I Could Just Use A Hug Part 3 (Wardlow x OC)

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AN:- everything that I am writing now just doesn't seem to sound any good so apologies if this is a bit 💩. I have also changed this about 10 million times so hoping you like the ending.

After the run in that the once couple had at TV just over a month prior , it was safe to say that both the feelings & emotions of the once loved up couple were at an all time high & everyone around them could feel it as clear as day. On the one hand, the mixture of both pain & regret haunted the man known as ' Mr. Mayhem ' on a daily basis and it had done since the day that he found out about the loss of their baby, he had regretted the way he had treated the woman that he would still kill for that night and on top of that, he felt guilt and pain over not being there for Abi during and after the loss of their baby, but on top of that, he couldn't help but feel anger at not only her, but Jon too. However, when it came to Abi, her emotions were different to him, when she had first lost their baby, she tried everything she could to mask how she was feeling, to mask her sadness & her tears and by doing so, she had managed to tum her anger into numbness in what many around her were calling a 'manic going off the rails style breakdown.'.. When it came to Abi though, , everyone who knew her... truly knew her, knew that however much she wanted to make people around her believe that she was ok, her body and mind would let her down eventually and the way that she was currently acting was not only causing caused alarm bells to go off in her friends & loved ones heads but told them that she was close to a full breakdown. It had been a while since she'd acted the way she currently was... self destructive & cold when it came to Michael & her brother, however, there were people who she'd let in through her built up walls and they were Raya, Dori, Ricky, Toni, Johnny and Kira.

With a large slice of red velvet cake on the plate in front of her, Abi, alongside Toni, Danielle (Willow), Anna, Jade and Dori watched Dynamite from catering once again whilst the idea of a company night out was being mentioned for what had to be at least the fifth time that day "I already thought that we'd all agreed that a night out was a no-no. Especially after last time" Dori expressed, sticking up for Abi after noticing the expression on her face an expression of exhaustion & pain. As Abi sighed quietly, rubbing her forehead , the migraine pain that she'd been was feeling in her temple moving into her forehead at speed, she heard Danielle exclaim with a smile "I say this because we love you Abs, but you need a night out... you look like complete dog crap" "ta very much Nightingale, that is exactly what I needed to hear at a time where I feel like my world is in the toilet " Abi sarcastically exclaimed as Dori calmed her down a little" she dont mean it like that." Whilst Dori calmed Abi down as much as she could , Britt, Tanea & Paige walked over after hearing the ongoing conversation" from what I heard, she didn't mean it like that Abi, you know that" Britt exclaimed, making the point once again "we all love you and after everything that you've gone through recently pretty much alone , we can all just see that, no matter how much you want to deny it or hide it thatyou aren't yourself. You haven't been since you came back. We're all just worried about you" Paige smiled. As the woman pulled her vision away from the screen in front of her, she opened her mouth to reply to her friends, but as she did, she suddenly smelt a familiar aftershave in the air & as she did, she sighed a big sigh of relief as she felt the familar arms of 'The Absolute One' wrap around her shoulders. Whilst the mystery man hugged her, he exclaimed "ladies... Abanana , is this a private meeting, or can anyone join in!", turning round, she smiled & exclaimed as she saw Dickie's face "my saviour, am I glad to see you, they're trying to tell me that I need a good night out... oh and I have also been told that apparantley I look like crap" Abi smiled " I will say it again woman... you have taken it all completley out of context" Danielle reitarated" im teasing you Nightingale" Abi winked. As Ricky looked at the woman with nothing but a caring smile, he could see each person's point of view and knowing how to handle Abi, he expressed gently "how about a compromise Abs..." "Im listening "the woman expressed won a smile "we make this night out a party to offically welcome you back..." "this doesn't..."" hey, let me finish madam... I was going to say, if it helps you to feel comfy around everyone, I won't drink a drop of alcohol... you can even think of me as your own personal driver because then, if you get tired or you feel like you can't be around everyone anymore, I will instantly drop everything & I will drive you back to your hotel... hell, if your up for it, we can even stop & get food.. have a late night film night... what do you say?, come and have fun with us Banana ?". Knowing that no matter how hard she tried to fight back against not only her friends, but Ricky, a man who'd been there for her all throughout her recovery, she knew that she was well and truly outnumbered & didn't have a choice but to go out, " I guess that I'd better go and make sure that I have something to wear then" Abi exclaimed with a sigh "attagirl" Paige cheered as Ricky laid a entle kiss on her temple, an small action that made the woman smile... truly smile, something she adn't done in a long time" I've got your back... I promise" Ricky whispered. As the women talked more about the party , Ricky, knowing Abi pretty much like the back of his hand, looked at her & as he did, he noticed instantly the familiar look of concern, anxiety & self doubt on her face that she was trying to hide and whispered in her ear "you trust me right?" "of course I do "Abi whispered "then trust me when I tell you Abanana... no matter what happens tonight, I will not let him come within 10 yards of you babygirl... not unless you want him to be near you or if you wanna talk to him... I promise". As she looked at the time & knowing that she needed to go & finish getting ready for her match on Rampage against get an other indie wrestler Tony was testing out ,the woman made her excuses and left, however as she walked out of catering, Dori caught The Absolute one watch her walk away & exclaimed, making sure that their friend was fully out of earshot " you really like her don't you?" "..... she.. I have absoultley no idea what you mean" Ricky lied, shifting uncomfortably "please! we can all see it "Britt smirked "you have made sure that no matter what, you've always been there for her, any kind of comfort that she has needed, you are the one she comes too AND you smile like an idiot whenever you are talking to her, about her or even when you simply hear her name mentioned" Anna added, getting invovled "you have got it bad" Jack declared, coming out of nowhere.

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