Let's Have A Baby Part 1 (Colton Gunn x OC)

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Looking down at the tests that were on her lap, Summer- Grace Matthews was in absolute shock and disbelief, her emotions were all over the place and the only thoughts she was having was how she was going to break the news and how her her thoughts a blur of how not only her boyfriend, brothers & father were going to take it . As the English woman heard the bathroom door open and the voices of Britt & Paige get closer., she quickly hid the tests in her hoodle, wiped her eyes and walked out of the cubicle with a fake smile on her face, a sight neither of the woman brought "Summer? what's wrong?" Paige asked the woman as she noticed her tear stained face as Britt added, her concern for the woman who was like her 'Sister' obvious "you look like you've been crying... If Colt..." but before she could finish, Summer replied, tears silently falling "No one has done any thing.. especially Colton. I'm fine. I've just... I've gotta go" . Watching the door shut, Paige and Britt both looked at each other, neither buying a word that the woman they looked at as a baby sister had just said "if he has hurt her, I am going to break his jaw "Britt fumed "get in line" Paige added. As the pair stormed out of the bathroom on a mission to find out what was going on , they froze suddenly as their eyes firmly set on the body of Colton Sopp, the man that Summer-Grace Matthews loved and who loved her back more than he ever though physically possible "yo! ass boy" Paige exclaimed, her british accent thick" I want a word with you." Turning around Colton quipped sarcastically "Paige, always a pleasure to see you" "What the hell have you done to Gracie!. She's a mess... If you have hurt her... ''Britt growled" I'm gonna rip your teeth out". Looking at the two women confused & in clear shock at their insinuation he would ever touch a hair on Summer's head, let alone hurt her, Colton exclaimed, his innocence obvious to all "me? hurt Sunny ? If you are talking about how ill she looks, she's had food poisoning has done for over a week, she won't see a doctor. As to seeing her today, , I havent seen her since she snuck off early this morning, something about a BCC meeting... You two of all people know for a fact that I would never hurt a hair on her head" "so why was she crying when she came out the bathroom? "Britt asked "I don't know. She has been off for days.. I was putting it down to her being ill " Colton sighed exhaustedly , confusion increasing with everyone.

After finally making it to the room her father had summonded her to to both meet him and the men in and also so that they could have their weekly meeting about the show, Summer-Grace checked her face to make sure that any evidence of her tears had disappeared and she put on the mask that she had perfected over the years & knocked loudly. Watching the door opened, she smiled as Paul gave her a wink & joked "you don't have to knock Gracie" "knock.. or see Mox's pasty ass again... it's a hard choice but , however hard it is.... I think I'll stick with the knocking" Summer joked "I KNEW YOU WERE LOOKING!!" they both heard the man in question yell, making the pair laugh" I couldn't Miss it Moxy.. it's as big as Maxwell's ego" the woman laughed as she walked in after the door opened wider. After giving Bryan a hug and asking about the kids, she noticed her dad walk in" there she is" "hi daddy "Summer replied with a smile whilst she gave him a hug, but as she did, she fought the need to be sick once again, something she realised her father had noticed as she saw the concern on his face "Summer-Grace Matthews! You are as white as a sheet" . Knowing she needed to be and distract. the woman replied "don't go into full on OTT protective mode Dad, I am fine. I saw doc.. It's just the last little bit of some food poisoning from last week.. it's put me off Sushi for life I'm telling you "all the while hating herself for lying to the men she saw as brothers, but especially her father "Now.. What Was I summonded for? I still need to get ready for tonight's show" "and by the looks of you, you need all the help you can get "Jon chuckled proudly "tell me Jon.. do you and Renee want more kids? " .Watching his daughter & adopted son interact, Darren rolled his eyes and replied "both of you play nice. It's literally a quick meeting game plan for tonight and then we can get food " "which food poisoning or not.. you'll be eating" Bryan exclaimed with a fatherly tone to his voice "the weight looks like it has dropped off you"Jon stated, even his concern clear "are you trying to say I was fat before? "Summer angrily asked "never "Jon replied. As the group sat down to eat, on the other side of the building, Colton was going out of his mind with concern over his girlfriend and her current seemingly negative headspace "what if she has met someone else? what if... " "before you even go there... I am telling you.. it is not that. Maybe she is still ill. You said so yourself, whatever it was that caused it, it hit her badly" Austin replied, trying to be a voice of reason to his brother's negativity. Looking at his brother, even though he knew everything he was saying was true, the older Gunn brother declared "I need to see her"as he pulled his phone out and walked away from his brother and the few friends they were near. Everyone in the company knew that even just by looking at Summer and Colton together & now happy that they made each other that they were each others missing puzzle piece, they hadn't been together offically for long, but they had been friends (and more) for a long time, because of this, Colton knew that he could confidently say that how his 'sunny' was acting was more than just a simple case of food poisoning or illness and he also knew that needed to get to the bottom of it.. all of it. Watching his brother walk away, Austin noticed his father walk over "what's up with you & your brother. You both look like you've killed an ant" Monty expressed unawarely "we're worried about Summer, Colton thinks there is something going on with her than she is letting on, I know that we mock him from treating her the way he does but he knows there is something wrong with Sum, is he's probably" "I trust Colton's judgement . Looking at his son, the pair tried to come up with a plan to help their son & brother.

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