everything I have ever wanted (Austin Gunn x OC)

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Not many people knew  about the complicated relationship that the youngest sister of The Young Bucks and The youngest Son of Billy Gunn had but for the very select few that knew, they knew that on both sides it was...complicated to say the least, but bar from her best friends, nobody really knew how complicated it had become for the young woman.

As Ami sat with both of her best friends  Paige Vanzant and Jade, however hard she tried, she couldnt help but feel her eyes wonder over to  where the youngest Ass Boy who was currently taking part in the filming for Julians vlog , something both women noticed "you are doing it again!'  Paige grinned  "doing what!" The light blonde haired woman stated Pulling her eyes away from the man and on to her best friend "you, my innocent little pixie are staring at him again ...and....yep drooling" Paige smirked, wiping her lip, slapping her hand away from her face, Amalia replied back defensively "im not drooling", however as she wiped her lip and felt the drool still there, she sighed in defeat and said "okay...maybe I am" , watching the woman put her head in her hands, Jade asked rhetorically "Is someone..." but before she could finish, Amalia bit back and exclaimed "way I am feeling now Cargill..don't go there" "Do  i take it you and Mr ass boy over there's arrangement is still going strong?" Paige asked, her and Jade being the only two people who knew everything about their arrangement plus how much it was affecting the younger woman "I haven't seen him in weeks" the woman quietly admitted"to be honest, it has made me realise a few things" "what do you mean?" Paige asked.  After finishing recording with Julian, he smiled as he noticed Amalia sitting with Paige and Jade looking more stunning to him as she ever had done before. and as he walked over he smiled and expressed warmly wanting nothing more than some alone time with her "this is where you got to Ams, ive missed you". Looking at her two best friends with a pleading look in her eye, Amalia hugged the man and replied "ive been busy...bit like you. What with indie dates and prep for my next fitness competition.. been a laugh a minute being around me" "we can be witnesses to that" Paige laughed as the woman gave her the same look again, unfortunately knowing what Austin was after and not being in the mood, after finally picking up on the sign, Paige expressed before Austin had a chance to say anything else "Mala... I hate to break this up, but you said you would come and train with me...show me some new move ideas, plus I think Tommy is looking for you" "you come from a top MMA facility, I am pretty sure you have people you can train with" Austin snapped, wanting one thing and one thing only from Amalia and everyone knew it "I promised Aust" Amalia shrugged, pecking him on the cheek and walking away with the girls. As the trio walked away, Jade expressed firmly "You are telling us everything" "and we need to come up with a better white flag expression, took you two bloody ages Amalia replied.

A couple of hours later and between Paige and Amalia training their asses off and Tommy eventually finding the woman and putting her through one of her favourite drills he did with her, both Paige and Amalia were exhausted, pulling herself up onto a turnbuckle, she heard Paige express as she drunk from her bottle "thank you for this Mala... with everything Tay has been spouting, I am going to kick her ass for sure" "well land a punch or four for me.. still pissed I havent got a match for Double or Nothing yet.. be another pay per view in catering for me I think" "Haven't your brothers got a match? Your family are gonna be ringside, why not accompany them?" "I would rather...."But before she could finish her reply, she sighed as she heard a familiar voice from behind her reply ""I think that is a perfect idea".  Watching her brothers climb into the ring, Amalia jumped down and replied back after giving them both a hug "I have seen what you two are wearing...not happening...I will have cake so I will be fine" "Liar...anyway..what are you two up too?" Matt grinned  "what makes you think......" but before Amalia could finish her sentence, she saw over Nick's shoulder an image that made her want to throw up....there he was, the man she had found herself falling in love with...flirting with god only knew who in her direct eyesight "Lia? What's wrong?" Nick asked, concerned at the tears falling from his baby sister's eyes.  Looking in the direction that her best friend was looking in, Jade knew exactly what was wrong and acted fast, walking over to help Paige get her away from prying eyes before she broke down "Amalia, talk to us" Nick expressed, concern racing through him "i need to go" the woman mumbled "come on...we will go get you food" Paige exclaimed fast "what is wrong" Matt and Nick asked in sync "Not now" Jade mouthed as the three woman climbed out of the ring.  As they walked up the ramp, Paige whispered "one foot in front of the other Mal" "I think I am going to....", but before the woman could reply, all three of the woman froze as they heard a voice yell "Amalia...hang on a sec". Turning around to face the direction the voice was coming from, Paige and Jade felt her begin to shake "let's go" Jade firmly stated "Not until I kill him" Amalia expressed, instantly seeing red as she watched Austin strutted over without a care in the world " I wondered if we could talk now......Why are your eyes so red?" "Rot in hell" Paige growled, but as the women turned away, the youngest Gunn son grabbed his girl wrist and was instantly met with a right hook which shocked everyone "the hell Amalia!!" "Rot in hell" the woman said, a coldness in her voice which shocked everyone, dragging the woman away from her kill, Paige said, impressed beyond words "nice punch..think you might be wasted just being a wrestler y'know". 

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