tujuh《make new friends》

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The next following night, jeonghan has finish the book that he brought to the garden, thats why, he and two of his servants aka bff are in the royal's library right now. Usually, seokmin and seungcheol will just let him alone, searching the right book but not that night. They have something to ask to jeonghan.

"You seem like have a good relationship with that jisoo kid," seungcheol began and the question make jeonghan furrows his eyebrow.

"Yeah. He is a good and nice person" he said before mutturing not really.

"What was that, hyung," seokmin asks.

"Ah, haha, nothing i said this book not really my type," jeonghan smile as he motion the book in his hand and put it back to the shelve.

"Then, why dont you introduce him to us or vice versa?," thats seungcheol.

"Why does the two of you suddenly gain interest with him?," jeonghan asks as he pich up another book and examined the synopsis.

"Well, like you say, he is nice and good and why not, right? Anyway, he look quite handsome," seokmin said make jeonghan feel a bit proud and glad to hear it.

"What with the happy face?," seungcheol asks as he notice the beaming and delight expression coming from the prince.

"Oh haha, nothing," more like he dont know why the hell he even feel proud of it but, since he too lazy to know his own feeling, he shrugs.

"And he is kinda weird you know? Mysterious even" seokmin suddenly lower his voice, like he dont want anyone hear it but the two hyung in front him which is unnecessary since theres only three of them there. But this is seokmin, friend of one and only diva, seungkwab Boo.

"Mysterious? Pfftt," jeonghan laughs "hong jisoo? Mysterious? Nah, dont think so," he chuckles again, amuse by his friend's imagination.

"Well, do you know that no one in this palace know where is his room? That's weird," seokmin said with a horror face

"And that's weird, cause?," jeonghan said as he took another book while giving seungcheol the other book he had choose before.

How many book this boy want? Seungcheol mentally ask since he already have two novel with him and he is the one that suffering with the heaviness. (Which actually not a really a problem cause he strong but he just too tired and need something called sleep)

"Well..," seokmin bit his lips. Thats quite true though. What mysterious with the boy's room.

"Exactly, nothing serious about it and do you think when he walk around and meet someone he will randomly say 'hey, my room is this place. Cool isnt it'. Seokmin, he is not you," jeonghan rolls his eyes, tired with this useless conver and walk to the table to read one or two chap each book he had choose to see if it really interest him or not while the two boy following after him, sitting beside the boy with jeonghan at the middle.

"I think you guys talk about me," the sudden voice make the three of them flinch and seokmin fall from his seat to the floor.

"Hey, are you okay?," the voice (which is jisoo) said as he help the fall boy stand up.

"I-i'm okay," seokmin said sheepishly and with a animalistic beating heart. He feel a bit nervous since he just talk about the boy. Ha ha the world hate me.

"Hong jisoo-ssi, i told you to not do that ever again," jeonghan stated, doing a face to the now sit boy.

"I know. I'm sorry but i heard you guys talk about me so i want to know whats up and well, i think the two of you," he look to seungcheol and seokmin "have some question about me. You can ask, i dont mind answering" jisoo said with a genuine smile. Even with the sweet smile jisoo give, still make the said boys feel threatened. They dont know why but jisoo have that aura, that charisma and an alpha vibe if this is a werewolf au.

"W-well,"seokmin laughs awkwardly fuck you world "i..uhm, dont really have a question," he said while rubbing his nape "but, uhm..oh! Hi! I'm lee seokmin, the butler for prince jeonghan. I'm 18 and I already need to take care this young adult. Nice to meet you," seokmin said, quickly givimg his hand to do a handshake that jisoo gladly take. Meanwhile, jeonghan give a death glare at the youngest.

"And, i am Choi seungcheol. The personal guard. Nice to meet you," seungcheol do the same.

"Nice to meet the two of you. Im hong jisoo, the new gardener here"

"So hyung, where are you come from," seokmin asks wanting to know more about the elder since jeonghan seem like want to keep that boy just for himself. But that is just seokmin opinion and maybe seungcheol too.

"Ah, i actually not from here. Im from Emerald Kingdom," the place name make both seokmin and seungcheol turn their wide eyes to jeonghan who look a bit stiff, in sync and fast. Jisoo just smile at the reaction, knowing exactly what the three of them thinking about but of course, he will not talk about it or he will fail his mission. Huh, i miss Emerald but this is my desicion and now im getting closer with jeonghan so it worth it, jisoo cant help but thought about the country of his.

Back to jeonghan, he shrugs it off and start open the chosen book and take a look at the first chap

"Ah, i see. Wow, it must be so hard to be far away from your fam right," seokmin said, taking the hint that that jeonghan dont wanna pursue it.

"Yeah, i miss them," jisoo said with a small nods "oh, anyway, do any of you have free time tomorrow? I need some help at the garden," he asks which jeonghan happily answer

"Sorry, but i have some paper work i need to do tomorrow and i need to finish it"

"I cant help you either," seungcheol said "i need to help some new guard training"  (hint:guard)

"I can help!," seokmin say a lil bit too loud " this prince over here will spend all his time at the work room and usually the maids will help him there so i have free time tomorrow. Anyway, it will be more exciting cause i always have soft spot for nature"

Jisoo smile at the boy's word. Cute he think. "Great. I will treat you at the end of our work. I also hope you can come early cause we dont want to work till afternoon, do we?"

"Ok! And if you want, we can hang out at the evening?" Seokmin suggest.

"Oh, sure," jisoo agreed.

After that, the conver countinue with jisoo explaining what they will do, seungcheol take a small nap while jeonghan who seem like focusing on his book is not focusing at all. He feel quite uneasy and he dont know why. Perhaps because he need to stay in his room the whole day unlike the other. But he feel happy to say he can't come? He dont want to die in exhaustion anyways. Yeah! Thats true! Ha, lee seok min! You will experienced all the pain and exhaustion (cant denied, his back aching and soring for days after he helping jisoo but he also think that that means jisoo is a strong guy cause he can do it alone not to mention everyday)! But then jisoo will treat the younger like the lemonade. Hey, you can ask the maids to bring not one, not two but even ten of glass of lemonade if you want, prince. But get something from jisoo somehow make it special for him. Cause this is jisoo we talking about and jeonghan, again, dont know why he feel somethig like that. And somehow, jisoo do have a big magical affect on him. Sighs.

Aish, whats wrong with me? No, what have you gotten yourself to jeonghan?


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