I Hate That I Miss You (Jon Moxley x OC)

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Over the past six months, everyone around Maisie Smith professionly and privately had noticed a change in not only her once bubbly personality but also her all around mental wellbeing. As her friends chalked it up to her new heel persona crossing the invisible line between her private & professional lifes , a small selection of people who really knew her knew the truth..and the truth was the sister of The Best Bout Machine was on a downward spiral into a darkness that not even she was sure how to get herself out of ...and the reasoning for that dark hole was a lunatic her brother had pissed off time and time again since All Elite Wrestling has begun and who she had fallen hopelessly in love with.

Even before AEW had begun, Maisie had watched Jon's matches in and out of WWE and had always seen him as a kindred spirit but someone she had - never thought she'd fall for..that was until Jon appeared at Double or nothing and then the first episode of Dynamite. After he put her brother through the glass table on the first dynamite, she instantly felt herself instantly fall for him as he winked at her after she had got in his face. Even after the show had finished, he had managed to somehow track her down to a dive bar close to the arena (even though he had lied to her about not following her) because the thought she was causing him to have were too much even for an unhinged brain like his. As the months went on, their connection grew and they started seeing each other more and more , getting to know each other privately , but however hard he tried...there was a part of the man who knew that everything he was feeling for the angel he had found was going to fade when she saw the real him away from his drinking, so in his mind, he did the kindest thing he could think of to save the sweetest woman from any pain and ghosted her... ignored her, doing everything he could do to make her hate him. Whenever they were at work & he saw her, he would walk in the opposite direction to stop himself from taking her in his arms and begging her to take him back. Even though it was painful for him to watch the light disappear from her eyes, he knew he had to do it before he went to rehab. As he came back however, he felt his heart break as he made eye contact with the woman he still thought of as' his girl' and felt like the biggest ass knowing that he was the reason she was no longer the happy and kind hearted being she had been before he had got his hands on her.

Sitting in The Elite's locker room, pulling her kick pad on over her boot trying to get some peace before her match , Maisie sighed as the door to the lockerroom crashed open and her brother, Don, Brandon, Nak, Austin and The Bucks all loudly walked in "someone looks like she has had a wild night! ...hangover again Mais?" Brandon asked, shouting purposely "do you like your nuts where they are..because if you keep shouting like that in my ear ...I'm gonna be fashioning myself
a set of new earrings" Maisie growled, making the man gulp. As Tyson sat next to his clearly annoyed baby sister, he put an arm around her and asked " are you ready for your match tonight pipsqueak?.. Skye might be a rookie, but she is tough..."instantly freezing mid sentence as he notice the look of pain on his baby sisters face after hearing him doubt her ablities" Maisie.. I didn't mean..." "No, I know what you meant Tyson. You think that I am not tough enough. You think that I can't handle someone like Skye!! And there was me thinking at least you of all people had my back" "I do have your back Maisie..you know that" her brother replied, shocked at her outburst "seems it" Maisie muttered. Watching the interaction between two of his family members, Don stepped in and added, trying to calm the situation " he isn't saying that...but even you have to admit Maisie Moo..you aren't yourself right now!- Your attitude in and out of the ring has changed, the drinking... I hate to say it but you are turning into a female Mox" Unable to listen to anything else any of the men she looked at as family, Maisie grabbed her jacket and replied back firmly "I am going to say this once and once only then I want you all to drop it...I am allowed to not be happy all of the damn time and I am allowed to not be on my freaking A Game, I don't need it thrown at me and NEVER compare me to Max again... that is your last warning . Just know this, even with everything going on, never ever think that I am not going to get in the ring and give everything and more" " no one is saying anything like that Maisie... Stop being so overly....SON OF A BITCH" Austin yelled as the tiny woman punched him in the stomach and stormed out. As soon as the door slammed, everyone looked at Tyson whose concern was obvious over her change and her clear bottling up of everything. When they were growing up, both Maisie and he had always had a close bond even with their 7 year age gap, so even when she didnt want admit it to anyone now she was feeling , he was the only person who could always tell when something was wrong and when her emotions were getting the best of her and how to get her too talk . Over the last few months, he had seen the light fade from her eyes and the kindness disappear from her soul and it had hurt his heart more & more with every passing day, but within that last month, he had seen her act in the unusual way she currently was and it was making him more concerned than ever. Looking at his best friend & noticing the look in his eyes, Nick exclaimed " she will be okay Ty...whatever it is that is going on with her, we all know how much of a strong willed pain in the ass, she will come out the other side" "Maisie acts strong, but trust me, she's as scared shitless as you or me when her emotions get the best of her..... I just wish she would tell me what the hell has happened" Tyson sighed.

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