You make me feel safe (Joe Hendry x OC) (TW)

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Own creation
TW- Baby loss
Sorry it's a long one . I'm trying to broaden my writing a little bit and want to try and make this an angst/tearjerking chapter.. I don't know if it is any good but I tried.

When the husband and wife of Isla and Joe Hendry announced the loss of their stillborn baby daughter on their social media pages  after everyone from their fans to dirt sheets speculated over what was happening with the couple after Joe's sudden disappearance from a taping loop & in addition, a match that had been hyped up for weeks prior being postponed, but after wondering what if, they were all shocked when they found out the truth. As soon as they both made the decision to make their pain public , the whole wrestling community from fans, to friends to even legends in their business that they'd never met reached out & showed them both an unwavering love that they had never expected. However, what nobody around them had expected to see was Isla back in the ring so quickly after giving birth , but Joe, knowing his wife knew that her putting her head in the sand normally meant they were heading for a fall sooner rather than later.. what he didn't realise was how soon soon was going to be.

Walking into the womens lockerroom at the latest taping loop , Mickie, Shantelle, KiLynn & Tricia all froze as they saw the image of their best friend and tag partner in front of them, their normally spunky blonde woman was looking noticeably thinner & like she was barely holding her emotions together. Knowing that they needed to work together to get the woman talking, Mickie, being the oldest, walked over and bent down in front of the woman walked over"Isla? Honey? are you okay? we weren't expecting to see you back so soon ". Waiting and getting no response from the woman, Shantelle asked her best friend as she sat down next to her  "Issy I really don't think she should be here, are you sure you don't want one of us to get Joe", snapping out of her own little world, Isla declared "no don't get him involved... I'm fine. Please don't bug him....I was just thinking in a world of my own". Watching the woman quite clearly lie to them,it was safe to say that none of the woman were buying what the woman was saying,walking towards the woman and sitting down, Shantelle replied with a smile as she wiped her tag partners eyes  "you are a crap liar Blondie ". Watching the woman quite clearly lie to them,it was safe to say that none of the woman were buying what the woman was saying "you are a crap liar Blondie ", Shantelle replied with a smile as she wiped her tag partners eyes  "you don't nt have to hide how you are feeling....not with us" Trisha added. Knowing she could no longer hide how she was feeling, Isla sighed and exclaimed, opening up for the first time since her and Joe lost Esme "I just.. I keep going over everything that has happened in my head and however hard i think about it, nothing is making sense... I don't get it ....I don't get why it happened... I don't get what I did wrong. When we found out that  we were having her, even through the fear, we made sure that I did everything right, hell Joe wouldn't even let me raise a finger or train properly until I was after 12 weeks... why did it have to happen?". Unable to hold back her tears anymore, the pain she was feeling too much to bare, the woman broke down and as she did, her friends instantly surrounded her, giving her comfort "Isla, listen to me.... It is nothing you did...I promise you. Sometimes,especially as females in this business, these things just happen & they suck, but that little girl knew how much she was loved, I promise you that "  Mickie exclaimed whilst hugging the woman that she had taken under her wing "I just... I don't know how to feel, I don't see anything apart from black"the woman sobbed.

As the woman attempted everything she could to calm herself down, Shantelle expressed her concern once again and declared "as much as you don't nt want to talk to him or see him,  I really think Joe needs to take you back to the hotel Issy, you've come back way too soon, you're both still grieving" "I agree" Mickie added but noticing  Isla's  silence, Tricia told her to spill " I am struggling being around own husband. Every time I look at him, I see her and how perfect she looked even being so young  and I see his heartbreak in the room that we were in and after.... I can't do it to him. I cant be the reason for his pain....not any more" Isla declared before leaving the locker room, the action concerning everyone.  Meanwhile , completely unaware of his wife's breakdown and the concern of her friends, "The Local Hero' was sat  in the men's locker room, staring at his phone whilst in a world of his own, hoping & praying that his beautifully strong wife was okay and that she'd call or text him to let him know how she was doing & if she needed him, just like he needed her, however as the man stayed in the world of his own, the group of men in the locker room noticed the spaced out man looking at his phone with concerned etched on his face . Knowing that the man was struggling and wanting to get him talk, Josh Alexander joked "you waiting for it to bite you man?", hearing the man, Joe exclaimed sadly, snapping back to reality,"sorry man... was in a world of my own...I'm just waiting to see if Isles will message me to let me know she is's..... It's her first day back since... since we lost Esme".  Watching the man and seeing the concern and sadness on his face, Brian asked as Frank, Heath, Eric & Richard listened intently in as the man explained what had happened that morning "I know it is a really stupid question , especially  given the circumstances, but how are you both doing? You lost a baby too and I bet no one has asked you". As Joe looked up at the men, he replied back with complete & utter honesty,something he hadn't done much "apart from the grief... I don't know, I really don't...I'm.. I'm worried, really worried about Isla . We have known each other for so long and ever since we have known each other, we have seen each other through our ups & downs especially with Isla's family history, but I can categorically say that I have never seen her like this before... I'm worried that I am losing her, that I am going to wake up one morning & my nugget isn't gonna be there anymore". After hearing the man open up, everyone walked over to the man and sat around him whilst Frank asked him "have you told her this? All of this? Isles wouldn't want you feeling like this" "no, I can't, we all know her.. if I told her how I was feeling, she'd blame herself more so than she is now.. no matter what I am feeling or thinking, I have to be strong for her, my emotions can come later." However, before any of the five men could reply, the door opened and Trey walked in and exclaimed whilst looking at Joe " Joe, Isla said she is looking for you...asked me to tell you to meet her at the spot" , getting his shirt and putting it on quickly, the man hastily exited, leaving the men left behind to contemplate what was about to happen.

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