dua puluh empat《waiting days》

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4 days since the servants go including Jisoo and that's also means, the preparation week had started. Jeonghan had tried his best to wake up in the early  morning of the next day he met his dad to say goodbye to Jisoo but it's late. Jisoo had gone and leave him. He nearly cried when he know it but he can't. The prepartion start at that day. He can't let anyone see that state of him or they'll asked why he cry. He can't say he cry because of Jisoo leaving without any words cause oh how people will look at him and rumors will start, so he keep it and cry later at the night with Seokmin and Seungcheol comforting him.

The hectic schedule he have seriously exhausting him and add the fact that his anxiety just get higher as the day passed didn't help  the prince at all. He feel like he'll throwed up eveytime he think about his wedding day and feel like he can faint in any moment. There's also time when he hope he can just run away from the castle and go to the waterfall or to Jisoo but he have promised the gardener he will never run away again. So he won't. He will keep his promise so Jisoo will keep the promise he mke at the waterfall.

Yes, having Seokmin near make he feel good but he just can't help himself and his dad is a liar for him now. His dad said he'll be too busy until he have no time to miss anyone yet he can't stop think about jisoo. It is true that he indeed busy, he need to choose the colors, foods and drinks, flowers etc but even at those, he wandering what will be Jisoo's liking cause beliefe or not he choose by what he think Jisoo will like. Hey, he's the one in charge, anyways, his choice is the mixed up between him and jisoo's fav. He had make sure to add more flowers and the colors he choose is royal blue with silver glitter to make it look like a stars in the night sky. Jisoo and him both love flowers and he know how much the boy also love space and not gonna lie, he start to think that the stars up there are his friends. The one that remind him to Jisoo the most. He don't care if the Emrald Prince like it or not. He's the one that choose and no one can say no to his words.

But even with all that, he still hating whatever he's doing now. The only happiness he feel is when he choosing and apart from that, the other just annoyed him. He want Jisoo and he don't want to get married with the stranger.

Today, like everytime he get free time for himself, he sit at hut again. The only place he can ease his mind. He lay there, enjoying the nature and the bird's chirping sound when Seungcheol and Seokmin come.

"Hyung," he got up as he heard the familiar voice.

"Hey!," he beams, waving enthusiastically. It's hard to meet the two friends of him at the moment until at some point he feel guitly for let seokmin stay cause he barely can meet the said boy.

"Just lay, Jeonghan, it's okay. We know you are tired now," seungcheol said as he and Seokmin join the prince, laying together.

"This remind me of our childhood,"Seokmin said cheekily make both elder smile. No doubt that the three of them miss their childhood so much. The time where they can play freely, where Jeonghan doesn't need to worry about the royal problem and just be a happy kid they are.

"Ha, can't believe you will get married in few days hannie," seungcheol start. Jeonghan sighs, at this rate, he don't feel like denying it anymore. How can he, anyway?

"Yeah, me too," he replied "how about you two? Don't have anyone at this moment, seungcheollie? Have any plan for the future?"

"I do," seokmin said "I'm dating one of the nurse here, yuju. You guys already know that. I will not work here after you go to Emerald. I will go back to my hometown, Amethyst and spend time with my fam and help them as well. Few years later if we are meant to each other, I'll marry her" jeonghan hums in sadness, when will he meet the boy again?

"I will stay here for a couple of years before I go to Amethyst back too and start a business there. Maybe I will get marry with my boyfriend too-"

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