dua puluh satu《why?》

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Jeonghan know he's not allowed to stay out from his room too long if it pass 2200 but he can't stop himself as he see jisoo sitting alone at the hut from the study room. He definitely not stalking the boy, ok? The reason he went to the study room is because he left his notebook and he jusy happen to see the gardener. He's not that phatetic, geez.

"Hi, jisoo," jeonghan greets the said boy with a smile.

Jisoo who startled by the sudden interuption quickly broke it with a smile as a reply "hi, jeonghan-ssi," he said "isn't it late already? What are you doing here and not sleeping?"

"Look, who's talking," the rubian prince teases, landing his butt beside jisoo. Since this time he's the one who come and sit, he make sure to sit as close as he can to the gardener who thankfully didn't scoots away.

"Well, I'm not the prince who still have a sleep schedule," jisoo sassily replies which earn a laugh from the other.

"Well, I saw you from the study room as I want to take my notebook. So, why not come here and meet you," he answers thrutfully before adding "Uhm, i didn't disturbing you or anything right?"

"Oh, no no. It's okay. The reason why I'm here actually because I want to enjoy the beautiful night. The stars up there remind me of Emerald. Make me miss my fam and friends and you here, make me happy once again"

Jeonghan blushes, thankfully it's quite dark does this boy know he's actually flirting with me? Then something across his mind. "Jisoo, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," jisoo nods.

"Why do you come here? I means, I do know you come here because you need to replace Mr. Song's duty for awhile but isn't it too much? You leave your county, your fam and friends just to come here as a replacement. I may not know you too much but spending time with you make me realize that you are well-educated, you even have a great manner. I'm so sure you can have a better job, better life in Emerald. What push you to make this decision and sacrifce everything you have at Emerald?"

Jisoo look at him with a smile "you do have lots to say, don't you?" Jeonghan instantly blushes in embarassment. Now, regretting his busy body self. Jisoo who realized it, quickly said "it's ok. Well, I'm not gonna tell you the whole reason but I can tell you that, I'm here for a mission," jeonghan raises his eyebrows.

"A mission?"

"A mission," jisoo repeats "I actually want to find and meet someone here"

"S-someone?" For some reason (which is obviously because of his crush reason) break jeonghan's heart. So, he sacrifice everything just because of this someone? Jeonghan know too well it's not him. Will never be him because.. he just know jisoo.

"W-who?," jeonghan chokes the words out.

"Hhmm I can't tell you but he's someone that special too me," jisoo answers.

"Your.. lover?," please say no. Please say no.

"You can say that," ok, that sound worst. Jisoo smile's, which always melted jeonghan's heart suddenly become a heartbreaker. He feel down, feel useless. Once again, he feel like he's surrounded with darkness. He feel trapped, like he's in a small room with no light. Suddenly, everything suffocated him.

I-it's that's why the bracelet didn't change it's color? He breath heavily. His heart beating in animalistic pace. Am I not good enough?

"Jeonghan-ssi? Hey, are you okay?," jisoo become alerted with the prince's sudden change. Jeonghan put his hand on his chest, trying to slow down the pace but nothing change. Jisoo panicked, hurried beside jeonghan."Ya, jeonghan, what's going on?"

"Your highness!," jisoo turn to the voice and spots both seungcheol and seokmin running toward them.

Arrived, seungcheol quickly reached the prince "breath jeonghan. Breath," he said.

"What do you think I try to do?," jeonghan snaps.

"It's okay," seungcheol didn't budge "follow my pace" jeonghan nods and as the time pass, the prince finally breath like usual.

'Are you okay,' is what jisoo want to ask but he's afraid that will triggered the prince once again. Though he don't know why he suddenly becoming like that.

Jeonghan see jisoo's worried face, quickly reassured the boy "I'm fine. Don't worry," he said, still calming his breath.

"Hyung have an anxiety but a minor one. He will only get the attack if it been triggered. Like something he don't and can't  hear, think or see. Something that he hate and the thing that make he feel down of himself." Seokim explains.

Jisoo bit his lower lips, feel guilty. Whatever the reason is, it's look like he's the one who triggered it.

"Should we go to your room now, prince?," seungcheol asks, earning a nod from the other.

Jeonghan get up, aware of jisoo's eyes on him. He can't look at the boy, he feel embarassed to burst suddenly like that. Now, jisoo know goddamn well my feeling toward him. Damn, yoon jeonghan. Why are you like this?

As they walked passed by, the emeraldian grabs jeonghab's arm, stopping him.

"I'm sorry," jisoo said. Jeonghan just look at him with a smile. Maybe jisoo don't realize it.

"Don't be. I'll meet you again, tomorrow?," jeonghan asks which jisoo nods enthusiastically, happy that jeonghan is still fine with him.

Jeonghan smiles "maybe I can help you with the garden too," he offers.

"No running?"jisoo asks with a smile

"No running," jeonghan replies with a sweet smile too, waving at the gardener a goodbye before walk away.

Jisoo sighs as the three of them is no longer there.

"Hey you okay?," jisoo startled with the voice. He turn to it.

"Oh, junnie," he greets as he spots the familiar face. Too familiallr actually "I'm good. Don't worry"

"What are you doing here at night all alone? You frightened me when I did't see you beside, okay," jun pouts.

"Sorry, I just want to enjoy the night," jisoo said with a smile as his ruffles the youngers haur

"Anyways, what with all the fuss earlier? I saw it," jun asks "seem like it's about the Rubian Prince"

"He got an anxiety attack," jun's eyes widened. "But he's good now"

Jun nods "oh by the way, we should sleep now, we need to left this palace at the early morning"

Jisoo look at him, puzzled before the reason cross his mind "oh yeah! Oh my, I promise jeonghan I'll meet him tomorrow. Oh no, I tottaly forget about it," jisoo sighs.

"His servant will tell him. Let's head to bed now" jisoo want to go and tell jeonghan but yeah, maybe seungcheol and seokmin will tell the boy this night. He sighs, following jun to their room.

I don't really know about anxiety okay? I think I have one. That is exactly how i feel when something make me hate myself. I need to check it with the doctor first before I confirmed it which I can't do now because I'm busy with exam. Oh and Jun's in the house yo!

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