We will soon have a baseball team (Shane Mcmahon xOC)

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When the son of Vince Mcmahon found out his second wife was expecting their first child on their honeymoon six months prior, his excitement was something that made his wife's heart explode, however as her pregnancy went on, both side of their family quickly and sadly realised that she was in for a tougher than normal pregnancy, a situation that Shane had been by her side with from day one and through watching her, he had developed a new love for her that he had never though existed. Walking in to their house that evening after an exhausting day of meeting upon meeting, all Shane wanted to do was get comfy and cuddle up with the woman who over the last 6 months had shown a strength he had never seen before and start his nightly routine of talking to their daughter, but hearing the silence, he sighed.. he knew he shouldn't have left her...especially after seeing how ill she had looked that morning.

Knowing exactly where the love of his life would be, Shane made his way into their cinema room, and as he stopped at the door, he couldn't help but smile at the image in front of him... there was his wife.. glowing with their three dogs around her, protecting their sister whilst she laid in a makeshift blanket fort. Walking into the room, he stated quietly "I thought I would find you in here", looking at their master, both Zeus and Ares, their German Shepards ran towards him whilst their older dog Apollo, a chocolate Labrador the woman had begged the man to rescue from a nearby shelter just weeks before their wedding stayed with his mom and baby sister "how are you feeling?" Shane asked,walking over and kissing the woman's forehead and scratching Apollo's head, concerned growing at her pale skin and blotchy eyes "have you been crying?" He then asked concerned "..no.." she lied "Wanna try again? You know, it's okay to cry.", looking at her husband and his pleading face, Tallulah sighed, knowing she couldn't lie to him and replied, with a smile "I'm emotional and pregnant, leave me alone" as Shane sat beside her after Apollo jumped off the chair and followed his siblings. Pulling the blankets away from his wife's embrace and burrowing inside his wife's expertly built fortress , he kissed her bare stomach and told her "talk to me Lula..what has got you so upset?" "It's nothing..I promise" "Lu...come on!" Shane begged "it's me you are talking too..when have you ever not been able to talk to me?".

Looking at her husband and his pleading face, however hard she tried, she couldn't lie to him knowing how concerned he had been over her throughout her entire pregnancy, sighing, she muttered "I just dont feel like me today....I feel fat and unattractive and I have lost count at the amount of times I have cried today" "baby.... Come here" Shane smiled, opening his arms and letting the love of his life snuggle into him "You're not fat, you're pregnant, and even if you were fat, I don't care. I love you, and if you weren't crying every 5 minutes I would be concerned, that big heart of yours was one of the things that made me fall in love with you so quickly..." "even you have to admit that it isn't normal even for me to cry at the thought of the dogs feeling pushed out when she comes...or what if she doesn't like them... I hope the baby likes the dogs, because the dogs were here first and...". Watching his wife and noticing his wife's beautiful amber eyes begin to tear up again, Shane sighed "Lula, if Felicity even has 2% of your kind heart, she will love them just as much as they already love her. You really have nothing to worry about" "I'm glad you're here Shaney, making a human being is really hard" she sniffed, wiping her eyes once more" "so am I Lula..come on princess, why don't we go up to bed, get more comfier and watch a film in bed..you both look cramped up...I will even give you a foot massage" "with an offer like that, how could I refuse, but aren't you hungry? I could cook something" "Meeting overran, I had a chicken thing on the way home.. I am fine for now... I can always make food if the three of us get hungry later".

Getting the bed comfy for not only him,his wife and their unborn daughter but also the three dogs who would not leave their mom's side however much the couple tried, Shane smiled as he heard the woman singing in the bathroom a song that over the last six months had become a stable in her repertoire, a beautiful retention of the classic song 'you are my sunshine', looking at Apollo who eyes were as big as Tallulah's amber ones, Shane whispered as he scratched his ear "we really are lucky having your mom in our lives aren't we boy. Your little sister in going to be one lucky munchkin having her as a mom". As he got comfier on their bed, laughing as he watched the two German Shepard's fight for one spot of the giant bed they both wanted, Shane heard the door open and as he looked up, he felt a huge smile appear on his face at the image of the woman he saw as an angel walk out "what are you smiling at Mr McMahon?" "Well Mrs McMahon, I am smiling at my beautiful pregnant wife, you're glowing honey..pregnancy suits you" "I don't feel like it...I feel like a walking ball of emotion and stretch marks...I am going to have to completley reinvent myself when I go back to competing" the woman smiled as she walked over to the bed and scratched Zeus on the head "you havent got a stretch mark anywhere, Steph is even jealous" "Steph has had three.. this is my first" Lula replied sarcastically with a smile, something Shane had missed more than he realised "there is that smart mouth I love". As the woman got in and made herself and their watermelon attached to her comfortable, she kissed Shane sweetly, taking him by surprise "what was that for, not that I am complaining" "It's a thank you, I know I havent exactly been the best person to live with recently, seeing as I have no control over my body, or my emotions and its an I'm sorry that you've had to deal with my pregnancy hormones lately..." "You have nothing, nada to apoligise to me for mouse...nothing. When we got pregnant, I knew what I was expecting, what with the boys being three completely different experiences. If anything, I am sorry that you are feeling so unlike you... I am going to have to make more of an effort to show you how amazing and beautiful you are on the daily if you are feeling like this" "you do that everyday Shane, I am just ready for her to be here and to get back to feeling like me a little bit" his wife smiled, kissing him once more.

After finding something the husband and wife both agreed on to watch, Shane as carefully as he could, wrapped an arm around his wife and pulled her close, kissing her head and putting a hand on the bare stomach "I still cant believe she is going to be here in less than 3 months, I had a phone call from Steph earlier and honestly, I do not know who is more excited, Steph that she is getting a niece, mom and dad that they are getting another grandchild or the boys that they are finally getting a sister" Shane grinned "she is definitely gonna be a spoiled little girl, that's for....OW!", shocked at feeling the strong kick from his daughter, Shane grinned and stroked his wife's stomach again "you know your daddy's back don't you princess" he whispered, getting another kick. As Shane began to stroke his wife's swollen stomach, she playfully slapped his hand away "Oh no you don't Mr, Your child's been kicking me all day...I need a rest" Tally laughed "Oh, so now she is my child?" Shane grinned "She is when she is coast to coasting my insides" "Im pretty sure I am not the only one who has devastating kicks in their Repertoire" "Are you really going to argue with your pregnant wife?" "..... you have a point!" Shane laughed.

As Shane ran his hands through the brown and red hair of his wife, he couldn't help but smile at the image of the woman in his arms, when he split from Marissa, he never thought he would be happy again and he certainly didnt know if or when he found someone how he was going to even go about dating after being with his ex wife for two decades, but when Stephanie introduced him to the new woman that Hunter had found and taken under his wing, all of the fear in the world he had disappeared. Looking down and seeing her stomach protruding, he knew everything he had with her was for keeps and that even if they went about everything as fast as they did, they were happy and that was all that matter to both him and her "I know you are having a rough time of it, but I have to say, I can't wait for you to have another... I want more with you" "that's just see how I handle having her first, but..I have to agree, I do PERHAPS want at least two or three more with you" Lula smiled "even with the sickness and the tiredness?" Shane asked surprised she was admitting it to him "If It meant we had mini you and me's running around ... I could cope with it...with help" "babygirl....you have me for keeps.. we will soon have our own baseball team" "that's not go too far" Talluah laughed.

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