I Could Just Use A Hug Part 1 (Wardlow x OC)

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Watching Joe choke out her boyfriend of 18 months, Abigal Good sighed at the sight of once again her partner's talent being undervalued. Knowing where she needed to be she pulled herself up and walked to the door,'freezing as her brother asked her whilst cuddling with Nora, Renee next to them "and where do you think you are going?" "big brother, all you need to know is that I am going to make sure Mike is okay!" "No fucking! "he smirked "Unlike you, I have a tiny bit of self control... and Secondly, I'm sure you and Renee have done worse " "she has a point babe" his wife grinned "don't encourage her" Jon exclaimed . Watching the "BCC's queen" bite back at her brother, Bryan asked her with a smile "you are still coming out for my match though right ?" "Oh absoultley , especially if It means laying a elbow or three on Tay Marsh-Melo." " you need anger management"Paul reitarated for the third time at least that night. Opening the door after saying good bye to Nora, Jon stated , laughing "use protection" "Suck my Dick!! "Love you too pipsqueak".

Knowing exactly where her boyfriend's locker room was after their boss graciously offered them a room as a early birthday present to the woman, and them getting ready together earlier, she couldn't help but flinch subconsiously as she got to the door and heard what she only assumed was a water bottle clatter and a voice she recognised trying to get him to calm down. Opening the door quietly and standing by the cracked open door, she sighed, rubbing her temples as the man known as simply Wardlow, bellowed "how am I meant to calm down, the man humilated me.. he lied to me!". Listening to both members of FTR, Julian & even Monty & Darren trying to calm him down, Abigal quietly knocked and was instantly in shock at the anger the man was directing at everyone, knowing that she needed to step in, she stated firmly "leave... ALL OF YOU! now! Let me talk to Mike. Alone" . Unsure given the situation if leaving the couple together was a good idea, Monty stepped forward & replied "we aren't leaving you alone with him while he is in this State" " I'll be okay... he won't hurt me.. physically "she replied, thinking the last part. After finally persuading the men that she was going to be okay and that she would call them if she needed them , as soon as the door shut, her attention went straight to her partner "you ready to talk about it yet?" "not with you im not " he spat, his anger making him oblivious to what he was directing at his ' Queen of Mayhem' , holding back any kind of emotion, he continued "all of this... this is all your fault!" " MY FAULT!?! WHY IS IT Always my fault!" "Abi shouted back, shocking the man at her outburst . Watching the mixture of passion & anger in Wardlow's eyes., she felt her heart break as he declared angrily "don't you think YOU'VE done enough! You were the one who persuaded me it was a good idea to re-unite with The Pinnacle, It was your 'brilliant' idea that I partnered with Joe, and once again, thanks to YOU, I just got completely screwed over and once again, you weren't there. You're just like your brother, selfish and unreliable... I wish I'd never met you!".

Watching as the sadness overcome Abigal's beautiful eyes & the anger instantly fill her beautifully delicate face, Mr. Mayhem knew that he had gone too far in what he had just said. As he stepped forward to try and apologise, he froze as the woman instantly stepped back "Abi, I didn't mean it, I am...." but before he could finish, he felt a burning radiate across his cheek. looking at the woman's team yet angry eyes, he grunted as he rubbed his cheek "damn it" , not blaming her one bit "you seem to be forgetting one important piece of information from your story.... YOU WERE THE ONE WHO DIDN'T WANT ME OUT THERE!!!. Look, I get that you're angry about what happened out there and Iget that what he just did sucked... but you are a grown man and you do not get to blame me for decisions that YOU make as a grown ass man . You were the one who wanted to rejoin The Pinnacle, and YOU AND JOE were the ones who decided to join forces and be this' Ultimate force', so I don't understand why suddenly I am the one that you have chosen to explode at, but everything you have just said tells me a lot about us". Watching as the woman with tears took off the promise ring he had given her a couple of months into their relationship , tears fully free falling from her eyes , he instantly felt sick as she took his hand & put it in his palm coldly, the hand that always fit her's perfectly and began to walk away. Knowing that he needed to make everything right, he grabbed her wrist & turned her around "I swear if you don't let me go..." " please don't walk away from me Abs. I am truly sorry" "Let me forward your message onto someone who gives a fuck!" the woman replied, pulling away and walking out, slamming the door. Unable to stop herself from crying anymore as she felt the world she thought her & michael had built up crash around her ankles like a ton of bricks, she instantly froze as she heard a very familar voice state from behind her with both confusion & concern "Abi! what the hell has happened? Why are you crying?". Knowing that there was nowhere to run, Abi turned around to face her best friend and her concerned expression and unable to hold it together, she broke down completley "Raya... I.. he", running over and pulling the woman into a bone crushing hug, Saraya stated to the woman, knowing her like the back of her hand "that's get you somewhere quieter and I will ring Renee and get her to bring Jon...okay?" "okay" Abigail sniffed. After eventually finding a unoccupied room, avoiding questions from people and ringing Renee who luckily enough was already with Jon and Nora , Saraya sat and tried to calm Abi down to no avail, knowing exactly who the woman needed and wanted , she told her best friend as she passed her a bottle of water "Jon will be here any Sec babe, I wish you'd tell me what happened" "he's gonna be so..." , but before the broken hearted woman could finish, there was a frantic pounding at the door, a sound that made both women jump. Opening the locked door & letting the husband & wife in, immediately, Jon stormed in and instantly froze for a second before instantly going into full-on protective mode, wrapping his little sister in his arms, the one place that no matter how old Abi got, was one of the only places she always knew that no matter what had happened in life, she'd always be safe in "I gotcha peanut" Jon soothed, letting her cry.

After finally feeling the woman in his embrace calm down slightly , her sobs turning into hiccups & sniffs, Jon moved her chin up gently to look at him and wiping the tears & the make up from her eyes, the eyes that they both shared,he asked her softly and gently "are you ready to talk about it?" , hearing no response from the woman, Renee asked her sister in law " do you want us to leave Abs so you can talk to Jon alone?" "NO.. it's fine, I promise, I just.." looking at Jon, Abi continued "Just.. just promise me bub that you won't kick off if I tell you ... I can't...."Getting more & more concerned. Jon replied, trying to stay calm "I can't promise to not kick off peanut, but I promise you I will try not too. All I want to know is what or who has caused this!!! This isn't you, you don't break down like this over nothing." Looking between her best friend, brother and sister in law, Abi exclaimed sadly "me & Mike, we have split up . There were words " , as both women gasped in shock, Abi continued "that's just say, he has just made very clear now he really feels, nee specially made sure he brought that point home when he yelled at... " "HE RAISED... I am going to kill him". As Jon yelled and got up, he felt a tiny hand grip his wrist, a hand he instantly recognised as his baby sister rather than his daughter " Jon, please... please I am begging you, please don't do anything . Please bub, for me?!" Abigail begged, tears once again freefalling. As the sound of his sister crying once again echoed through the room, all Jon was concerned about was trying to calm down again & he sat down and pulled her into a hug "No, don't cry. I hate it when you cry" "I just wanted a hug from my big brother... reckon my big brother can do that for me... AND just that.. no killing". As Renee & Saraya looked at Jon, he sighed and smiled "course I can pipsqueak" and as he pulled her into a bone crushing hug, the type of hug that always made her feel safe. After finally getting her calm once again , Renee asked her sister in law what had happened " "I went to check on him after the whole Joe thing and he was mad, madder than I have ever seen him, he told me that everything that was happening to him was my fault, and..." "and? "Saraya questioned, furious at the man herself " come on psycho..." "he told me that he wished he'd never met me. That I was like Jon.. only out for myself ". Listening to his little sister open up and tell him everything, Jon was offically seeing red and Renee quickly realised as she saw his vein begin to pop & his foot bounce "Jon, calm... " "I'm gonna kill him" he yelled, standing up & storming towards the door "NO.. Jon please, you promised" "that was before I knew everything Abigal" Jon seethed, opening the door "walk out that door and we're through.. I mean it " Abigal threatened to no avail as her brother and protector was too far gone "I'll phone Darren and go after him" Renee exclaimed, rushing to catch up with him, hoping she could persuade him from doing anything stupid. Looking at the broken hearted bright red haired woman, Saraya exclaimed "you're staying with me tonight, it's been ages since we had a old catch up.. NO Excuses RED!"

After finally catching up to her irate husband, she managed, with the help of Darren stop him from commiting murder "Jon, just stop and think about what you are about to do! Think about what happened with Phil & the Elite! " "I could do with the break" Jon growled to which Darren exclaimed" I am telling you, nothing is worth losing that championship over! " "he yelled at my sister AND made her cry, I can't let that go! If it is between my family or my championship, my family wins everytime " Jon yelled, causing a crowd to start to build "Jon, Abi sorted it on her own!" Renee begged "please! please, just let it go" . Watching him begin to relax, both Darren & Renee breathed a sign of relief, however the peace didn't last long when Jon spotted the culprit of his sister's sadness walk into the vincinity of him "Jon! please don't do anything stupid" Renee growled, recieving a message from Saraya that her and Abi were gonna have a girls night "I won't lay a finger on him" Jon replied. Walking over to the man, Jon couldn't help but laugh at the small bruise forming on the man's cheek "open hand or fist?" Jon sarcastically asked "open hand" Michael mumbled, his sadness obvious to Jon. Waiting for the man to attack, Michael declared "if you're gonna beat the crap out of me, just do it! I can't feel any shitter than I do now' "not when you feel and look as guilty as you do, it would be like beating a puppy. Although, by rights, I should kill you for making my sister cry, but I'm not going to, I will tell you this though ... you need to do 3 things" "what's that?." "Sort whatever is going on in your head out , Leave Abi alone & regain some self focus.. because if you can talk to her the way you have... YOU DON'T Deserve her or a beating from me".

After agreeing (albeit under duress) to give his soul mate some space, Michael asked Jon "will you at least tell me this... is she okay?" "NO... but she will be... I've got her through worse " Jon shrugged before walking away. Waiting a few seconds, , Michael eventually walked away, alone to his car and the only thing on his mind was Abigal. his princess and how he was going to cope without her by his side.

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