here some of seungkwan for you guys💕 kwanlanghae!

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Boyfriend material 💕

Boyfriend material 💕

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How can he be that cute!! SEVENTEEN is so lucky to have him ;)))

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How can he be that cute!! SEVENTEEN is so lucky to have him ;)))

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