Let's Have A Baby Part 2 (Colton Gunn x OC)

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Walking onto their deck of their new home, all Colton could do was smile at the image in front of him, his ready to pop pregnant girlfriend in his clothes, with yet another one of her weird food cravings looking the most beautiful he had ever seen her with their' new husky November sat by her feet, protecting her mom and new sibling . Walking over to Summer he stroked November's head and then kissed her'head before joking "okay... the Chips I get...The Chilli flakes I get.... but mixing the chilli flakes AND the chocolate yogurt together is sick even for you sunny " "I need to get this little overstayer out and I don't like spice... I really don't see the problem" Summer shrugged as she put another chilli chocolate chip in her mouth, making the man fa ke gag and laugh before he stated, putting a hand on her bump "actually... come to think of it... why are you using your baby bump as a table when you literally have a table right there? and in front of you " . Looking at the table then her bump, Colton snorted as Summer replied with a smirk "tell me if you had a bump you wouldnt do this!" "you have a point.. feeling any movement?" "little bit.. nothing obvious though. They're still as comfy as ever" Summer sighed. Knowing how much his partner was struggling, all Colton wanted to do was take her pain away but knowing he couldn't do much, Colton didn't reply back but simply sat next to her and pulled her into him as close as he could. letting her snuggle into him whilst he put his hand on her stomach "I just want them here Colts... I am tired of not being able to see my own feet, plus I wanna work out" "I know baby, but it's gonna be any day I promise you. They can't stay in there forever and once they're here, it'll all of been worth it .... plus remember what dad said... he'd said that he would train you and get you looking better than ever once you are ready. On the subject of dads.... Have you heard anything from yours?" Colton asked . Watching as Summer played with November's ear & wipe a tear from her eye, Colton sighed & kissed her head as he watched the mother of his unborn child shake her head and sniff" he'll come round Sum.. just give him time" "Bailey said the same thing but I know him, i've always been his princess. It is killing me that he won't talk to me, I wouldn't of given up us or this one over, but even still, it's still breaking my heart that this nugget isn't going to meet their man or grumpy " Summer sighed., fusing over November once again as she checked on her mom. Knowing that her extra hormones were certainly making her feel worse about the whole shut show of a situation, Colton wished he could make everything right & it hurt his heart that he couldn't, kissing her head, he asked the woman trying to change the subject "d'ya want me to stay here with you. We can snuggle up and work through what we have left on your list of inducing with that leftover red velvet cake from last night"" go work out.. we'II be fine I promise & besides, between Ashley and Jade's ideas, Paige's mothers recipe and Tom and Thea offering to take me for a hike. I'm gonna be busy ... who knows something might work.. OR I will fall asleep beforehand... either/either." "you just don't want me to lose my muscle and good looks "Colton laughed" I'd love you even with a dad bod" Summer grinned.

Opening the door to his father and brother a couple of hours later, Colton quickly let them in
and yelled to the woman in the kitchen whilst his dad fused over November "Sum, Austin and pop are here! " "coming! " "how is she?" Monty asked his son while November got fused over by Austin "Still pregnant... being a complete ass is definatly a trait he or she has picked up from both sides" Summer replied from nowhere as she waddled out from the kitchen with a bottle of water in hand, her workout clothes on (well Colton's). Eventually making her Way to her family, she playfully growled as Austin grinned and joked "hey hippo, still not popped "whilst giving the woman a hug "hey Austin... the 80s called.. they want their fashion back " "you're lucky you're pregnant" Austin smiled. Giving his future daughter in law a hug, Monty expressed "you're looking good though Summy... even overdue you still have a glow " "thanks Monty"Summer smiled, as she watched Austin played with November . Looking at his girl, Colton moved a piece of hair from her face and stated "now, are you sure you're going to be okay? .. I..." " GO! I'll be fine. Besides, Thea and Tommy said they'd be here any minute, plus Paige said she'd be round later with her mother's recipe thing ..." "y' know, there is one thing you haven't tried...." "as much as I love you grandpa ass.. Im gonna have to stop you right there... " "im just...." "dad, no. Let's go... I have my phone, if you need anything... or it starts.... I love you... and I love you little one" Colton exclaimed, kissing Summer, then her belly and then fusing over November before leaving, running into the husband and wife a the door. After finishing getting ready with the help of Thea, the best friends were finally out walking "so this is what... 8 days your overdue?" "10... 10 whole days and they've been making that point....... " , suddenly stopping mid sentence as the pain she had been experiencing all day intensified once again, noticing her expression ,Tom asked the woman with concem concern "Sum? you okay?" "im fine, they've been happening all day.. it's just braxton hicks that's.....". As Thea stepped forward, she looked at her best friend's shorts as a wet patch appeared and calmly replied "erm... I don't think it's hicks girl, your waters have just broken" , seeing the panic build in her young eyes, Thea smiled and calmly exclaimed while Tom took his shirt off to wrap around the woman "we need to get going to the hospital Momma" "I don't think I can move"the woman panicked, feeling another contraction. Watching the two woman interact , Tommy calmly exclaimed with a smile "HEY... Summer breathe and look at me . We are here. we aren't going anywhere & you aren't alone. If you look, we can see the car from here, you have us with you, you aren't gonna be on your own., but we need to get you in the car and to the hospital " "what about Colt... "when we get to the car, we will ring Colton but we really need to get going "Thea reiterated, calming the woman enough to make their way to the car.

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