The Most Beautiful Girl In The World (Christian Cage x OC)

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Being in a relationship with the living legend that was known professionally as Christian Cage, Liana McInroe knew that she needed to make sure that she constantly was at and looked her best weather it be in or out of the ring so that she didn't get the obvious comments from the minority calling her a 'gold digger' or accuse her of trying to sleep her way to the top, a subject which in world of social media, everyone thought they had a right to comment on , the principle of falling for someone based on their personality alone being as alien in the eyes of some people as her feelings on peanut butter being mixed with chocolate, but through the odd negative comment, she knew she could handle anything the world with him by her side, but there was something that he couldn't help with and that was her body image and dysmorphia. When Liana began her wrestling career, and way before she began dating the legend known in the wrestling world as Christian Cage, she had always had hang ups just like every woman about how she her lips weren't symmetrical or how compared to her friends she didnt have the typical wrestlers look, even down to the scars on her body due to in and outside the ring injuries, but when she met William Reso and they began dating not long after he split from his wife and he had told her 3 months later for the first time he loved her that morning when they woke up together, he had always made it clear to her how much he had loved her and by doing so, he had given her a confidence she hadn't had in a long time, but on her bad days, Liana struggled and a lot of people around her were starting to see through her mask she was trying to put on... one man in particular.

Walking through the halls of the building in search of his partner and love after not seeing her the majority of the day , all Jay wanted more than anything was to hold her, love on her and never let her go until he got at least a smile on her face, especially after that morning where she once again, had not been herself and it was concerning him. Ever since her match with Jade for the TBS title which had resulted in her losing then her win in the Semifinals of the Owen Hart tournament to then once again ultimatley losing to Britt, he had noticed she wasn't in a good place but every time he had tried asking her and broaching the subject , he always got the same response from her of ' I'm fine', 'I'm just nervous /annoyed about the Owen' or ' I'm just tired', but after speaking to Anna and Jack who had told him about what they had noticed recently being around her, Jay knew he needed to be tougher with his little puffin and kicked himself that he didn't see it quicker. After asking around and finding out from both members of FTR where the woman was and hearing them tell him how un-Liana she was, Jay walked into hair and makeup and froze as he noticed the chocolate haired woman getting her hair finished and smiled broadly to himself at how beautiful she looked and how lucky he was. As he looked at her more, even with how breathtaking she looked , more so than the first time he had ever laid eyes on her, he could see how uncomfortable she was being fused over and made up and it was breaking his heart to watch his normally strong willedpuffin being so anxious and nervous. Walking over to where the woman was sitting after seeing enough, Anna smiled {declared to Liana " someone has company, hey Jay" " hey, you look insane" Jay grinned, kissing her forehead lightly " thanks" Liana whispered, faking a smile " Dani? How long until you are done with Lee ?" The man asked the make up artist working on his girl "I am actually pretty much finished now. you timed it well " "Good... because you puffin are coming with me and we are talking" Jay grinned, taking the smaller hand in his and pulling her to her feet
" why does it seem like I don't have a choice in the matter" " You would be right! you're learning" "bite me canada boy" the woman smiled, her spunky attitude coming out, making her partner smile "I have a match"" I will get you back in time for your match with Stat don't you worry... stop fighting me and stop trying to change the subject .. we're talking " he replied. Watching the woman walk in front of the man, Anna stated quietly "good luck" "thanks. I think I am gonna need it"

Walking to a quiet part of the backstage area. near the go posistion, just by the stage, the man found the room he was looking for and open door "in" he exclaimed firmly "what am I? A dog!""Liana Jade McInroe, behave & go in. Unless you want a night like last week again " Jay replied, a look in his eye that made the woman weak at the knees as she remembered their night of fun , wanting to experience it again. Liana smirked and stated with a raised eyebrow "make me," realising that they were in a situation where force would be needed, the man simply put her over his shoulder and walked in, closing the door behind him and putting her on the Sofa in there. Looking at her boyfriend as she fixed her gear, Liana stated with a smirk & a raised eyebrow "If you are looking for sex Mr, I am telling you now...not here and not when I am looking like this" all the while trying to cover her insecurities "I can wait for later little one, don't you worry about that .. especially after that little bratty move... you're asking for punishment & a good time. We are in here puffin, because I want you to talk..." " about what" she interrupted uncomfortably, attempting to zip her hoodie up further to no avail as the man stopped her, taking his hands in hers " I can see what is going on with you Liana, I have seen it happening over the last few months but after speaking to Anna and Jack..." " they have big mouths...I am fine, I have felt like this many times before..." "like what? I don't think we have ever gone into specifics on what you feel when your feeling like this " her partner asked, trying to push his girls buttons to a degree that he knew would make her talk. Knowing her partner, the man she loved with every inch of her body was doing , Liana looked at the man and his eyes full of concern and love and knew she needed to tell him everything .. however much she didn't want to , sighing to herself, she, opened up & began to admit everything that was going on with her "I feel... Unattractive, ugly, unloveable mammoth. I don't know why it is affecting me as much as it is at the minute, maybe it is all of my big losses recently.. it's something I have battled with all of my career .. If we're being honest, probably majority of my life ".

As the partners looked at each other, Jay looked at the woman in shock after hearing her admit how much she was hating herself at that moment "Why have you never told me any of this Liana? I could've helped somehow "Jay asked, squeezing her hand "because in my eyes, I thought if I told you'. you'd realise how much of a mess I am and want nothing to do with me. You wouldn't be the first and I would not blame you if you decided to leave " . Looking at his partner and hearing her sound so weak and uncharacteristically her, Jay, knowing he needed to make her see he was never going to abandon her whilst she was in her current black hole, released his hand from hers, signing as he noticed instantly Liana pull up the remainder of her zip, and sit back further. As he watched her get comfortable, Jay could see how much the weight had dropped off of her and he didn't know how he hadn't seen it before . In all the years he had known her , he had always known in his heart that she had always had a negative body image even if she had denied it A LOT, but to hear her openingly admit to him fully for the first time and how seriously it was affecting her., at that moment, it was making him more and more angry that he hadn't seen it sooner, that he hadn't seen how much her beautiful soul had felt she needed to cover up. Knowing that he needed to do something and do something fast to stop her from getting any lower, Jay walked over to the woman and crouched down in front of her and stated while holding her hand, kissing it gently " you trust me don't you Lee?" " Of course I do" she smiled " then I want you to trust me when I tell you you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met and that you are stuck with me... no matter what......actually, I have an idea ...come with me". Pulling the woman up by her perfectly manicured hand, the man dragged her to the bathroom " William where are we going?" She asked anxiously " I want you to see something" "If this includes me looking in the mirror, I really don't wanna" she stated, trying to pull away from his grip, only to stop as the man's grip tightened "trust me baby. Just this once....if you want you can kick my ass later... I'll take the ass kicking.. without fighting back" " damn right you won't " She fiestly bit back, causing him to smirk & kiss her " that's my girl".

Getting into the bathroom in the room, the Candian man could see the anxiety on his girl's face and once again, kissed her "trust me..." "okay" she whispered, pulling her in front of her and standing them in front of the mirror, Jay nipped her shoulder and whispered "look up" "I really don't want to look at myself Jay" " trust me baby" he whispered, kissing her neck sensually, distracting her as he unzipped her at least 5XL hoodie and peeled it from her shoulders. As he stopped kissing her neck, he ran his fingers down to her perfect waist and stated while looking at her in the mirror "I can't believe you can't see what we all see... what I see when I look at you. When I met you.. I fell in love with every part of you, your amazing body...those beautiful eyes of yours, your kind soul.... Trust me Liana Giselle, you aren't what you think you are, you are beautiful, loved, amazing... all mine " "all I see is fat Jay, and I hate that I can't not see it.... I hate that I tell young girls to be comfortable with who they are when I can't be comfortable in my own body " the woman sniffed, trying her hardest to not cry and ruin her makeup before her match . Looking at the woman through the mirror, the older man took her hand in his and turned her to face him, wiping her eyes to stop her from crying ,kissing her nose he smiled " are in luck madam, because I will never get bored in telling you when you can or can't see it, I will never get bored of telling you how amazing you are to me and everyone else, how unbelievably breathtaking you are... how much I love you, every part of you. Just promise me one thing Please.. just tell me when you are feeling like this, you punishing yourself breaks my heart... my cold, black, old man heart

Looking at the man, tears now free falling from her eyes, Liana leant up on her tip toes and kissed the man with as much passion and love as possible, she had no idea why she was so scared of telling her love how she was feeling when he had instantly made her feel like a million bucks in less than five minutes. Pulling away, thankful her makeup had completly stayed in place, she leant her head on his chest & muttered "thank you... and you're not that old " , moving her chin up to look at him, Jay rested his forehead on hers and smiled as he exclaimed "you have absoultley nothing to thank me for..I speak the truth" Jay grinned, pecking her nose "I mean it... not many people stick around when I am like this...when my brain goes straight to the negative" "Your lucky I love you then aren't you, I do want you to promise me again though Puffin..... If everything starts getting too much tell me and we will handle it together, I don't want my girl to ever feel like this again" "I promise" Liana smiled as they hooked pinkies "If you promise you will stay with me forever" " That's a given" the man winked, kissing her again "come on have a match to win".

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