Her Blue Haired Bad Boy (Aaron Solo x OC)

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When Gabriella used to watch Wrestling growing up, not only did she fall in love with the wrestling business which in turn caused her to find her calling in life from a young age, she had an opportunity not many people could say they would experience, and that was finding out that her father was a world famous athlete in the same sport.  Even though being a 2nd generation athlete came with some perks, it was tough on the woman having the man formally known as the Big Show as her father as it made it impossible to have any kind of relationship with a guy. When the two first found out about each other, Gabi had already made a name for herself on the independent circuit at a young age after her mother had passed away unexpectedly, so when they met, the feelings they had for each other and the questions Gabi had had made their relationship very strained and troublesome at times, it was only after her father had his hip surgery that their relationship took a turn for the better and he had found out she had signed with a company that was setting the world on fire.

Walking to makeup to get ready for her interview and her two matches on Dark and Elevation, Gabriella suddenly felt a hand grab her wrist but before she had a chance to fight back, she found herself in a cupboard with her blue haired bad boy "You are going to get me in so much trouble" the slightly shorter woman smiled mischievously "You love trouble Ella, that's why you fell for me" Aaron Solow smirked as he kissed her again. Pulling away from their kiss he said "I missed you this morning" , "I know I'm sorry. I was meant to meet my dad for breakfast, you know what he gets like If I don't turn up","When are you going to realise Ella, you can't live in your fathers shadow  forever". Pulling away from her boyfriends embrace, Gabriella looked at him in anger "It's easier said than done Aaron, you know how protective he can be, I can't hurt him....." "But he can hurt you and you can hurt me. This is ridiculous, I want to be with you, not your dad and you, I love you but you need to decide, its him or me". Watching him walk away, the woman wanted to pull her hair out, on the one hand, she and her father after many years were finally in a good place and she didn't want to jeopardise that, but on the other she had been let down so many times by the one person in the world who was meant to protect her but instead he had denied her  and had fallen in love and had kids with other women. Being with Aaron had made her feel the safest and loved she had ever felt and she didn't want to lose him. As she walked away to try and get her head on straight however, she didn't realise she had been seen leaving the cupboard after her boyfriend and how in only a few short hours, her secret would come crashing around her feet.

After getting into her gear ready for her matches, she had found a dark and silent hallway where she could just sit and think about things to get her mind on her match... it was quiet however until she heard a voice she really didn't want to hear "Gabi, whats a pretty flower like you doing on her own in the dark?" "Hi Vickie, Nyla.  I was just trying to get my head together before my match. Can't let the family name down can I?!" the Bright Red haired woman sighed "I heard you were on Elevation and Dark, your dad hasn't stopped telling people how proud he is of you" Vickie smiled, "great , now on top of everything else, I have that too to deal with, thanks dad" the woman thought. Looking at the woman, Nyla  asked her "what's on your mind! Boyfriend issues!" "You have a boyfriend and your dad didn't scare them off?  Wow he must be a keeper" Vickie smiled "It's a long story and one I wished my mom was here for". Watching the woman well up slightly, Vickie's motherly instincts kicked in and she smiled " I know I am not your mom, but you can talk to me you know". As his daughter spoke to her adoptive mother about everything, near the gorilla Paul was in shock at what he was hearing, "my daughter Gabi.... Are you sure?" "No one could miss that big bright hair, I'm telling you, she was in a cupboard with that Solow kid, looked pretty cosy too if you ask me" "thanks Tully. I need to go and get ready, my segments up in a bit" "No problem Paul, hope you get it sorted" Tully smiled "Oh I will, believe me" Paul  fumed before walking off.

As the segment with her father and the factory came around, the small, bright red haired woman walked into the go position and saw her dad with a look on his face she couldn't make out "what's up with you pops, someone eat your last chicken leg?" She joked as she saw out of the corner of her eye, her boyfriend staring at her with a small smile on his face "something like that, I haven't seen you around much today young lady, I hope you haven't been getting into mischief" her father replied, studying her face extremely closely as the factory walked out ready for the segment "you know me pa, I'm an angel, just hung round with the girls and got ready for my matches " she lied, not wanting to start any kind of argument with her father. Looking at the monitor as QT and the man she loved with every fibre of her being stood in the ring with Tony, she couldn't take her eyes of her Blue Haired Bad Boy, he was right she knew he was but she couldn't stop her worry about the thought of losing another parent and being on her own. As Tully walked in, Paul smiled at him slightly and then turned to his daughter and asked "what's got you grinning?, is it seeing your boyfriend finally getting some proper TV time?", choking on the mouthful of water she had just chugged back, the woman looked at her dad in shock "yeah, I know all about you and Mr Blue Hair and your secret meetings in cupboards, I thought I told you before Gabriella, I don't want you with a wrestler" "I love him dad, and he loves me...." "You don't know what love is Gabriella Wright. Your young and innocent and he is corrupting you" but before the woman could tear into her father, she heard his music begin playing "Where are you? DAD!!!", and before she had time to stop him, he had gone through the tunnel, a look of fire and fury in his eyes, one of the only things she had inherited from him. As she went to chase after him, she quickly felt the arms of one of her best friends wrap around her waist, stopping her dead in her tracks "You better let me go Cash, I mean it!" "Calm Down Brie, Your not going out there, I'm under strict instructions" "from who?" She huffed as she pried her fingers in between the mans tight grip and failed "god you have some kind of freaky grip strength", Walking from behind Dax, Tully responded "from me! I'm following orders Gabriella, your dad doesn't want you out there". Looking at the men confused, Gabi's line of vision quickly went to a nearby monitor and that was the moment she felt like she had been hit square in the chest, not only was her father in the ring with her boyfriend, but he had him ready for a chokeslam after QT had pushed him in to the lions den "he's not good enough for you Gabriella, the quicker he real....." "where do my emotions factor, I love him Tully, more than anything. Why am I not allowed to be with someone who ....." but before she could say anything else, she walked away, not wanting to let her emotions get the better of her.

Walking into medical sometime later after a text from Sammy telling her where he was, she was furious at both Nick and QT fussing over him "you have a nerve don't you? You feed him to the lions and then FUSS OVER HIM" "GAB!" Aaron yelled, pulling her out of her fury "calm...guys give me a minute" he exclaimed but before they could argue he added "GO!!" And as they did Gabi stated "I'd go to the ring Marshall, I think you left your balls out there". Hearing them leave, Aaron looked at the woman but before he could say anything she took him by surprise as she kissed him with every fibre of her being, pulling away, he saw the tears in her eyes "I'm okay Gab, I told you I am not going anywhere" , "I'm sorry my dad did that, I can see he put extra force behind it" she sniffed "do I take it he knows?" He then asked, looking at her eyes well up "Tully told him, he saw us come out of the cupboard earlier" the red haired woman sniffed. Knowing her as well as he did even after a couple of months, he could read the woman like a book and moving over on the bed and adjusting his ice accordingly, he exclaimed as he pulled the woman into his embrace "he will calm down, I promise you. You aren't going to lose him and you will never be on your own Red. I love you" "I love you too. I'm sorry I ..." no apologies needed princess...it's all good".

As she laid in his arms for a little bit longer, Gabriella had a realisation, no matter what happened... with her blue haired bad boy in her corner, she'd never be alone again.

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