Rebel Hart Part 1 (Bret Hart x OC) **Edited**

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(Request from @hardywoman99)

Staring out my window at the landscape that surrounded my father and his newest wife's house, I can't help but wonder, wonder what it would be like to be someone else, someone the polar opposite of who I am. When it comes to my family, the idea of normality is as alien as .... well being an actual invading alien. Normal is something my family has never or will never be, when you come from an amazing wrestling legacy like we do, you don't really get treated like the kid you sit next to in your maths class.  Everyone says that it's difficult living in a small town with a family like there's, but in my case I MEAN IT, living in a small town, one member of my family do something wrong, it would probably (and has been) on the news by dinner). I bet you are wondering what one of these  wrestling dynasties I am a member of,  my name is Katie Renee Hart, and I am the youngest child of 'the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be' Bret Hart.

Anyway, back to reality and enough about me and my life.

Once again, It is a day that if I am honest, the idea of school just wasn't something that either sounded exciting me or something that I wanted to even acknowledge, it wasn't like I ditched school all the time, just days that began with back to back lessons of hell, so instead I grabbed everything I needed for a day of swimming and messaged my older (and who none of my family were aware of)boyfriend Logan and asked if he fancied ditching with me. Walking downstairs to leaven I smile to myself, as  I hear nothing but silence, a sound that was like music to my ears as I made my way out of the front door.  The structure and diligent timekeeping we were all raised to have ,was the one thing that helped me in days like this. After a full day of no contact with anyone, relaxation and not having to worry about the stresses of life and school, it was time to go back home and face the music, pulling up about five minutes away from my fathers house, my boyfriend grabbed my bags for me and gives me a hand out of his truck. After one last hug, I reluctantly make my way to the house, safe in the knowledge that neither Logan or the truck were in view of the house and ready myself for the world war 3 of arguments.

As I get closer and the shapes of the cars and the people in the drive way became more clearer, it occurs to me that on the scale of overbearing, my father had gone straight to psycho, full on search party  Feeling my phone chime and vibrate, I pick it up quickly and see Logan's message about the party we were attending tonight and when and where he would pick me up. Pushing it back into my pocket, I see my older brother Dallas, the sibling I was closest too out of all of my siblings,  walk over to me and warn me "dad is on the warpath, the school told him that you haven't been attending. I tried to cover for you but he saw right through me, sorry sis". Looking at him, I sigh and reply outloud to no one in particular "Just brilliant. This is going to be a fun conversation".  Before I could think of any kind of strategy into how the hell I was gong to walk into this argument, we hear the door open and I see the smug face of my sister and her voice yell, in a condescending, almost butter wouldn't melt tone "Daddy wants to speak to you Katie". Walking in, I walk past my sister and give her the famous death glare I had inherited from my grandfather all the while I desperately try and think of a way to make the argument less world war three and more school debate.

Walking into the kitchen, I see bath my father and my step mother looking at me with looks in their eyes of utter fury (and when I say fury, If looks could kill, I would've been dead the minute I walked into that kitchen). Deciding there and then that my best course of action in this situation was that of feigning ignorance, I open the door and address my father whilst getting a drink of milk "You look exhausted daddy,, have you had a busy day?  Maybe you need to go and have a lie down and rest.... I have a lot of home......" "Cut the crap Katie Renee Hart we both know you weren't at school" I hear my dad scold me and continue after taking a second to look at me "I don't think we need to even ask where you have been instead. I don't understand what is going on with you, You are my youngest child, I have always given you everything you have ever wanted or needed, why are you acting like you are one of the bad seeds of the family". Shocked at his outburst, I simply stare at him and finish my drink, trying to think of something to say, words utterly failing me. As I put the glass down, I see my step mother step forward and ask as sweetly and as "mommy" like  as she could physically muster "is all of this about some boy in your class Kate, are you trying to impress him, because you are normally such a good girl" "if only you knew" I think to myself, trying to hide a smirk as I thought of my boyfriend and the meltdown my family would have if they found out about him "It better not be"" I then hear my dad sternly address me.  As I try and force myself to try and say something , the first words that come out of my mouth were simple and to the point and made my dad rage even more, "are we done? I need to shower". Walking away, I heat Bean say to our father, In the smuggest voice I think I had ever heard come out of that smug mouth of hers "daddy, don't get stressed please. Its not good for you" Oh Barf.  As I get upstairs, I then  hear him shout" if you are going to act like a child, you are grounded until I see fit and Dallas or Blade will be taking you and picking you up from school until further notice, and as punishment for today you are going to start helping out around the house. No arguments."

I slam my bedroom door, and as I throw myself onto my bed and screaming into my pillow,  my anger bubbles am I being treated like I'm the devil child when I am pretty sure that everyone in this family did the same I am doing now at one point in their childhoods. I message my boyfriend telling him that I was still coming tonight, regardless of what my dad seems to think and to meet me nearer to the house so I didn't have to run too far and freeze.

Well, if they want to see me as the Rebel Hart, who am I to disappoint.

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