tujuh belas《where?》

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Late that night, jisoo is woken up by a running steps outside his room and it sound like more than 5 peoples having a running contest at the hallway. He know that its not a ghost since he heard a voice too, speaking and shouting something. Jisoo have no choice than leave his bed and walk out from his room, not like he can sleep back either with all the noises.

He surely do not hear it wrongly, peoples in fact running outside. He frowns, it seem like they are panicking for something. Whats going on? His concern increase as he catch the words "where is he?" "We need to find him fast" "prince!" Prince jeonghan!"

"Jeonghan-ssi?," he mutturs slowly. Are they looking for him? Why? Isnt its passed midnight already? Thats mean he is in his room. But they are looking for him.. where is he? Whats going on?

He want to stop the random persons that run passed him but he didnt know any of them and it seem rude to stop them just to answer his question.

He look around, try to find a glimps of seokmin, seungcheol or even the new kid, chan.

"Chan!," he call as loud as he can as he see the said boy run few feets away. Thankfully, the boy heard his call, the new kid then run to him.

"Hyung? Why? Have you meet prince jeonghan?"

Jisoo shakes his head "actually i just woke up and i..i dont know whats wrong. Can you tell me what actually happen?"

"Prince Yoon Jeonghan is missing"

-An hour before jisoo woke up-

Seokmin dont know why but he feel anxious for something. Feel like theres something wrong happen but he dont know what it is. Feel worried, sleep and annoyed, he get out from his room and decide to drink some hot milk. As he walk pass jeonghan's room, he cant help but feel anxious again. Perhaps because he is worried for the boy's condition, this week is a really a though week for him. He decide to check on the prince. Make sure everything is fine, maybe later, by checking him up, he can fall asleep back.

He just got in before knocking, dont want to wake the prince up. But what he saw in front of him make his heart stop beating. He feel like his soul have fly away from his body cause what he see is the bed with no one on it. Beside the bed, the window is open wide, curtains flapping free. With a now weak leg, he slowly make his way to the window to find a long rope. The prince is running away

-Back to present-

"When does this happen?," jisoo asks.

"Well, i dont really sure but we have been searching for good 30 minutes now. The king has command some of the guards to find him outside the palace but we still didnt get any news from them"

"What about The Shadows?"

"That is the biggest question for us. The shadows that keep on eyes on the prince still not come here. I heard the shadows are the prince's friend so we assumed, prince jeonghan have make a deal with them"

Jisoo remember that, he remember that the shadows of his are in fact his friend. Speakng of that, jisoo's eyes widened as realization hits him.

"I know where is he," jisoo said. As he turn his back and want to move, chan grabs his arm.

"Can i join you? I want to help too," the younger said.

Jisoo quickly shakes his head "im sorry, chan. I dont really sure where is he but the place that i want to go to is a secret place. Jeonghan ask me to not tell anyone. But dont worry, if he is there, i will make sure he come here safely. Dont tell this to anyone. Its not confirmed yet"

Chan nods his head. Understand the trouble they will face of giving hope to others.

Jisoo then quickly make his way to the horse's stable. No one is there when he arrived but he do not care at this rate. Finding jeonghan is what important now. He then take a random horse and ride it. Making his way to the waterfall.

Well, i try haha. Oh btw, please leave this book if you think its bad, okay? My eng is not good so i think you guys must have trouble in read this. So, please leave. I dont want anyone to suffer with my poor work.

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