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"It's boringggg," Jeonghan whines at changgu, his butler at the Emerald. They currently are out in Jisoo's garden. Eventhough he don't have a hut like Jeonghan did but there's a swing here and it surely where Jeonghan land his butt now.

"Jisoo always been busy since we come here. It's been a week already but we don't have time for ourself and not even sex," changgu chokes on that but Jeonghan didn't seem to care "can you believe it?"

"Y-your highness," changgu chokes out but got cutted off

"Jeonghan, you don't need to mention the last one to our poor changgu," both of them snapped their head to the voice to see Jisoo walk to them.

Jisoo then give a nods to Changgu, hinting at him to left them alone. Changgu, understand the motion, bows at both of them before walking away.

"It's not my fault. You are ignoring me," Jeonghan huffs.

"I'm not ignoring you hannie," jsohua sighs while Jeonghan blushing on the pet name. Joshua had start calling him with that name since they got married and it remind him to the past and hearing that everyday warm his heart and make him blush as well "I'm just a bit busy," jisoo countinued, now standing right in front of Jeonghan while the other wrapping Jisoo's waist with his arm, Jisoo's hand patting the Rubian's hair softly.

"Well, you should have spend more time with me. I feel so lonely. I still can't talk comfortably with the servants and.. and I miss Ruby. I miss Seokmin and Cheollie and my brother," jeonghan pouts, trary eyes look straight at jisoo's. Jisoo feel his heart clenched both sorry to him and enjoying the angel's look Jeonghan have.

"So, do you want to go back to Ruby?," Jisoo's question surprised Jeonghan.

"B-but, that's mean I need to left you here"

"But I don't know how to make you less missed your country and if that is the best for you, I will let you stay there," Jeonghan shakes his head.

"Why do you say something like that?," jeonghan cried "i don't want to stay away from you. I miss Ruby but I don't want to be apart from you," jeonghan bruied his face on Jisoo's stomach "I want to stay here, with you. Why don't you understand that," his voice muffled.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm sorry. I also don't want to be away from you and since I promise you that I will make you happy, I give my crown to my brother. I don't want to be a king anyway and I just want to make you happy"

Shocked by the words, Jeonghan abruptly retreat his head, looking at Jisoo with a wide eyes "you what?"

"It's the best desicion. I want to focus on us and my brother is just as talented as me. Don't worry this place is still mine. We'll be living here just, not me as a crown prince," jisoo said, smile not leaving his lips at all.

"Thank you Joshuji, thank you so much!," jeonghan beams, making his face glowing in delight which swelled jisoo's heart as well.

Everything for you to be happy my dear. It's my promise and I will never broke it cause your happiness is my hapiness as well.

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