enam《spend time even for a while》

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Its been a week since jeonghan use all his energy at the garden helping and since then, jeonghan try his best to avoid the garden. Don't get him wrong, he just afraid if he walk pass there again, jisoo will call him and ask him to do everything. Its tottaly fine if jisoo just want a bit of his help but do mostly everything? Please, no.

Except for today. He decide to meet the gardener again and maybe, MAYBE, help him in something and then run away again if jisoo ask him do too many heavy things.

He told seokmin to not accompany him cause he is not a baby anymore, that need someone to look over him 24h per day. Anyway, he only go to the garden. Tsk. So seokmin agree cause he might or not might have want to spend time with the palace's nurse. Same goes to seungcheol and the guard accept it happily saying he is busy (cause apparently the palace have a newbie guard named chan and he happily want to help the younger cause he find the boy is cute).

Then there jeonghan is, standing at the heart of the garden, scanning the place to see no one there. Where is that boy? He sighs, slightly dissapointed by it. To be honest, he had wait all night and he feel kinda excited to meet the boy that morning. He need to admit that he feel comfortable with the latter since jisoo is the only one who attend him like a real friend (cause he drops all the formality and he kinda love it). Sure seokmin and seungcheol are more than his servants but they still act like one sometime.

Jeonghan decide to sit down at the hut, waiting for him but after 5 minutes, jisoo is still out from his gaze. He then make his way to the library, grab the recent book he read and bring it to the hut, opting to finish it while waiting for jisoo there. Yeah, he still want to meet the gardener.

An hour pass and jeonghan start to give up on reading the book in his hold. Its not the book's fault though. He been reading the same paragraphs in repeat and it start to tire him out. Why did he read it on repeat? Cause his mind is full with jisoo like when will the boy come?

Soon, he decide to left the the garden and spend his time at his room alone. He then close his book, marking the page when someone approaching him.

"Oh, hi, jeonghan-ssi," hearing the sweet voice make jeonghan turn his head and grinning a bit as his eyes land on the smiling jisoo.

"Seem like you kinda excited to see me," jisoo points out while jeonghan rolls his eyes playfully.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting here all morning," jeonghan asks as the gardener take a sit beside him, like always, still keeping some distance.

"Why? Miss me?," jisoo ask and for the first time since jeonghan meet him, he teases.

"Hmmm i don't think i miss you but i more like want to meet you, thats all," jeonghan admits.

"Ah, i feel honoured to know the second prince of Ruby Kingdom wanting to meet me," jisoo said with  smile which make jeonghan chuckled a bit "oh, jisoo-ssi, where does all the confidence come from?"

Jisoo just smile as the reply and jeonghan take it as the answer. Well, not all question need an answer.

"So, uhm, tell me bout yourself," jeonghan said, starting the conver.

"Nothing extraordinary. My name is hong jisoo, you know that already. I'm actually 20 years old but its not official yet since my birthday still far away. I love nature and plants especially flowers," jisoo answer "how about you, yoon jeonghan-ssi"

"Well, you already know my name. I am also 20 years old and my birthday is last month. I love flowers too and nature so we are the same! Oh and i love reading too,"

Jispp then look at the book in the ravenette's hands, slightly sniling and say "i see"

Out of nowhere someone's voice come "prince yoon jeonghan!" Then, without even glance to whoever the own of the voice is, jeonghan stand up and turn to jisoo "i need to go now. It sure a lovely evening with you, hong jisoo-ssi"

"Then, thanks for spend your precious time with me, yoon jeonghan-ssi"

Jeonghan nods a bit before making his way out of the garden, to the one who calling his name which is lee seokmin himself.

That night, jeonghan cant forget about his and jisoo's small meeting. He need to admit he like to spend the time with jisoo even for awhile. Well, he also need to admit, he find a comfort with the gardener now and decide to visit him more often.

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