dua puluh《not love?》

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Everyone were so relieve when jisoo and jeonghan reached the palace. Seokmin even cry his heart out as he hug the prince. Jeonghan's shadows, Jeon Wonwoo and Xu Minghao almost got fired but jeonghan insisted that if they want to punish anyone, its him because he's the one that pursued them to shut their mouth. But his brother, Jeonghee come up and said no one should be punish and jeonghan do need some alone time.

Another good news is, its confirmed that Jeonghee will stay as the Crown Prince because they finally admit Jeonghee's ability as a great king. But with one condition, the next king after Jeonghee must come from the Royal Family and Jeonghan is the one who will choose.

- 3 days later -

Jeonghan currently is sitting at his hut, waiting for Jisoo and Seokmin. Both boys left the palace, saying they want to buy something at Pearl Market to buy something. he prince look down to the so-called love bracelet that still have a rose quartz color. His mind cloud with questions and one of it and the most important for Jeonghan is 'why does the color didn't change at all?'

"what a beautiful bracelet you wear Jeonghan," the said boy look up to see Seungcheol who flashing a smile toward him before land his butt beside Jeonghan "but why does you look at it with a frown?"

jeonghan sighs heavily before blurts "the color didn't change. that what bother me now"

"what color should change?", seungcheol frowns "you mean this bracelet will change it color? are you trying to pull a joke on me, yoon jeonghan?"

"I'm not, idiot," the prince snaps "and yes, I'm expecting this bracelet's color to change few days ago"

the answer just confused seungcheol more "why should it change?"

"this my friend, a love bracelet that i buy at Amethyst. the color of this rose quartz beads will change depend on how and when you will meet your true love," jeonghan explains.

a long of 'oohhhhh' escape the guard's mouth before he ask another question "so, you wanna say that you think you already meet your true love?"

the prince of Ruby nods "yes, i think i have found mine but the color won't change," he pouts.

"what color do you expect it to change then?"


"blue? why?"

"because something sad happen as you know and as i pass through all that i think i already found him. he is there for me and i love him but the rose quartz color still remain"

seungcheol hums, trying to observe jeonghan's problem "maybe it's because your love for him is not enough? i means, your love for him when you think he's the one is actually not strong enough to consider he as your true love? or maybe he is not even your true love. this love thing, jeonghan, obviously need to connect two heart so maybe he didn't think you as his one and only. and what if your love to him just a crush feeling but not love?" seungcheol throws as many possibility as he can while jeonghan just listening with a wide eyes and dropping jaw cause what he can only conclude from seungcheol's words are 'jisoo is not for him' and that thought never cross his mind, not even once. my love is not enough? not strong enough? not my true love? he never thought that jisoo is not his, yes he don't know how jisoo think about him because he just that confident, just that sure that jisoo and he is mean to be. whatever happening he already claim the gardener.

seungcheol realize jeonghan's suddenly because gloomy as the boy start to breath heavily so he quickly said "or maybe it just need more time jeonghan-ah. love do not come that quick. just wait and et your heart truly decide. its not come from mind like you think you love him and BOOM you and he is soulmate. no. not like that. let your heart judge it, okay"

hearing that calm jeonghan a bit. he released a sigs before said "maybe you are right. maybe i do need more time. yes, i love him but maybe it just need more time, right, seungcheollie?' the guard nods in agreement "thanks for the advice"

"anyways, this boy is jisoo right,?" hearing jisoo's name come out heat jeonghan's cheeks. oh no, his secret.

"i-is it that o-obvious,?" he know he just need to admit it.

"yes, especially to us, who stuck with you 24 hours. you think why does wonu and hao let jisoo meet you at the waterfall?" seungcheol grins. that kind of grin that make jeonghan feel like he wanna punch the boy's face. ugh, i forgot that i told he and seokmin what happen. I shouldn't fall in seokmin's puppy eyes.

"Wait is that mean, there's a high possibility that jisoo know this as well," jeonghan asks with a wide eyes, now standing and a please-tell-me-no look.

"who know?," seungcheol's grin become wider.

jeonghan shakes his head, didn't want to believe it but seungcheol just keep smiling, that of course just trigger the boy more. so, out of frustration and embarrassment, he start to scream "AAAHHHHHHH!!!!," while seungcheol just sit there, look at the screaming and frustrating prince in amusement.

"jeonghan-ssi, stop screaming," the sudden interruption voice startled both rubian, make the price shut his mouth quickly. seungcheol now trying his very best to not burst on laughing as he see jeonghan's horror face.

jisoo start opening his mouth once again "j-" but jeonghan cuts it off, start screaming back and just storming away from them. seungcheol can't hold it anymore, start laughing like a maniac.

"HAHAHAHAHA," jisoo look at himwith a frown.

"is jeonghan-ssi fine,?" he still asks anyway.

seungcheol who now had stop laughing but still panting answer "yeah, he's fine don't worry about him"

"you sure? i just witness him at that state once. so does it mean, he always like that,?" jsioo asks.

"just when he feel frustated. but you said you had saw him screaming like that before? when?," seungcheol asks with a smirks, make jisoo eyes him suspiciously but still answering it nonetheless.

"the day when we went hang out till late. i'm sure its a day when that night invite him to join me to Amethyst"

"ah, yes, yes. i do remember that night. so you see he screamed when you two hang-out. give me more tea," jisoo give his best puppy eyes but the gardener just laugh as a reply.

"you sound like my friend, seungkwan. but i thought you must follow jeonghan-ssi, anywhere he go?"

seungcheol pouts "you are no fun," he whines before standing up and walk away. jisoo look at him with a chuckles. deep inside his heart, he is glad that everything become normal and actually be more better than before. moments of him enjoying the nature pass before something cross his mind. he quickly look at his watch. 10:30 a.m. jun will come in an hour. i should get ready. huh, its been a month and two weeks and i still cant believe i make this decision. feel like it just yesterday i ask mom and dad's permission.

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