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"Cheol, seok," jeonghan called as he look outside of the big black shining window, right to the empty garden. They are at the office room anyway.

"Ew, dont called me seok. That's sound weird," seokmin complain before seungcheol elbow him and make the younger shut his mouth thightly. But jeonghan didn't care no, he dont heard that cause his mind bring him to the other world already.

"Jeonghan, whats wrong?," seungcheol asks. Eventhough he find jeonghan is annoying sometime, he still care about the latter.

Jeonghan sighs "help" is the only thing he said, eyes still fix on the garden. No, jisoo is not there by the way.

"Help with what?," seokmin asks.

"Dont know"

The servants look at each other, dumbfound with the answer.

"You dont know what?," seungcheol asks for both of them.

"Thats the problem. I dont know. I have something in my mind and i dont know how to think about it,"  jeonghan replies, more detail this time eventhough it still confused his friends.

"Is this about that jisoo kid?," seungcheol try to guess which finally hit the bulleye when jeonghan finally give the full attention to them.

"Maybe or maybe not"

"Hyung, are you thinking about shua hyung?," seokmin asks.

Jeonghan and seungcheol frowns "who shua?"

"Oh sorry, that is jisoo hyung's other name, joshua. He told me before when we working together"

Jeonghan hums, still frowning though why does joshua sound familiar when this is my first time hearing it? Maybe its one of the worker name.

"No," jeonghan denied.

"Jeonghan i'm one hundred percent sure your mind is full with him. Thats why you avoid the boy right?"

"What do you mean? I did not avoiding him," jeonghan said with a small pout.

"Yeah, thats why we're here when you have nothing to do and that also why you only go out from your room to eat and yeah, that also why you keep daydreaming. Should i countinue?," seungcheol mocks.

"Okay, but..i dont know. I might avoiding him but i..well, also..uhmm longing? to see the boy"

"You miss him," seokmin point out "and if you miss him, why dont you just talk to him like before? Meet him?"

"Boy, you think i dont want to do that? I want okay? I cant do it"

"Scared that you might have a love feeling to the said boy?," seokmin said.

"Oh my, seokminnie, thats sound cheesy"

Seokmin rolls his eyes to the comment, done with the prince. He dont even know his feeling yet he say im being cheesy? Touche.

"You found that cheesy cause you never be in love before," seungcheol said with a smile which jeonghan reply with a death glare.

Seokmin quickly interrupting the dorks in front of him wanting to prevent the upcoming fight, he once witnessing them fought before and it is the lamest things ever cause they end up pulling each other hair like a girl, gosh, even girls nowadays didnt do that anymore "are you afraid cause of the will? Cause you cant fall in love with him? Cause what you will face in next couple of months?"

Is thats why i try my best to avoid him? Heck, am i even in love with him?

Jeonghan groan as his head pounding, too much thinking "forget it. I dont want to talk about that anymore. Not even about jisoo. Anyway, how my mom? Its been days i didnt see her"

My Gardener |jihan|Where stories live. Discover now