My Three Girls (Marty Scurll x Reader) **Edited**

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If I had known this time last year, that I would be working full time in a business I have loved for as long as I could physically remember, I honestly would've laughed in your face and told you to stop being so ridiculous.  However, fast forward 18 months and here I am, not only wrestling for a company I had watched for as long as I could remember, I was married to the love of my life and not only was I experiencing the first year of this new life with the man who every day makes me the best version of myself I can be, we were also close to starting the next chapter of our lives together. When I found out we were going to be having a baby, to say I was shocked was an understatement. The thought of telling Marty so soon after we had gotten married made me feel sick to my stomach, but my husband being my husband took to his new role in life like a duck to water and had been there for us through it all, getting us whatever we needed, whenever we needed, a gesture which made me fall in love with him even more that I ever thought possible.

Anyway back to the present, I am now currently at 37+3 weeks pregnant with out Identical Twin daughters (we wont even talk about the shock we both went through when we found that piece of news out, even if the image of my husband passing out was an image that would put a smile on my face until my dying day), sat on the sofa of a room that feels like it is in the middle of the hottest, fieriest depths of hell, I am hot, swollen, sticky and the size of a house.... oh and did I mention really hot. Sitting on the sofa with the air con at the highest i could make it go and ice packs in every space orifice available within my reach, nothing was working and the puddle of sweat I felt myself turning into was getting larger by the second. Scratching Winston's head as I watch yet another rerun of god only knows what on the telly, I had reached my limit, I needed the babies out and I needed them out of me Now. After another 10 minutes if that, I had finally managed to get somewhat comfortable, I felt one of my children use my bladder as a torture device, looking down at the giant, stretched bowling ball that was once my stomach, I sigh to myself as I gently prod them and say "I don't know which one of you it was this time, but stop it. My bladder is not a device you can use to torture me with". As soon as I had finished my sentence, like clockwork, I once again immediately feel yet another squeeze. Smiling to myself as I rubbed my stomach I couldn't help but wonder who they were going to take after because at the moment, they were taking more and more after their father with their natural talent of winding me up and being infuriating. One Scurll is bad enough..... but 3! *shudder*.

Realising I needed to pee... yet again, I sigh ,knowing that I was going have to move, I try getting up three separate times and fail each time, I sigh again, my hormone running rampant, it was enough to make me want to cry. Knowing I wasn't gong to get anywhere anytime soon and the need to pee getting stronger, I call out to my husband, who I. Was so thankful was finally on paternity leave from the company and was working from home and was currently in his office. Leaning back, I yell out, hoping he could hear me "Marty..... Martin..... I need you NOW!". After a few seconds, I thankfully hear his footsteps get closer and as he walked in, as like every time I saw him, I felt my heart start to thump out of my chest and the butterflies start, "what have you done to me, you handsome rugged man" I thought to myself, shaking myself back to reality as I hear him ask, while smiling at me "yes love of my life and the older to the key of my heart. How can I serve my beautiful, screaming banshee?" "Don't be sarcastic Scurll" I reply back to him, trying my hardest to mask the smile trying to escape as i continue "Your children hate me and I need to pee again and. seeing as it is mostly your fault I am the size of a Humpback wha;e who has eaten its own weight in ..... whatever it is whales eat, I need your help getting up". Looking at him, and the smirk on his face, I watch him walk over and peck my lips before carefully pulling me up. As I get to my feet, and find myself in the embrace of my husband, the need to pee was something that I could no longer ignore, regardless of how safe and secure I felt wrapped in the arms of the man who even when I feel as fat as I do right now, still makes me feel like a queen. Leaving the room, I see Winston lift his head up and jump down to follow me " I will be back Win, stay with daddy". Realising what I said and before I could move, I felt my husband's lips on my neck, as a growl came from deep in his throat "Daddy misses you baby. You have no idea how much I need to feel you again". As he turns me around to face him, with a smirk on my face, I replied sassily, trying to use this situation to my advantage "It was daddy's feeling of me that got us in this predicament" which resulted in me getting a spank for my mouth as he kissed me passionately, something I had missed from him (with a third wheel the size of a cliff face between us, it was kind of hard to feel each other if you get my meaning). After pulling away a couple of seconds later, and having enough of being pregnant and with a situation that I could potentially use to my advantage , I fluttered my lashes and say as I felt him my neck, my weak points fully exposed to him "I need to pee daddy, but if you want to feel me again, as much as I need to feel you, id be more than happy to help relieve some urges". Looking at him, I see a glint on his eye as I took his hand and dragged him to our bedroom.

After peeing for what felt like an actual eternity, eventually with the help of the bathroom counter, I manage to pull myself up and as I stand up straight,I feel a sudden sharp, shooting pains hit me out of nowhere which causes me to double over in pain. As I try and ride out what I was sure was just Brixton hicks,  suddenly, I feel a gush of water run down my leg. When it eventually passes, I manage to call out to my husband as I walk out of out en suite "Marty.....Marty?", seeing him on our bed with a Cheshire Cat grin. As another wave of pain hit, I look up and I see his look change to that of concern , sitting forward, I hear him ask "baby, what's wrong?"to which, in absolute agony, I snap back, a small contraction starting again "well, I thought it such a nice hot day in the fiery depths of hell we could go for a walk........... what the hell do you think , you concussion damaged brained arsehole.... My waters have broken". As soon as the contraction finished, I look at him again, concerned about the lack of sound coming from his direction and see his already pale face looking even paler and his eyes full of concern and panic. Knowing I needed to snap him back to reality so that he could help me, through this, I say to him, pain etched in my voice "I know your scared baby, but I need you, this really hurts and I'm petrified". Hearing me in pain and knowing that If I was telling him I was in pain, I was in pain, he quickly made his way over to me as yet another contraction hit, and held me whilst I burrowed my head into his neck as we rode that wave together. Once I was able to handle the pain more and it eventually faded, I feel my husband move my hair from my face and hear him say after making sure I was okay "we are going to be parents my love" and all I could do is smile, my hormones and emotions all over the place. Helping me sit down Marty helped me change out of my wet clothing and into some of his merch as he called Winston's dog sitter. As he did and as soon as I was dressed, I smiled to myself as I looked down at my stomach at the thought of our children being with us soon. After everything was sorted, we made our way to the hospital to have our babies.

After a very long 18 hour labour and a completely natural labour in a birthing pool, we finally welcomed into the world Addison Autumn and Aubrey Florence Scurll at 21:37 and 21:40 and they were the perfect combination of both me and my husband (thankfully). While the nurses did their checks, throughly exhausted and barely ,managing to hold my head up, my emotions got the best of me the second I saw my husbands face, the man who had been my inner strength throughout the entire time, not leaving me once staring with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. Noticing me crying , he quickly walks over to check on me, with the proud papa bear look in his eye. Kissing me gently but yet passionately, I hear him whisper, with emotion in his voice "I'm so fucking proud of you baby, you doing okay?", to which I simply gave him a smile and a small thumbs up, too exhausted to say anything.  
After all three of us had got checked over and I had taken a very small and very painful nap, I open my eyes and see Marty taking a couple of pictures before putting his phone back in his pocket before turning back and whispering while staring at his daughters "I didn't think I could love your mummy anymore than I already did, but then she gave me you two. I cant promise I will be the worlds most amazing daddy, but I promise you, you and your mummy are going to have the world... my three girls". Turning round, I saw my husband smile at me "you doing okay sweetheart?" He asked as he laid on the bed "yeah I'm just tired" I moaned as I snuggled as gingerly as possible into my safe spot "you sleep, I am not going anywhere....ever" and that was the last thing I heard as my eyes became too heavy to keep open anymore.

@ MartyScurll

I didn't think I could love @thevillainess anymore than I did, but then she gave me these two with a strengthI I have Never seen Words cant describe my love for them #A&A #mygirls #villainess

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I didn't think I could love @thevillainess anymore than I did, but then she gave me these two with a strengthI I have
Never seen Words cant describe my love for them #A&A #mygirls #villainess

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