enam belas《prince?》

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A week has passed since the queen had gone. The whole castle is full with sorrow and silent. No one dare to talk loud like before. No talking. No giggling. No laughing. Its a supposed to be a very calm moment but its actually a very deathly one, especially for jisoo who had been there for a month only and have no one. But jisoo understand it. The country just lost their queen. The king lost his queen. The princes lost their mother.

Speaking of prince, it also been a week since jisoo see jeonghan. He guess the boy is just too sad, too broken and decide to stay at his room. Jisoo really want to go to jeonghan and comfort him, but is he allowed to go to jeonghan's room? Its a big no in his place though so he decide to just wait to jeonghan at the garden, even if it take months.

But the whole silent situation change recently. The palace become more lively but jisoo can tell that its definitely not in a good way. Now, he keep see the king walk in and out everyday from the biggest hall at the heart of the palace after spend hours in. He also see an army of people trailing behind the king and jisoo know who they are, they are not the butlers but they are the ministers of the kingdom.

Jisoo, at this point, is so curious to know what actually happen and weird enough, all the other servants seem like acknowldege something, hearing them whispering something about jeonghan, jeonghee, crown prince, royal blood. But no one come to jisoo and tell the curious boy, leaving him with zero knowledge.

But today is way more different from other day. The king and the ministers once again go to the hall but this time, the yoon princes join them. Lookimg at them, Jisoo cant tear his gaze from jeonghan. Jeonghan look so souless, he look like he dont want to do anything he done and just follow where his legs take him. He look neat amd clean but look quite tired too, with a big eyebag under his preety eyes.

"Hi, jisoo hyung," he turn around to see a smiling familiar three boys approaching him. Jisoo start grinning as well.

"Hi seokminie, seungcheol and-," he stop, well this other boy is very unfamiliar, he never see this boy before.

"Im Lee Chan, a new guard here," chan explained.

"Ah, i see. Well, hi Chan," jisoo greets, giving a small waves "anyway, can any of you tell me whats going on here? I want to asks the other servants but im not close to any of them"

Seokmin and seungcheol share a glare, he deserve to know it too, seungcheol mouths. Seokmin nods.

"Its about the heir of this kingdom, hyung," seokmin began.

"What do you mean?," jisoo frowns.

"Well, the ministers demand prince jeonghee to give the tittle crown prince to prince jeonghan"

Jisoo gasps "really? Why?"

"You are not from here, so ypu dont know but jeonghee is not a biological son to the king and the queen and here you can also see that jeonghee is obviously  not jeonghan's real brother as well. Jeonghee is actually a son to the queen's best friend, which was one of the maid here. But jeonghee's real mother have died when she want to deliver him. Out of pity and love, the queen take jeonghee as his son and take care of him like he is one of her fam. Jeonghan know about this but it doesnt matter to him because he love jeonghee, in brotherly way, of course. Jeonghan, in fact, pleased when they announced that jeoghee will be the crown prince cause we know, he know that jeonghee deserve the tittle and because he also dont want to rule this kingdom. He enjoy his life as a prince but now, the queen had gone, the minister demand jeonghan to take the role.

"But the king is still alive, the should know that the ling is more powerful than them, right?"

"Yes he is but i think they want to argue because the king also didnt have a blood royal running inside him"

"Wait, what?!"

"Yeah, the queen is the only one that have a royal blood and she is the only child. The king's dad was a guard, not the normal one but he was one of the shadow. The king and the queen grow up together and the queens parents adore jeonghan's dad so much. They let them be friend that turn to a couple and a married couple"

"Isnt that also mean jeonghan-ssi is not true royal blood too?"

"But at least, he have half of it while jeonghee dont. But for us, even jeonghan, jeonghee deserve the crown. Jeonghee is smart, kind and charimastic. He can handle problem better than jeonghan"

"So thats why they are all busy recently. They are fighting over this thing.. and i supposed today is the day they give the last desicion?"

"No, not today we think. Its the first time the princes join this discusion maybe in two days later," jisoo nods.

"Uhm, beside this thing, how about jeonghan? Is he doing fine after the queen gone?"

"No, hes not really doing well at the first three days. He keep crying and crying. Maybe its because he didnt get the chance to talk to the queen for the last time, thats why he is too broken when she gone. But then, he start getting better, talk to us more and eat more but then, this thing start making him stress again. He surely having a hard time now," seokmin's word make jisoo both feel sad and mad. The ministers are so cruel for jisoo. How dare they bring this things up when the queen just had gone for a week and they are also so rude. The desicion had make, why the hell they want to fight over it again? Jisoo understand why they want to do it, they dont want another non royal blood king and jeonghee is a son to maid, at least, the king is the son of the shadow. But he know that that is not what saddened jeonghan the most.

"He must hate me so much now, right?,"jisoo sighs "if he i didnt ask him, he will not join me and if he didnt join me he will stay at the palace and have more time with the queen and get to talk with her for the last time. Its my fault for he be that sad" guilty rose inside him.

Seokmin vigurously shakes his head, disliking jisoo's thought "no hyung, its not your fault. I dont even think that jeonghan blame you to any of this. Please dont hate yourself," he pouts, jisoo give him a weak smile, wary with the answer since it didnt come out from jeonghan.

But beside all those shockening news and guilt, it still a best day for him after this whole week. He finally know something and talk to someone again. The conver then countinue with jisoo interviewing chan and the rubians talks about their childhood while jisoo hearing about it attentively. Then, after two hour or so, the three excise himself saying that the meeting is over and they need to be there with jeonghan. But they still promise that they will come and talk to him again tomorrow and tell him anything that happen inside the hall if even jeonghan open his mouth or the prince give a permission to tell jisoo. Jisoo smile and nods at them, happy to hear it.

But the sad and guilt come back when jeonghan walk passed him, not even spare a glance to him.

Jeonghan-ssi, do you hate me that much?

I think this chap and the next chap will be in jisoo's pov before jeonghan take turn again.

I think this chap is so emotionless tho.

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