tiga belas《love bracelet》

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After take a breakfast with his fam and all, jeonghan and seokmin walk together to the gate, meeting jisoo there. Jeonghan cant help but smile as soon as his eyes land on the boy, though the boy not do anything or so.

"Hi hyunggie," seokmin greets as he run toward jisoo and hug him. Jeonghan envy that. He want to run to jisoo and hug him but the boy will surely thing hes not feeling well again.

"Hi, seokminie, good morning jeonghan-ssi," thats the other thing that make jeonghan feel upset. Jisoo still call him in a formal way and he bet everything he have that he is the closest with jisoo. But the boy still dont want to call him in informal way. Ugh.

Sooner than later, the three start making their way to Amethyst Village with jisoo walk between the rubians.

After ten minutes or so, the three boys finally arrived. "Welcome to my hometown," seokmin said, stretching his arm widely with a broad smile. "So, first i will take you guys to the mini market and im sure the two of you will love how traditional it it. There you can find so many interesting things and foods"

Walking through the village, all eyes land on jeonghan. Well, whoever in that place dont know who jeonghan is? The most rightful prince at the ruby kingdom. Males look at him with envy while the girls look at him like he is the most perfect person in the world. Well, where is the lie? He have a very angelic face, smart and true royal blood.

But jeonghan never take that as a  advantage at all. Jeonghan is still jeonghan. He is still one of the kindest and humble prince. He greets all the elder they passed with respect and even play with some kids they meet. He give a smile to anyone, a warm-hearting smile. Jisoo smile through all that and even proud of it. Im glad i make this desicion.

More walking and they finally arrive at the market. Its quite crowded, loud yet still cheerful. The salesman shouting to attract the people. The conver between the salers and buyers. The loud laugh between the kids that running happily at the market. In instant, jisoo and jeonghan can feel the warm feeling in their heart.

They start their walk, eyeing every stalls they pass and stop at some of it. Then they found a stall where it sale tons of great new book and jeonghan managed to buy some local novel that he found interesting and of course seokmin is the one that need to hold it.

After walking for good 15 minutes or so, seokmin stop them at a stall that sell a traditional cakes, bahulu. Bahulu is  like a small cake if you dont know.

"Please give us this 10 and for drink, we want a choco ice, coconut drink and a mango juice," seokmin order

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"Please give us this 10 and for drink, we want a choco ice, coconut drink and a mango juice," seokmin order.

While that, jeonghan wandering to the next stall that sell a tons of preety bracelets and necklace. But among all those preety thing, jeonghan pick a really cute simple rose quartz bracelets.

 But among all those preety thing, jeonghan pick a really cute simple rose quartz bracelets

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The lady that owned the stalls smile "good morning, your highness. Seem like the love bracelet catch your eyes the most"

Jeonghan smile in amusement "love bracelet?"

"Yes, love bracelet. It have a magic in it. Whoever wear this bracelet will find their true love. And when that happen, the colour of thr beads will change," the lady explained.

"Change?," jeonghan raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, it will change depend on how you meet your soulmate or how you realise that they is the one. If it change to red, you have a fight when you realise it. If it yellow, thats mean you are happy when you meet them and if it blue, you are sad when you know them," jeonghan take another look at the bracelet before he turn to jisoo who still waiting at the stall with seokmin. The saler seem like have a problem with his money.

"Does this thing really work?"

"How about you try it? No need to pay, i will give it as a gift for you. Its a special bracelet and well, you are actually need this. Only people who need this will attracted with this love bracelet. Those who are madly in love with their soulmate is the only one that attracted to it. This bracelet work like a comnecter, the explainer. They told their owner that the person is really the one"

Jeonghan smile "okay, i'll take it. Thanks," he said as he put it on his left arm "anyway, may i know your name?"

"I'm jung sowon, mean wish. I will make all your wishes come true," she said with a sweet smile.

 I will make all your wishes come true," she said with a sweet smile

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This is my girlfriend yall.

Jeonghan chuckles at her word "thank you sowon-ssi" the girl nods before jeonghan walk back to jisoo and seokmin that now waiting for him.

"You buy a bracelet?," seokmin asks, eye looking at the said thing on jeonghan's wrist.

"Yeah, its preety," jeonghan replied as his eyes glaring at smiling jisoo which make him blush.

Seokmin shrugs "lets eat at the field over there. While eat, we can watch the kids playing with their kites"

"Thanks for accompany me," jisoo said.

"Its fine, i miss my hometown anyway," said seokmin, the boy that last night nearly snap jeonghan's head bcs the prince make a desicion for him.

"And its been months i didnt go out from the palace so its fine to me too"

The three then start rambling about random thing, laughing, enjoying the time together when suddenly someone shout his named.

"Your highness, jeonghan!!!," the turn around to see a tall guy running toward them.

"Mingyu?," jeonghan and seokmin said in the same time. Jisoo look at them, they know who that boy is?

But before he get to ask the two, the running boy finally reach them. The boy, who still patting for air, put his hand on jeonghan's shoulder.

"T-the queen-," jeonghan eyes widened hearing that. He then quickly run toward the palace, leaving the three behind. At that time, the only thing he have in his head is he need, no must arrived at the palace as soon as he need. 

But at the middle of his run, suddenly a guy in black that ride a horse stop him, the shadow. The guy then put off a mask that covering his face before he get down from the horse.


"Take this horse your highness,: jeonghan nods, getting up on the horse.

"Thanks," wonwoo nod before jeonghan start riding as fast as the horse can.

Please dont leave me. Please wait for me. God, please have some mercy for me. Please.

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