My Canadian Teddy Bear Part 1 (Kenny Omega x Reader) **Edited**

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Before I met the man that I quickly realised was the love of my life, my missing puzzle piece, my lobster ( a small friends reference there for you), my world really didn't consist of much outside of wrestling and travelling, and for the longest time, I was okay with that and had even started to come to terms with the fact that my career was more than likely going to be the only major accomplishment I would ever have in my life. I had been wrestling all over the world for the past 8 and a half years, and for the last four of those years, I pretty much lived out of my suitcase so that I could travel and perfect any and all details of my skill set so that I could be the best Wrestler I knew I was with a skillset and resume to prove it. Unfortunately, in doing this and focusing own becoming the best, my private life had really been put on the back burner and any relationship I should've had by now had either not happened or had ended due to my job and my work ethic, I also found that as my career hit heights I would've never of though possible, I had become the joke of the family, regardless of how supportive they were of me. Anytime I would have time off, or I would be in town for work, I would constantly be told that if I didn't sort my work/life balance out, I was either going to end up being the really cool Auntie, with the amazing stories and memories or more likely, the weird,old crazy Aunt living in a house that was most certainly going to be over run with cats. Hearing these jokes, I tried to laugh, but there was a huge part of me that started to wonder if what they were saying, could be true.

All the jokes and the banter quickly dispersed however the minute that my family met the man I had fallen head over heels for, the living legend of "the best bout machine". When the name Kenny Omega is announced, fans of his or of wrestling as a whole, know that they are going to witness an athlete that will give everything and more to a match,, but to those lucky few who knew him outside of the ring and away from his fans, he is Tyson. A man who through everything has been my biggest support and number one fan, he had been someone who had never once questioned my need to be the best I could physically be. Even when I was at my lowest points, he was always there with the encouragement I needed telling me to always be myself and to change for no one, regardless of the situation. We met whilst I was visiting a New Japan event on an off day from a travel loop I was on with Stardom and the minute I met him, It was safe to say that I fell head over heels in love with him. As we got to know each other, it was pretty clear we were both as shy as each other but as soon as s we were away from everyone and really got to talking on our own, we realised we had a lot more in common than we thought, between our love for arcades, wrestling and our need and want to be the best, we got on like a house on fire. We had a few dates between travel loops where we would go to the local arcade near to where he lived, or he would show me parts of Japan that not many people knew about outside of the country and the rest ended up being history. Fast forward a couple of years from the first day we laid eyes on each other and my life had certainly done a full 180, I had said goodbye to Japan and was back living in the states , living a life that I had come to terms with that I was never going to have. My families running joke had fizzled out and I am looking and feeling the best I have felt in my career and a lot of that is to do with my Canadians teddy bear's help.

Opening my eyes and seeing that it is still dark out, I can't help but be thankful for the few days off we both currently were in the middle of now that we were only really doing tv over the space of two days if were doing a live and then recording, I was also thankful for the break from the indies i was in the middle of after working myself pretty much to exhaustion. Stretching out, I turn around to snuggle into the embrace and odd warmth of my fiancées embrace, but instead of his body, I was met with an empty space where he should've been after promising me that he was actually going to rest tonight and follow me up once he had finished some work he was in the middle of. As my half asleep brain disappeared and was replaced by one of confusion, I turn over and turn on the bedside lamp and check my phone.......3am. Putting it back on the bedside table, I rub my eyes as I wonder if he has fallen asleep at his desk again, it wouldn't be the first time in the last few months, feeling the bed dip, I turn my head around and see the once empty space now filled with one of out cats, staring at me, purring and meowing her head off. Leaning up a little more, I push the quilt down and stroke her head, giving her scratches behind her ear until she climbs up on to my lap and parks her bum down " three guesses where he is ay fuzzball" I coo as Dobby walked in to join us, "You would've thought I'd have learnt by now" I add, hearing a meow as a reply before she turns herself around to start licking herself. Knowing that there was a very very high chance that my love had fallen asleep again, I knew I needed to step in, I push the rest of the quilt off of my naked body and force myself up, regretting it instantly as my warm foot hit the cold floor. Opening the closet, I look through the mixture of both of our clothes to try and find something to put on, finally finding one of Tyson's workout vests so I could begin my search for the man in the three places I knew he would be. As I went to the door, I check my mirror to make sure I wasn't exposed too much in case Nak was with him.

After looking in his office, I went downstairs and as I did I notice a small light coming from our kitchen area and sigh to myself..... of course that is where he would be, why did I think any different. Walking into the kitchen, I instantly looked over to the chairs in their and see the back of my love's curly head of hair, sitting as if the weight of the world plus some was on his shoulders.... plus some. Seeing the image in front of me, I feel my heart break.... If only the trolls could see how critical of I self the man behind the persona really was of himself, I often wonder if they would not back off but realise he was a person as well as them. In a match, Kenny Omega will give everything and more to make sure that every single person in attendance, weather they weren't a fan of his or his number one fan left happy and throughly entertained, however what they didn't see was how much it would physically and mentally take out of him and it was something that as not only his fellow employee but as his girlfriend I hated seeing. The lights out match with Mox alone was a situation where I saw him the worst he had ever been after a match maybe in the entirety of us being together , and it killed me seeing him in so much pain. All throughout our relationship, matches like that and the physically exhausting ones were my matches and the ones I loved , but they were also matches Ty hated with a passion seeing me in and the pain I was in after had been one of the only reason we had ever had an argument. Shaking my head, trying to get the images of that match out of my memory, I push myself off of the wall and start walking over to where he was slouching. Putting my hands on his broad shoulders, I feel him jump slightly "its just me" I whisper as I began massaging his tight shoulders which made him melt and relax into my hands with a sigh of contentment.

After about 20 or so seconds of trying everything that I could think of to help relax the love of my life ,even if it was just a little bit, I suddenly feel him grab one of my hands and raise it to his mouth before kissing each of my knuckles in succession. Knowing I need to get him to open up a little bit, I ask him "now I may not be the brightest bulb in the lamp, but I am pretty sure this isn't you following me up" to which my reply was a sigh. Feeling him take my hand in his, I feel him pull me around to the front of the chair he was sitting on by my hand to sit with him. Taking a seat in front of him on the coffee table, I feel his shirt ride up my thigh at the same time I feel Ty wrap his arms around my waist and rest his head on my lap (almost like a lost child) and knowing what it was he was wanting, I run my fingers through his mop of hair, stopping occasionally to scratch his scalp with my 'talons' as he called them all the while  feeling  him grip on tighter, like he was holding on for dear life, taking in everything he was doing and how he was acting, I sometimes wonder if he forgets I can read him like a book. Looking around our surroundings, all the while scratching his scalp, I notice the open Nutella jar and my stash of cookies I thought I had hidden well enough sitting next to it.... enough is enough, the cookies I will address later. Feeling him shift out of my embrace and seeing him sit up,and scratch his chin in a sense of frustration, I ask him with more force in my words than normal "we both know that this is more than your usual amount of pain and stress Smith, I can read you like a book. Talk to me". As he looks up and our eye connect, I can see in his face that there is something going on, there's a look on his face that I haven't seen for a while, breaking our eye contact, I move his comfort food out of his reach as I see him reach out for his phone sitting by my bare thigh, brushing his fingers against my skin. After a second or two, he passes me his phone and before I could ask anything, I feel him pull me onto his lap and into his embrace as he puts a blanket around us after feeling my cold legs on his partially exposed ones. Glancing at his phone, I see his twitter notification as per usual going crazy, but as I looked at some of them, some I wasn't expecting to see. As confusion hit me, I opened up one quoted retweet with a link attached and as I read it, I see why it is my big, protective Canadian teddy bear was currently feeling like the whole world was against him.......

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