sepuluh 《hi》

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Jeonghan feel so excited and happy and its because of the boy named jisoo. He might not running but he walk as fast as he could with heart beating fast out of joy and and smile that cant be wiped away (or it can, if jisoo is not the there). Few feets away from the garden and he suddenly turn around, making seungcheol and seokmin who trailing behind him stumble as they want to avoid jeonghan.

"Ugh, whats wrong with you?," seokmin asks, slightly annoyed.

"Listen," jeonghan said, grinning and the sight may or may not scared the servants a bit "i think you guys can leave me alone now. I want to meet him alone"

Seokmin frowns while seungcheol shruggs "why?" The sunshine asks.

"Cause i w-. Hey dont questioning my order," seokmin rolls his eyes.

"But i want to meet shua hyung. I miss him and i haven't meet him since you start avoiding him," hearing that make jeonghan shakes his head more violently.

"It's an order," is the only thing jeonghan said, making seokmin whines and walk away with unbothered seungcheol beside the complaining boy.

Quicken his pace more, jeonghan finally arrives at the garden and that result him to see the gentle sexy jisoo. The latter is wearing a white shirtless tops that reveals his very muscle hands is really enough to make jeonghan gulps. Well, whipped if we might say.

After a few moments in starring and jisoo finally notice the stunning prince of ruby kingdom. Jisoo throw a small wave and sweet smile at him which make the latter blush. Jisoo stand up and make his way to jeonghan "hi, jeonghan-ssi"

"H-hi, jisoo-ssi," he awkwardly wave back. Damn, jeonghan, way to make it go smoothly.

"How are you doing? Have you fully recover from your flu last week? Are you getting better now?," jeonghan smile as he nods, didnt want to open his mouth since we know, he didnt caught any flu. But..jisoo didnt need to know that much, right?

"Great. Oh and i'm so sorry, i touched you at that day, i shouldn't go that far and break the boundaries but i just want to help you cause im worried. I'm so sorry"

Jeonghan frowns. Boundaries? It is true that he come from a royal fam but theres no such boundaries in their fam life. They are just human that happen to lead the country. Thats all. Respect, yes but boundaries, no. Is that why he keep a distance from me? Maybe but maybe bcs he is a gentleman himself eventhough he never call me prince since the first day we met and i really didnt care at all. But the way he actes, always remind jeonghan that this jisoo kid must be trained to have a great manner. Ugh, if only jisoo is that boy. But jisoo is jisoo. The gardener. His gardener.

"Jisoo-ssi?," jeonghan called as an idea come into his brain.


"Do you want to spend time with me? I want to bring you to this really speacial place. I want to show a waterfall that i found years ago and i walk around the forest alone. Dont tell that to anyone. Will you come with me?" Jeonghan asks with shimmering eyes. This boy look so cute when hes excited. He take note in his head for eduactional purpose in the future.

"No," jisoo answers with a smile.

My Gardener |jihan|Where stories live. Discover now