I'm Proud Of You (Wardlow x OC)

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Watching the monitor intently and seeing the ref's hand come down for the all important 3 count, all Alexandria could do with the unshed tears she had building in her eyes batting to escape was smile broadily, the action alone barely stopping her from yelling, cheering or running out to the ring to celebrate with her husband. Watching him work his ass off since he had joined AEW and knowing what the nearly 3 years of working as MJF's muscle had done to him not only mentally, but physically , she knew that nobody was ready for her husband's new focus and drive now that he had his hand on gold , it was finally his time and she couldn't be more proud of him.

Walking through the tunnel to the go posistion exhausted , Michael couldn't help but laugh as he watched everyone of his and his wife's work colleagues move out of the way of his short wife's path to him, , passing the belt to David who had just finished congratulating him, Michael braced himself for impact as his queen jumped on him, wrapping her arms & legs around him, kissing him passionately, a sight which made everyone cheer & wolf whistle "Im so proud of you "she mumbled into the crook of his thick neck, laying tiny kisses behind his ear "thank you for being there for me through everything my love " Michael replied away as everyone moved away to give them a minute alone. Listening to the unusual emotion that she only heard from him when they were alone, Alex replied confused as she moved her face away from his neck' I'm your wife Wolfie, it's my job " using her nickname for him, groaning quietly as he unwrapped her needy body from around him and put her back on her feet" you are really in the mood..-now?! Watching the woman grin, he smiled as she stated flirt asculey "now... go and get everything sorted Champ and when we are done for the night, I have a surprise for you" "what kind of a surprise? "her husband asked with a raised eyebrow" you're gonna like it "the woman replied simply . Watching her husband walk away after promising she'd follow him so they could take some pictures, Alex turned to TK and exclaimed with a smile"thank you for helping me out TK " "not a problem Drea. You two just have fun.. you deserve it , Just relax and enjoy yourselves, call it my anniversary present to you both ."

After a couple of hours at the arena (and taking what had felt like at least a million pictures
with her husband and signing 500 8×10's) , the Wardlow's were finally making their way to the surprise that Alexandria had been arranging for weeks with the help of her boss and
friends, noticing the smile on her face as she drove Michael couldn't help but grin as he asked h'er "I know, that grin... you're up to something you sneaky little Pixie... what are you up to? " "I will have you know, I'm not sneaky.. I'm misunderstood.. besides, you knew what you were letting yourself in for" "I don't like that wink, or that smirk Lexi, I want that noted" Michael laughed, kissing her hand. Pulling up to the address Tony had given her earlier that day after finding exactly what she had been looking for, Alex giggled as she brought the car to a stop and heard Michael gasp and exclaim "Alexandria Scarlett Elizabeth Wardlow! what have you done !" "wait until you see the inside "she replied with the childlike innocent smile that made the beast of a man fall for her instantly all over again, like a boy who had a childhood crush on the new neighbour. . After finding the right key, Alex passed it to her husband and exclaimed with a smile "you first" "what have you done" Michael smirked again" call it a joint celebration.. plus Tony helped along with a few of the girls, it wasn't just me". As he opened the door and gasped once again at the inside of the cabin his wife had surprised him with, the man's jaw dropped" Baby.... how... why?" "I'm a genius, I thought we'd established this, I packed extra & David helped me by distracting you earlier whilst I grabbed our bags from the car, you pack more than a pagent mom by the way. I have done this because you, my love, have been working so hard recently, I wanted to surprise you. There's a state of the art gym in the basement, fridge is stocked with everything we need and your mom is looking after Krypto. Think of all of this as an early aniversay present" . Looking at his wife, all Michael could do was smile ever since they'd first met, he had always wondered how he was so lucky to have found his soulmate, a woman who got him to a T and was such an amazing wife that stood by him, no matter what (something that in their business was non exsistent around 90 % of the time) and as well as everything else, it amazed him how, like him she was dedicated to her craft. Pulling her into him and moving a piece of her fringe to behind her ear, he pecked her nose & smiled "how did I get so lucky? " "there's a a lot more to the cabin then what you' re seeing, you haven't seen the outdoor area, there's a HUGE hot tub! I may have even brought that bikini of mine you loved when we went on our little honeymoon" "... the tiny sage one" the man asked hopeful with a fire in his eyes, his alpha like persona even more prominent whenever his wife played dirty. Watching his wife smirk whilst looking proud of herself, Michael kissed her hard and exclaimed with a smile "I've said it before and I will say it again... Stay with me forever.. Let me help you put it on" "not a chance... I'll meet your in there Wardaddy, upstairs, Second door on the right ... I put some trunks in the bedroom, explore & meet me in there in 10 "she replied, walking away with a wiggle in her walk., laughing as the man groaned.

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