lapan belas《protect me》

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After lost for a while, jisoo finally found the waterfall, thanks to the sound of the waterfall itself.

"Jeonghan!," he shouts, dropping all the formalities which is not important at all at this rate. He look around with a help from the moonlight. Oh please let is beam as long as it can, at least till he find the missing prince.

"Jeonghan!," he shouts again but hia voice sink into the loud water splashing sound. He try to look behind the trees, at the big rocks until his eyes meet a black figure near the waterfall, leaning on the trees with face on the laps.

But before jisoo can create any movement, suddenly, two boys appear in from of him, scare the hell out of him. No doubt, the boys are The Shadow.

"Who are you?," the more skinny boy asks.

"I-im jisoo hong. A gardener at the place," he replied.

"Yes its him, minghao. You can smell a flowers scents on him and he do sound like the new gardener," the other boy with a deep voice said "we're sorry, jisoo-ssi"

Jisoo nods "i-its okay" and with that the boys vanished with the winds. Jisoo spends a few seconds to process back what happen, before he make his move to the figure that now he confirmed must be Yoon Jeonghan.

"Jeonghan?," and the boy look up. With the moonlight, jisoo can see that he is indeed jeonghan but hes not the jeonghan that he used to see before. Old jeonghan have a very shining eyes with a very heart-warming smile but this jeonghan look like a mess. His eyes are swollen, tears rolling down on his cheeks. This jeonghan broke jisoo's heart into a million piece.

"J-jisoo?," jeonghan's eyes widened and without hesitation he flung his body to jisoo which the emaraldian glad to accept. Jeonghan's arm wrapping jisoo's neck while jisoo's on the boys back with the rubian wetting his shoulder.

"Shh shh..its okay, jeonghan-ssi, im here. Let it all go. Cry as much as you want. I will not leave you," jisoo whispers the sweet nothing. At least, it soothing the rubian prince a bit.

The scene where jeonghan crying his heart out while jisoo hold him tightly countinue for  a good two minutes before the cry turn to a soft sobs and jeonghan then push himself from jisoo.

"I-im need to see me crying?" Jeonghan hiccups. Jisoo frows.

"Why are you saying for jeonghan-ssi?", jisoo asks with a soft voice "its okay if you want to cry. You are now facing a hard time. Dont hide your tears"

"B-but i..i should act more mature. I-im 20 years old and a prince"

"But that doesnt meant you cant cry. No need to act all strong when you are hurting. Just cry all your tears and dont refrain yourself. Oh, jeonghan-ssi, i wander how hard you held your tears back till you need to come  here. Dont be sad alone, prince. We are here for you. Im here for you. We are ready to help you, ready to support you and make you feel loved"

"But i will look so childish then," jeonghan pouts.

"And thats what make you look cuter and sweet," jeonghan blushs. At least, it make he forget about all his problem, drowning into jisoo's sweet words.


"Really," with a smile, jisoo pull jeonghan's arm, caughing the rubian's off guard before he melt into jisoo's hold. Jisoo hugs the boy. and mak jeonghan's face lay on his chest, letting jeonghan listen to his heartbeat. Jeonghan blushs harder hearing how loud jisoo's heart at first before it slowly slow down a bit. He snuggles more to jisoo's chest and shift his position a but to comfort himself.

"Are you hugging me because you want to protect me?," jeomghan whispers, loud enough just to make sure jisoo heard it.

Jisoo smile hearing the words "yes jeonghan-ssi"

"Protect me from all the sadness? All the scary thing? Keep the nigtmares and those monster away from me?," jeonghan dont know why he ask that but he did.

"I'll try my best to protect you, my prince," jisoo murmurs, patting the prince's hair softly, slowly drown him to sleep.

"From all the vampires even?," jeonghan mutters.

"Sleep, jeonghan-ssi," and with that jisoo shifts their body, makig their back meet the ground and jeonghan's head on his arm, near his shoulder.

Jeonghan uncounciously snuggels into jisoo's neck and slowly his mind start to shut down as jisoo humming a lullaby. Sooner, both boys fall into a deep sleep. Feel too comfortable in each other embrance. Nature surrounding them, comfort and happiness hugging them to sleep, letting the night pass with relief.

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