lima《helping jisoo 》

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Jeonghan can't move, that's what lead him to lay at his hut, feeling tired and exhausted after lifting all the 20 pots (apparently). Just after he done that task, jisoo, right away, asked him to pull out all the grasses which is the reason why his back aching and his legs soring. Add in the blazing heat from the sun, yeah he nearly faint right there, right that time. He start to think why the heck his butler did not come to him, cause at least, he can make any excuse and escape from the hell but no, Seokmin is not there, not even seungcheol.

Basically, jeonghan did everything that should be done at the garden on that day. So what does jisoo do? After trimmed and fertelized the plants and commanded jeonghan to do this and that, he walk out from the garden and up till now, the gardener still did not come back. That's also the reason why jeonghan lying there and did nothing, cause the boy is not there. But not too long cause jisoo is now there, smiling when he see the prince lay out of exhaustion.

"You have done your work, I see. Good job, prince," jisoo said as he sit at the corner of the hut," not too far but not too close either "im proud of you"

Jeonghan glares at him, ready to throw a comments but stop as soon as he see two big glasses of lemonade in jisoo's hand.

"Is that for me?," jeonghan beams, quickly get up forgotting the fact that he nearly die in exhaustion.

Jisoo nods and chuckled as well to jeonghan's sudden change "yeah, it's for you. Thanks for helping me, you deserve the drink"

"Thank you!," jeonghan said happily like a kid that finally get the action figure he want after begging his mom for months. (Which jeonghan have done twice when he is 6 years old)

He take the glass from jisoo and both of them drink quietly while enjoying the breeze that come blowing. It's feel great and apparently, feel so calm, just sittng there and then suddenly he feel all the hard work worth it.

Jeonghan throw his gaze to jisoo, examined the latter. He look at the his hair, how shiny and fluffy his black hair look. At how his big doe eyes that make him look like a deer which also make him look like a cute kind innocence person. His lips shape and then remember how cute the latter is when he smile cause it remind him of cute cat. Yeah, he need to admit that the boy look hella cute and fine. Maybe he is not that bad either. He even brought me this cool lemonade. Jeonghan thought to himself as he slightly smile

"Done checking me out?," jisoo's sudden question make jeonghan choked on his water.

"Uh-huk w-what are y-you uh-huk talking a-about," he said as he countinue coughing. Jisoo quickly get him and pats on his back, trying to comfort jeonghan.

"Are you okay?" Coughs "I'm sorry, i startled you"

"Don't do that ever again!" Jeonghan said as he done coughing. Face as red as tomato (and it might also bcs he got caught off staring the boy and even admiring a bit but this is jeonghan, he will never admit it).

Jisoo cant help but chuckle a bit "haha your face is all red. And it make you look cute" jeonghan blush.

"Well, since you have finish your drink and cool down now. Lets continue the work"

Jeonghan suddenly gasped "d-did you hear that?" asked out of nowhere, make jisoo frowns. He closed his eyes and try to find whatever sound jeonghan mention about. But he did not hear anything.

"What should i listen to?" Joshua asked, eyes wandering around with a frown.

"Its seokmin's voice! I think he is calling me. Oh yeah, i forgot i have something to do," jeonghan said confidently as he quickly stand up. Before jisoo can even react, jeonghan rush out from the hut running away. He then stop for awhile and look at jisoo who still in the hut, jeonghan then give him a wave with a smile before countinue running like his life is depends on it.

Jisoo laughs after he realise what the actual fuck is happening. Ah, that kid is something haha. He then take jeonghan's glass and brought it to the kitchen.

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