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"N-no?," jeonghan stammers. He dont expect the boy name jisoo will reject his idea in this instant with a smile. Is he provoking me?

"Yeah, i cant go with you now cause im still busy but im free this evening. I can go with you at that time," jisoo said and the word seriously make jeonghan want to hug the latter but also kick the boy.

"Okay, then, i will wait for you at the stable around 3. We will riding a horse"

Jisoo nods in agreement before spurts "anyway, do you want to hel-"

"Yes, dad? Ok!! Im coming!!," jeonghan cuts off the boy before run away, leaving the laughing jisoo behind.

After 45 minutes riding the horse side by side, talking about a random thing (or it more like jeonghan talking show) jeonghan finally announced that they have arrived. Jisoo get down from the horse and take a good view of it, awing the place.

 Jisoo get down from the horse and take a good view of it, awing the place

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Waterfall. The scenery is so magnificent. The birds chirping and the sound from the water that splashing on the stones is so satisfying.

Jeonghan, wasting no time, quickly make his way to the biggest stone, putting off his shoes and sinking his white pale feets into the water.

"Jisoo, come here! The water is so cold,"jeonghan said, looking so happy which make jisoo cooed. Happy and excited jeonghan is a cute jeonghan.

Jisoo follow what jeonghan do, put his shoe beside jeonghan's and sit at the closest stones. Not too close, not too far. Like always.

"I found this place when im still 12," jeonghan began "actuall, we are at the place that my dad restrict me to come, with or without anyone. I guess its because im still a kid back then, thats why he prevent me to come here. But being a rebellious kid i am, i wait for both of my parents and Jeonghee hyung to go out from the palace and come here alone. Seokmin and seungcheol is still too young at that time so they dont follow me everywhere like now. I told my butler and maid that i felt under the weather and just wanna stay in ny room, which they believe it and after an hour or so I sneak out from my room and go to the stables, take random horse and yeah, i found this place. Im not really scared wandering the forest here alone because we have The Shadow," jisoo frowns.

"The shadow?"

"Yep, they are like the guards at the palace but special. They will follow us everywhere we go but they will not show their face. Like a ninja! They are so quite and fast and if something bad happen and we're not ready, they will protect us. That is the shadows. I really admire them and i even be friends with two of them"

"So thats mean, theres someone following us secretly?," jisoo awed. Wow, maybe i can use this idea at Emerald too.

"Yeah, not someone, mine is my friends, but i can't reveal their identity," jisoo nods, understood the mess that will happen "anyway, back to my story, after wandering i finally found this place and i never forgot how to come here back bcs the shadows remember it and it just take four time to come here regularly befor i finally remember the way"

"You are a naughty prince, aren't you," jisoo teases.

"Hey, because of that i found this cool place and you should be happy because you get a chance to see this beautiful hidden place.  This place seriously a hidden gem of Ruby Kingdom", jeonghan said with a proud smile.
Jisoo cant feel that warm feeling in his chest. He really love his kingdom by loving this place. The place where no one wil come except for those who lucky and we, im so lucky. Im glad to have him.

Jeonghan, on the other hand, start blushing madly because of the burning stares from jisoo to him. His heart beating fast, gulping every now and then.

"Jeonghan-ssi," jisoo's sweet voice call softly. Shivering, he turn to jisoo, meeting the boys's brown orbs. Jeonghan melt. He melt in the soft but still burning gaze that jisoo give.

Jeonghan can feel his face start heating up "y-yeah?" eyes looking everywhere but jisoo. He cant look at that eyes anymore, at least for now. He cant. He really cant. He dont want to melt and drown into this feeling. The feeling where he know will just suffering him sooner than later.

"Do you want to date me?" Jisoo asks with a soft voice with a charming smile.

But that calm voice make jeonghan go crazy. D-did he just ask me out? OMG OMG OMG!! Gosh my heart beating too loud, too fast. Ah! He will heard it! Okay, calm down yoon jeonghan. Calm down. You cant fall in love with that boy. No you cant. But-
Jeonghan look at the boy's calm face once again oh my goodness, screw that will. That cant make me happy, but i know jisoo can. I just need to explain this later to my parents and i know they will understand me. I hope they does.

"Jeonghan-ssi," jisoo called him, frowning, might be worried for jeonghan weird behaviour in front of him.

"Yes, yes i do," jeonghan reply, smiling sheepishly and he swear there is like a real butterfly in his stomach.

Jisoo sighs in relief, smile still on his lips. The emeraldian boy scoots closer to jeonghan while the rubian boy nearly throw up and faint, right there.  Jisoo scoots too close that now, their nose meet each other. Jeonghan shuts his eyes tightly. After reading too much clíches story, he know jisoo will give him a soft kiss. Jeonghan ready his lips, puckering like a duck, for jisoo to kiss. But seconds later, the kiss is still not there and he even start to lose the contact on his sharp nose. Still, jeonghan didnt dare to open his eyes, afraid that the first thing he see is jisoo's eyes which can surely make he faint in instant.

Moments later, he feel a hand on both of his shoulder which make jeonghan's heart now beating in animalistic way.

"Jeonghan," he heard jisoo called his name, he hums as a reply.



"Jeonghan!!," jisoo's shouting make the boy quickly open up his eyes, meeting a frowning jisoo.

"W-whats wrong?," have i done anything wrong?

" whats wrong?' Jeonghan-ssi i think im the one that should i aks you that question. Whats wrong with you? Why did you suddenly shut your eyes? Ive been calling your name for nth times and that just make you shut your eyes more tightly and why did yu puckered your lips like that? Jeonghan-ssi, your body even trembling too. Are you okay? I think the fever still affect you a bit. Should we go to the palace now?" Jisoo asks in concern. Jeonghan didnt answer that, still processing what just happen.

Wait. D-did i imagining that thing? Oh my god. Jeonghan!! How can you imagine such thing? Unbelievable jeonghan. Really!

With that, jeongan, out of nowhere start screaming frustatingly. Scared the hell out from jisoo.

"Are you okay?" Jisoo asks.

But jeonghan didnt answer that, instead, he start screaming more. Jisoo take a step backward, letting the boy have some alone time.

After jeonghan stop and calming himself a bit (for minutes) jisoo start to talk.

"Uhmm..feel any better now?" Jeonghan look at him with a tired face and teary eyes after screaming on the top of his lung. But jisoo take that wrongly, thought the boy is crying.

"Whats wrong? Are you crying? Have i done anything wrong?" Jeonghan blink his tears away, finally respond it calmly "im okay and im not crying. Dont worry"

"Okay, then, should we go home now?," jisoo asks softly, which jeonghan nods.

They both then stand up and go to their horse. Jeonghan frowns as he see jisoo didnt get into his horse but instead he make his way to him with the horse's collar in his hand. Jisoo ignore the curious look jeonghan give and take jeonghan's horse's collar.

"What are you doing, jisoo?", jeonghan asks as jisoo start to pull the collar, make both horse follow his way.

"I feel like walking," is the only thing jisoo said. Jeonghan smile at it. Feel all warm inside him as they make their way to the castle.

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