You're My Home (Cash Wheeler x OC)

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As everyone went about setting up for TV, they looked up with expressions of confusion as they heard a familiar laugh echoing throughout the halls with yelling not far behind it and as the noise got closer, they all quickly moved out of the way of the path of the blonde and pink haired running past, members of The Dark Order behind her, her laugh making everyone smile "stop the she devil" Marc, known in the ring as Stu Grayson yelled, the sound alone making the woman speed up and nearly knock into three of her bosses. Looking at the woman who was quite clearly on some kind of sugar rush, they smiled as she said quickly " Buck 1...Buck 2...Big Boss Man...I'd love to hang about but I can't stop", watching her take off once more, TK asked with a grin "how does she have that much energy all the time?" "This is Indi we are talking about...the woman is constantly  as energized as a kid of coffee naturally, it's when she isn't full of energy, that's when we have to worry" Matt laughed "question is....what mess has she gotten herself into now?" Nick sighed as all three of the men watched the members of The Dark Order in pursuit "that's it...we are detoxing her off of sugar...or at the very least..we are keeping her away from The Dark Order" Nick laughed.  Making her way down the corridor of locker rooms, Indiana found the door she had been searching for and knocked a frantic knock the men inside instantly recognized as hers "whoa there pinky" David laughed as he opened the door and the woman proceeded to push past him and sit on the sofa they had, the look of innocence on her face.... An look that screamed too much  innocence "what have you done this time Garcia!" Daniel smirked as the woman pulled out her pone and began to scroll through her Instagram feed "I don't know what you mean Danny. I have been sat here for the last two hours and the only time I left was to get you two food and I was gone for 10 minutes if that and I came STRAIGHT BACK". Watching the woman's attention go back to her phone, both members of FTR looked at each other and smirked "for crying out loud woman, what disaster have you caused now?" Daniel joked sarcastically "first of all. I don't appreciate your tone.... second of all, If I told you I would have to kill you" Indiana smirked back, but as the men went to reply, all three of them jumped as there was a sudden banging at the door "You are going to be the death of us" David sighed "You both love know you do" Indi grinned.

Opening the door, both men couldn't stop themselves from bursting out laughing at the image in front of them of Cody, Marc and Nicolas covered in flour and what looked like purple glittery slime "!" Marc seethed "who?' Daniel asked, trying to stop himself from laughing "the small blonde and pink haired evil pixie we know who did this. We saw her come this way" Cody fumed as a bit of slime dropped from his chin. Walking over to the door, Indiana asked innocently as she appeared from behind Daniel "hey boys.... whoa what happened to you three? You look disgusting. Almost like there was an explosion in a wine making factory" "you know exactly what happened... Your evil mind is the one who set it up "Nicolas seethed. Looking at the three men, the woman replied, feigning emotion with tears in her eyes starting " I don't know what you're talking about... I have been in here the majority of today, I was only getting when you started cha...chasing me, I..... I....can't believe you would blame me". As both men watched the unofficial third member of FTR pull off one of her best performances to date, all they could do was smirk as they watched the three men become noticeably more and more uncomfortable by the second at the thought of making a woman cry "come on Indi...don't cry, I suppose we don't know for sure it was you, for all we know it could've been negative 1 on one of his pranking rampages again" Marc stuttered as the woman begun 'crying' and burrowed her head Into Daniel's broad chest, hiding the fact she was struggling to keep a straight face "come on Indi, we don't want to be known as the man who made the woman cry" Cody sighed "I think you better leave" Daniel replied as he put an arm around the woman's body. As David shut the door, both men burst out laughing and Daniel exclaimed while scratching at the woman skull "they've gone Marilyn Monroe, you can stop with the acting and come out of hiding now", quickly raising her head from the man's chest with a massive grin on her face, David laughed and exclaimed "you are evil!" "You wouldn't have me any other way" the woman exclaimed "what are you gonna do if Brodie Tells them, it was you?" Daniel asked 'Amanda knows it was me and I paid him 20 bucks to stay quiet. Anyway, I better go get pretty... Thanks for the help Axe and Cash man" Indiana replied, making her way out of the room.  As both members of FTR watched the woman skip out of their locker room, David turned to his tag partner and brother and expressed sarcastically "someone needs to limit that woman's Caffeine intake', hearing nothing but silence from the man in the room with him, David turned around and as he did, he smiled as he saw the grin on Daniel's face "you in the room brother?" "Yeah...yeah. I reckon the yellow too" "you're in love!!!" David Shouted bring bigger child in a candy factory at the thought of the man who is not only his best friend Very's brother finally finding the woman of his dreams that he'd been waiting for "I don't know what you mean" Daniel lied "you're telling me that the grin on your face is nothing are you? You need to tell her dude.... before someone else takes her".

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