Rebel Hart Part 2 (Bret Hart x OC)

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(Hope this lives up to expectation @hardywoman99 and I am sorry It has taken so long, technology is evil)

As Katie sat on the counter in the kitchen of the party, beer in her hand, she couldn't get off her mind the way her father had acted when she had come home, or her sisters smug face as he tore into her about her supposed failings as his daughter, let alone a Hart, she loved her genealogy and who she was, but it came with negatives, negatives she hated and wished she didn't have to ever experience. Hearing her phone start to ring in her pocket again, her mind was quickly distracted by the arms of her boyfriend Logan and the sound of his voice in her ear over the basey music shout"come on, come have fun", "they keep ringing" Katie sighed, "let them. You are your own person Hart, you deserve to live your life". Feeling him drag her gently, Katie smiled as she slid her phone back into her bag "he was right, of course he was right" she thought, she was there for fun, and fun was what she was going to have, regardless of anyone or anything else.

As Bret slammed his phone onto the kitchen counter, not only was his wife concerned but his older children were too, "she didn't answer" their father sighed angrily as Jade said, trying to help Stephanie calm Bret down "dad, you know what Katie is like, ever since I can remember she has been rebellious and fiery, didn't you say it was a trait she got from Grandpa", "more like her excuse of a mother" Beans muttered as Dallas bit back "why have you got to act the way you do with her, no wonder Turnip is acting the way that she is","what! out of control. I have said it before and I will say it again, Cinzia was the one who wanted her, she should of taken her with her wherever she went, save us the earache". Listening to his daughter talk, Bret was disgusted and replied angrily "regardless of the relationship between you and your sister, or me and her mother, Katie is family and isn't going anywhere Alexandra so why not try, like everyone else to help her settle in to the family" "how am I meant too daddy when the stress she is putting us all through is making you ill! And the way she acts its like she doesn't care". Looking between the two family members, Blade, concerned about his sister said, trying to break the tension "I will try her phone again, and if she doesn't pick up, I will try and see if her location is on on her phone" "thank you son" Bret smiled "I'll come with you" Dallas said as they both left in search of their baby sister, they just hoped they found her before the Hart way of thinking caused her to get herself into anymore trouble.

Taking a breather outside, Katie checked her phone and saw all the missed calls and texts from not only her immediate family, but from all of the relatives on her fathers side , sighing to herself she knew it was too good to be true, all she wanted was one night to be around people who had no idea who she was and who she could be herself around without judgement. Staring into space, trying to not let her emotions get the best of her, the youngest Hart was brought back to reality when she heard a familiar voice yell "hey, I wondered where you had got too", turning around and seeing her boyfriend walking towards her with a smile on his face, she replied "I just needed a breather and a drink" and drunk the last mouthful of her beer. Looking at his girlfriend, Logan smiled as he put his hands around her waist, regardless of who she was, or even who her family were, he knew in his heart that the young woman was his soulmate and he would, for as long as she let him, make her his whole world, his family, the family they both craved. Standing in front of her, Logan gave her a quick kiss and exclaimed "they all love you you know, I told you they would, and not one of them know who you are, like I promised", as Katie put her arms around him, she replied "I never doubted you for a second" and she kissed him. As her phone went to voicemail once again, both brothers were concerned, yes Katie was streetwise but to not answer her phone even after making her swear to them that if nothing else, she would answer to them was worrying them more and more, "Dallas you are gonna have to check her location, I know you don't wanna break her trust but.." "shes our sister" Dallas replied back to his brother as he went to work trying to find out where she was. After a few minutes, Blade jumped as Dallas yelled "2 blocks that way and right" "That's wilderness, she cant be out there", "Just go" Dallas shouted a his brother through concern as to why the hell and how the hell the baby Hart had gotten out so far.

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