Baby Mayhem Part 1 (Wardlow x OC)

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That was all Arabella could see and think, how the hell was she going to tell the man asleep only yards away from her that he was about to become a dad...a man who had made it clear numerous times that the idea of parenthood wasn't something he was interested in for the foreseeable future and that the only two things in his life he currently had any interest in was their relationship and his career. Knowing that Michael's alarm would cause him to wake up soon, Arabella pulled her shaking body up and flushed the toilet, washed her hands and put the tests into her wash bag before tip-toeing back out, her mind still screaming at her, but as she shut the bathroom door, she jumped as she heard the deep voice of her fiancée ask, his deep voice deeper than normal thanks to him still being half asleep,"is that my shirt?" "This old thing... I'm sure I don't know what you mean" Arabella smirked as she got back into their bed, as he watched her walk back over to her side of the bed however, the man known as 'Mr Mayhem' could see instantly(even half asleep that something was wrong with his dark blue haired beauty "You sure you are okay? You're very quiet!" "I am fine, I promise. I think I am just overly tired " Arabella muttered, snuggling into him "I'm not buying it bluebird...try again". As he felt the woman snuggle into his broad chest and the crook of his neck more, Michael went to psh her further but before he could, he smiled as he heard her start to breather deeper, tickling her side he whispered "hey...we're talking Miss" Mike smirked , shaking her softly "just give me a bit longer and I will get up" she tiredly replied as she fell asleep, nuzzling into the crook of his neck "okay baby!! You sleep and I'll be right here" Mike whispered, stroking her hair.

Unable to sleep anymore with the sun shining through their hotel room window, Arabella pulled herself up from the comforts of her pillow and as she did, she smiled instantly as the sunlight hit her engagement ring at the right angle, making it sparkle more so than normal and she couldn't help but think about how much she loved the man she called her 'knappe liefde' with all of her heart and soul, but she wasn't stupid...she knew she had to be honest with herself, especially now and knowing his history, his work ethic and his need to be the best he could be, Arabella wasn't sure about her or their baby or where they were going to fit in with his plans. Looking at their empty hotel room, the woman sighed and knowing where her fiancée was, she quickly picked up her phone and rang the one person who she not only needed to talk to, but who she knew would be able to make her see sense without any kind of judgement, unlocking her phone, she found the number she needed and after a couple of rings, she heard a deep voice that instantly made her well up "Kleine Beer? Ben je oke?" "Grote Beer, are you busy?, I really need my big brother!" "I'm in Room 4532 on the 6th Floor. Come up Aria..I'll be waiting" Tommy replied. Putting the phone down, Aria quickly grabbed everything she needed after throwing on some baggy clothes and left a note for Mike and made her way up to the safety of her brothers room in a daze. As she got out of the lift and turned the corner, Arabella instantly felt herself begin to cry as she saw the image of her (some would say) scary big brother, standing by the door with a concerned look on his face waiting for her "Tommy!" The woman loudly whispered, not trusting her voice. Turning around, Tom felt his heart break as he saw his baby sister pale with tears running down her cheeks, unable to watch his baby sister cry, Tom rushed over to her and checked her all over for any marks before bundling her into his arms as he asked her "What the hell has happened...what has Mike done?", realising that she wasn't going to answer any of his question and that they were quickly entering what he affectionately had always called her 'muis modus', her big brother sighed and stated whilst kissing her on the forehead as he hugged her "Arabella Skye Budgen! Talk to me....What has he done? If he has hurt you..." "he hasn't hurt me Tom but everything has gone wrong" "we can sort it...I promise" Tom replied, ushering her into his hotel room. As Tom was trying to get through to his sister, in the local gym, Michael's brain was not on his workout like it should've been, instead all he could think about was the beautiful woman he had left alone in their hotel room sleeping like a baby and how she looked when she came out of their bathroom, looking as pale but as beautiful as she ever had and then to not even be able to wake her so that they could train (which in it's self raised red flags for him as like him, the woman never missed a was one of the many things that made him fall for her the second they locked eyes on each other), he knew there had to be something wrong with her, he just wasn't sure what and it was killing him that she felt she couldn't tell him. As he thought more after finishing his current set, there was a part of him that hoped that she was just feeling run down and tired and it wasn't the one thing he feared because from the way she was acting, he really hoped that she wasn't falling falling out of love with him. Looking in the mirror, Michael dropped his weights and looked at himself closer, he wasn't stupid, he knew he could be a pain in the ass at times with his focus and determination to be the best he could be , but with Ari...his Ari, he had truly found the one place in his life he found a true peace away from everything ,his little shining star when everything got rough, his safe place where he could be himself...his true self so the fact that she couldn't tell him that something was clearly so wrong and that she felt like she couldn't tell him broke his heart. Knowing that he couldn't focus on his workout anymore, Mr Mayhem gave up and walked out with a plan of action in place to try and make up for whatever it was he had quite clearly done to upset the woman he adored more than life itself.

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