His Hardcore Princess (Darby Allinx OC)

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A/N- I hope you like @Gallybaby, I couldn't find one from the requests I liked


When Darby Allin's divorce became final, he found himself wondering if he would spend the rest of his life alone, that was until however the arrival of his Hardcore Princess Betsy Fisher. When he first laid eyes on her, he quickly saw something in her that was different to all of the other women on the roster and began to develop feelings he had never experienced before (even during his short marriage) and from the moment he had made their relationship official and asked her to be his, he knew she was his soulmate and when they made what they had official at an indie show they were both on, it was safe to say everyone was concerned over the influence to be reckless they had on each other, but were also happy for the pair of them that the attraction they clearly had for each other had been made official.

After weeks of waiting, All Out had finally come around and with that, Darby's match with CM Punk and for the first time in a long time (if ever), he was nervous, not only for his match, but for the huge hardcore match his hardcore princess was having only a few miles away at an indie event. Waiting to go out, his mentor could see there was something affecting him, "what is up with you son? Even I can tell your head is somewhere else" "I'm fine" the blue eyed younger man stated as he looked at his phone. As sting watched the man look at his phone another 3 or 4 times, he had a lightbulb moment and realised what was wrong and stated "She will be okay, this is Betsy we are talking about but if it helps, I will keep an eye on your phone and if I hear anything, I will let you know the second I come out, but you need to get your head back in the game, we both know Bets would be kicking your ass right now if she knew you weren't focused". Listening to the man, he knew his mentor was right, of course he was right but on the flip side, Darby also knew his girlfriend and her daredevil, rebellious side, he just hoped she wasn't going to be as dangerous as in his heart, he knew she was going to be.

As the match with Punk neared its end, the icon's mouth quickly went dry as he felt his mentee's phone vibrate in his pocket, pulling it out, he saw the message he prayed he wouldn't, looking around, Sting caught the eye of Vickie and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Leaving the monitor and running over to the woman, he exclaimed "Vickie, I need a favour". "Ok...what can I do" she replied, slightly confused at the panic on the face of the man, "something has happened with Betsy at her match". After explaining everything he knew to Vickie, the woman said to the icon "Go, I will keep an eye on it, and I will let everyone know", "Thank you Vickie, I really appreciate it, I just hope Betsy hasn't gone her normal full on psychotic rebel self and that I can handle Darby's incoming meltdown" Sting sighed as he passed Vickie the phone and got ready to go out. As the crowd cheered and Punk's music roared throughout the arena, Sting sighed to himself as he climbed the stairs to the tunnel and made his way out, hoping he could keep the young man calm until he could get him backstage. As he climbed into the ring, Darby looked at the look on his mentors face and even in pain, he could see that there was something wrong, getting up from the mat, he quietly asked his mentor "what's wrong?" , getting no response from the older man straight away, Darby felt his stomach drop and his mouth go dry, "I will tell you, lets just get you behind the curtain and I...." "Has something happened to Bets?" Darby interrupted and felt sick the second he saw the look in Sting's eyes, " I don't know much, just focus on this ending and we will get you back as quickly as possible and I can tell you more" Sting whispered. As soon as Darby and Sting got back to the production area, to say he was bordering on manic was the understatement of the century "where is my..... what's going on?"he quickly asked as he saw not only Sting and Vickie looking at him, but now also TK and Kenny Omega, "I don't want you to lose it, Bets is safe but she is in the local ER" Kenny exclaimed "what happened?" Darby asked, feeling more and more sick, "from what I have heard, shes taken a bad fall onto a table....we're still trying to get more details, but she is conscious and being her normal smart ass self" TK smiled. Listening to them talk, the woman's boyfriend fought against the feeling of sickness in his stomach and his unusually wobbling legs, everyone had this impression of Darby which he was more than happy to live up to but when it came to his Betsy, that persona dropped and he felt things for her he had never felt before and it scared him, and now hearing about this accident she had had, it had made those feelings even more prominent, he couldn't lose her, shaking off all the emotion he could, he muttered loudly "I need to get to her", "there's a car sorted for when you've..." Sting replied as Darby interjected with a yell "NOW!" and with that he walked away, Sting close behind him "I'll handle him" he told the other three people concerned over not only the man, but the woman laying in the hospital bed, "let us know if you hear anything" TK yelled.

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