You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen (Sammy Guevara x OC)

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A/N- A request by @Gallybaby I hope you like and I am sorry it has taken so damn long
TW- body image issues, bullying, trolling

Tonight had been a night that Audrina Madden had been waiting for for months after she had scratched and clawed her way to the top of the rankings and made her feud with Britt one of the most talked about in the companies why was Audrina not more excited..... one word.......trolling.

Growing up, she had from a young age noticed that she had never had a figure like most of her friends and peers, where they either had long legs or a body to die for, she had the physique of a power lifter, short and thick, but  after leaving school and taking up wrestling at the age of 17,she had come to realise why she had been given the body she had and having success after success all over the world very quickly and winning multiple championships, Audrina had made the decision to start to love the body she had and begun the arduous task of learning to love what she had rather than grieve what she was missing on the bad days and after knowing her and training with her for so long, watching her confidence build  was one of the things that drew The Spanish God towards her like a moth to a flame and why they had been childhood sweethearts, but even though he had seen her on her bad days, he had never seen her in as much of a state as she was at that moment and it was something she was determined he was never going to see.  Walking  through the halls in a thick hoodie and sweatpants, Audrina froze when she heard Trey call out seemingly out of nowhere, "YO MADDEN!......what's..woah! What are you wearing?" "Clothes" Audrina replied, slightly confused and angry at the man for asking such a stupid question "I am aware you are wearing clothes...what I mean is why are you dressed like it is the middle of winter when it is 37 degrees outside? Aren't you hot!".  As Trey looked at Audrina he could see in her eyes the unshed tears threatening to fall and it worried him, stepping forward, he audibly gasped as she stepped back "Rina what's happened? Do you want me to get Sammy?", she wanted to scream no but she couldn't, instead she simply shook her head and replied "I just wanna be on my own for a while...thanks though" and before he could respond, Audrina was gone.

After searching for the man all over the building, Trey eventually found the person he was looking for filming with Tay, Aaron and Fuego for the vlog "we've been looking all over for you" Tay smiled with an air of fakeness with an arm draped over Sammy, noticing the man before any of the others did "Same" Trey shrugged, hearing something different in his voice, Sammy turned around and playfully asked "what is up with you Grumpy?" "I need to talk to you" "We can talk on here" "NO...we really REALLY can't". Looking at the man in confusion after his outburst, Sammy turned off his camera and exclaimed "this better be good" "Have you seen Audrina today?" "Nope, not since last night when we had an argument...why?" "What did you argue over?" Tay asked, her crush on the man obvious to everyone bar Sammy "I just said she looked pretty in an outfit she was wearing and she blew up at me and stormed out....haven't seen her since. Why have you seen her?". Listening to what Sammy had to say, the man quickly put two and two together and replied back "I think we might have a problem...I saw Drina earlier in a thick hoodie and sweatpants...." "In this heat?" Aaron interjected shocked "this is Audrina we are talking about!" Tay expressed, rolling her eyes at the men's concern "then I looked on her socials...did some research, did you know she is getting trolled" " does everyone" Tay stated annoyed "Not like this Tay". Looking at his friend in confusion, Sammy took the phone from the man and instantly felt sick at some of the comments he was seeing of a photo he had taken for her recently on one of their beach days "how did I not see this? How did anyone not see this?" Sammy angrily yelled as Aaron and Fuego took the phone and read them for themselves "I need to find her" "I say whatever it is, let her work it out for herself" Tay replied with a look in her eye that everyone one bar Sammy couldn't put his finger on "Nothing is more important to me then her" he expressed, pulling his arm away from the woman "last I saw she was going towards Hair and Make up" Trey smiled and with that, Sammy took off running.  Looking at Tay, all three of the men could see she was trying to think of any excuse she could to leave and as she opened her mouth to try and make her excuse to leave, Trey stated "I don't know what Drina has done to you to make you hate her enough to do this to her... maybe this is you trying to split them up so you can get in there but I am telling you now Tay, I know you have something somehow to do with the trolling she is getting and Drin doesn't deserve it ... I am telling you now, one hint you are posting ANYTHING else.....I wont hesitate in telling Sammy and Audrina everything" Trey fumed "like you have any proof!" Tay expressed smugly "besides like I said, everyone gets it, its not my fault poor little Drina  can't handle me .........." "SO IT WAS YOU!" Trey growled as Tay's face paled "please don't tell Sammy" she begged, trying to think of anything she could to get herself out of this situation "pathetic" Aaron muttered, walking away fro the woman.

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