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Jeonghan can't focus on his work. He keep glance down to the garden, looking at jisoo and seokmin doing the job (lucky for him, the office room is right in front of the garden). Jisoo did not torture the boy like how he do to jeonghan and this make the second prince feel unfair and slightly mad.

Sighing with a slight mad, he look back at the paper work. Its not really his real work actually. Its supposed to be done by the crown prince and jeonghee did finish it but his father insisted he need to do it as well cause want or not jeonghan need to know soemthing about the work and in case somehting happen to jeonghee or even the dad. But he want to join them badly now.

I know! Jeonghan beams ill finish thia as fast as i could and join them soon!

With the excitement that he suddenly gain (which he dont know why joining them can make him feel this happy) he focusing on his work real hard. Time pass without he notice when its already afternoon. But he still have a few more paper undone. So, as soon as he done eating he countinue it and finish it around 3 in the evening.

Jeonghan release a satisfied, happy sighs. He need to admit that he mentally tired and his hip sore cause of how long he sat on the chair. He get up, doing some simple stretching and quickly run to the garden after that. Huh, he dont even know why he is running but the only thing that matter for him right that time is meet the two as soon as possible.

"Guys!," jeonghan call as he stepping into the garden. He look around when none of the two answering him. But the two are not there. Huh? Where are they? He walk around the garden and go to the hut but no one there either.

"Jeonghan?," he turn around to see seungcheol frowning to him.

"Oh, hi seungcheol," he greets, sighing unconsciously.

Seungcheol frowns "whats wrong? Have you done your work yet? Do you need anything from seokmin?"

"Ah, yes. Where is seokmin?"

"Uhm, i met him and jisoo while ago at the horse's stable"

The info make jeonghan's heart skip a beat and without any more word, he run once again to the stable. But his hope crash when he see no one there as well. Ugh, it feel like they try to avoid me or something. He walk around the stable, giving up already, looking at the horse when he realise there two horse missing. Did both of them went riding the horse? Where are they? Wait, why even i feel sad?

"Good evening, your highness," jeonghan turn around to see the horse keeper, lee jihoon.

"Good evening, jihoon-ah. Hm, may i know where does this two horse go?" Jeonghan asks as he point to the two empty place.

"Ah, your butler take it and he is not alone so he take two," jihoon answer.

Oh, so they does go riding it, jeonghan thought to himself, he need to admit, he do feel a bit sad about it.

"Jihoonnie," the interrupting voice sound so familiar to jeonghan's ears that he turn his head like theres no tomorrow. He smile broadly when his eyes land to the male in front him. Well, eventhough he carrying a stack of died leaves that is actually the food for the horse and its covering his body to his nose, jeonghan still can recognise the latter.

"Jisoo," without jeonghan's notice, the name slip from his mouth.

Jisoo peek over the stack and his eyes meet jeonghan's which make him smile "good evening, jeonghan-ssi"

Jihoon's eyes widened did he just call the prince with his name? But, eh. Jihoon shurgs it off, being the care free the person he is.

"You can put it there, hyung. Thanks for helping me. I seriously cant do that alone, looking at how big it is," jihoon thanked as he point to the end of the stable that have more dried leaves there.

"My pleasure," jisoo said as he walk away. Jeonghan can help but his eyes still following jisoo's movement.

"Your highness," jihoon's voice bring him back to the reality as he look to the shorty "i still not finish my word. Seokmim went with out nurse, choi yuju. They said they want to find some herbs in the forest"

Jeonghan aah-ing at jihoon's words and nod once since he already lost interest with it. Ssshhh dont tell anyone. This is the secret between me, you and jeonghan!

"Did you always do that alone, jihoonie?," jisoo asks as he already stood beside jeonghan.

"No," jihoon shacks his head " i have a co-worker named seungkwan. He usually do the carry thing since he is taller than me but today he feel a bit unwell so i need to this alone. Thank you so much for helping me. Anyway," he turn to jeonghan "can you excuse me now, your highness? I promise your cousin i have dinner together with him"

"My cousin? Soonyoung? He is here? Why don't he meet me?," jeonghan frowns. That cousin of him always spend time with the him. Soonyoung's house is not really far from the palace so he know that soonyoung sometime will come there. He always met jeonghan even if he come for a couple of minute. They always together and they even partner in crime. But now he just come to met jihoon? Hhmmm.

"Yeah and i don't know. He said he can't be long and we actually will have the dinner at his house"

Jeonghan smirks. He actually acknowledge the fact that soonyoung do have a huge crush feeling to jihoon and so does the smaller who will never admit it.

Jihoon seem like know why jeonghan smirk cause he start blushing.

"Uhm, gotta go, bye," and with that jihoon run away which make jeonghan chuckles a bit. But stop when he realise jihoon left him and jisoo alone. Ugh, why does this feel awkward.

"Jeonghan-ssi, do you want to stay here any longer or go out with me?"

Jeonghan misunderstood the question "g-go o-out? With y-you?"

"Uhm, yeah? Or, oh, you want to stay longer?"

Jeonghan mentally facepalm as he realise at his stupid mistake "oh, no. Lets go" whats wrong with me? He obviously did not mean he want to go on a date! Why even i thought he want to go on a date with me! All the tiredness sure effect my brain.

"So, how does your day going, jeonghan-ssi," hearing the name make jeonghan start think why does he called jihoon 'jihoonie' and called him in a formal way? He is jisoo's first friend! And he sure jisoo just met jihoon today. But what nickname suit me, hmm. Jeongee? No. Jeonghannie? Maybe but it quite long. Hannie? Wait, that sound like honey. And jeonghan start to imagine jisoo calling him hannie which make him smile shyly.

"Jeonghan? Why are you smiling?" The words snap him back to the reality and he blush hard.

"Are you okay?", jisoo stop walking as he facing jeonghan. "Your face reddened. Maybe you caught by flu?," jisoo asks, landing his palm on jeonghan's forhead which make him blush furiously.

"Omo, you are hot" jisoo comment.

"H-hot?," d-did he just flirting with me?

"Yeah, I think you having a flu maybe because of the works," the statements make jeonghan's adreanaline stop as he feel both relieve and a bit upset "i think we should go to your room now:

But jeonghan don't react. His brain still processing jisoo's word when jisoo said "lemme carry you" he motion to his back, wanting to piggyback the so-called sick boy.

Jeonghan blush for the nth time that day but he still do it nontheless. Hey, he offer dont he?

And with that, jisoo carry him all the way to his room. They recieve a few look from the maids and guards they met on the way but none of them say a thing. But jeonghan still get bit shy by it so he buried his face on jisoo's fluffy hair. He even sniff on it and jisoo's hair smell like fresh breeze in the morning which calm him down. While jisoo keep the small smile on his face, dont really care about the look the other gave to them.

"Thanks," jeonghan said as jisoo land him on his door's room.

"You are welcome, jeonghan-ssi. Take your rest. I'll get going now," jisoo said, waving at him before walking away.

Jeonghan's gaze following the latter till jisoo completely gone. Jeonghan then rush to his room and jump onto his bed, screaming like a teenage girl.

Ahhhh! Whats wrong with you, yoon jeonghan!

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