I Really Love Holding You (Dexter Lumis x OC)

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Character list
Timothy - Timothy Thatcher
Samuel -Dexter
Austin -Austin.
Benjamin-Damian priest
Allyssa - Kayden
Kacy - Katana

They both knew the secret they kept was wrong, of course they did, but when they began dating and then got signed at the same try out, they both knew and decided to keep their relationship secret as they both knew that once the company creatively found an outlet for them, there relationship was going to get harder .

Walking through the corridors at Full Sail, all Tahlia craved was the ability to escape to the main roster, away from The Way, away from the place she had called home for so long and most importantly, the on screen marriage of Indi and the man who had had her heart from the moment he asked her in his own special way to be his. Walking past the offices trying to get rid of her migraine , the emerald green haired woman sighed as she heard her boss and mentor ask her out of nowhere if they could talk " Hunter, I need to go and get started on my makeup... You know how long it takes me" " firstly.. what did I tell you about putting yourself down.. Secondly, I promise you, It will take two minutes Tal, I swear" "it better do.. It's you're fault if I run late.. I want it noted" she huffed dramatically. Walking into the office however, the Emerald haired Woman quickly put her professional head on as she saw not only Shawn, but also Vince, Stephanie and Adam Pearce Smiling at her, standing slightly in shock, she smiled as Stephanie exclaimed " it's okay T... you don't have to stand to attention around us , you should know that by now" giving the woman her and Hunters daughters loved a hug " I just wasn't expecting to be blindsided " she replied, giving Hunter her famous death glare "we can only apologies for the blindsiding..but we had something we wanted to run by you...." Vince smiled. After hearing the entireity of the pitch and details surrounding her call up and ultimately agreeing to them all , her need for a fresh start away from the whole situation finally having a solution, Tahlia walked down the corridors towards hair and makeup once again, her phone in one hand, a smile super glued onto her face, but her smile instantly fell as she froze at the sound of the voice of her partners onscreen wife talking to who she quite clearly knew was him with Candice, Austin and Johnny voices joining in talking about the Show. Looking around to try and find an escape and ultimately giving up, knowing there was no avoiding the situation however much she wanted to, Tahlia took a deep breath and began her attempt to walk through, failing miserably as she heard her brother in law shout " Lia..there you are". Turning around with a perfect ed fake smile, the Emerald haired woman froze as she made eye contact with her partners eyes, eyes that had become focused on nothing but her and what she was wearing, making the woman feel completely naked as he took taking Special interest at her curves, snapping out of his hypnotic gaze, the woman sarcastically replied " Jonathan... big sister".

Looking at his sister in law, Johnny asked suspiciously as he noticed the glow to her skin & shine in her eyes "Where have You been? We've been looking all over for you!" "yeah, do you not answer your phone" her sister added hugging her little sister " and why do you look like you've done something you shouldn't have" she then added. Pulling her phone out & noticing all the missed calls , voicemails & text, the woman replied as she felt Sam's eye bore into her "sorry. I did realise " It was on Silent & besides I have been busy... you seem to forget big sister & man she married, my life and career doesn't revole around you two " "you... Busy? You're never busy. What gives?" Johnny replied, still not buying anything his sister in law was saying. Looking at her two family members, her glance moved to Samantha who exclaimed out of nowhere " leave her alone Johnny, she's probably been training with her boyfriend "with a smile as she cuddled up to an even more intense looking Samuel whose blue eyes were even more intense at the thought of sharing his 'psycho' , a look that caused a burning within Tahlia that they had never done before, his jealousy coming through clearly" what boyfriend" Candice asked confused "you don't have a boyfriend. You'd tell me if you had a boyfriend. You tell me everything" "besides, I told you no boyfriends "Johnny fumed "Benjamin. they've been getting closer & closer according to some of the girls in the locker room.They've been having late night training sessions too "Samantha smiled"NO WAY! NO, You are not dating him... You are too young. NO WAY! "John fumed . As her anger grew and Tahlia looked at her sister and brother in law, she had heard enough "im not a child John.. I am 27, and whilst we are at, let me clear a few things up. Firstly, that's make something completely clear.. My life is my life.. no one uses, so if I want to date someone, it's My decsion and mine alone. Just because quite clearly someone has been talking about me and my friendships behind my back, know this, there is NOTHING at all going on between me and Ben. After giving up waiting for you to help me like I had been asking, he found me in the ring & he has been helping me WITH SHAWN to work on some new moves to add to my arsenal AFTER HOURS because it was easier for everyone invouled. It comes to something when you can't even rely on forty as they're 'too busy'. Is you want to know even more details, Timothy has been helping me too with submission. Secondly if Ben and I were together... WHICH WE AREN'T! Your approval John is not something that either of us would actively look or ask for { you can believe me on that. Before I ran into you, I was feeling the happiest I have in 2 long time and now, after this conversation. I am glad that I am leaving & everything is planned because the quicker im out of here the better. I'm dorne with all of this playground aggro and high school popular girl making up BS crap " "Your leaving?" Candice asked, teary eyed at the news "Im going too..." but before her sister could finish, Tallie interrupted § exclaimed " If you would have given me a chance instead of believing crap and once again for getting Your my sister & trying to parent me , I could've told you but once again...' The Way'comes first and your actual family came last.. My call up has happened. In a few weeks , I can finally move on from all of the crap going on here. t hat's why I have been getting late night sessions in where I can , because I knew it was happening and I wanted a chance to make my impact outside of you two" not reading the room Samantha grinned and exclaimed while Samuel stared at his real life partner "We will have to throw a party.. I will go and tell everyone " "I'd rather you didn't and I'd prefer it if you kept your mouth shut.. it's my news to share... Now are we done? I need to go and get ready". Watching the woman walk away, Samantha quipped "Well that was bordering on rude" "She'll get over it.. maybe just dial down on the rumours for now though" Candice smiled.

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