My Canadian Teddy Bear Part 2 (Kenny Omega x Reader) **Edited**

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Scrolling through the article in question and the responses from the flying monkeys, I sigh to myself, feeling a mixture of emotions, sad at the fact that once again Tyson was having to deal with this man attacking him and angry at Cornette and his  need to rile his army of trolls up about not only Tyson but also me. Reading through this article , he had once again not only brought up our relationship, but everything from my match on Dark with Riho, Kenny's recent matches to even how I was being booked, knowing that his 'fans' would tell Ty how much of a supposed crappy job he was doing in running a division he gave everything and more too.  Moving his phone away from us, so that we could pretend that the outside world didn't exist, like we did on day we just needed a break from everyone and everything., I turn my attention back to the man who from the first day I had met him had my heart. As I go to say something, I see out of the corner of my eye, our small little ragdoll kitten Cleo, jump up onto the coffee table in front of us in exactly the spot I was sitting only minutes prior, jumping onto the couch next to Ty seconds after, proud of herself for making it all on her own. Seeing that her human was upset, Cleo got as close as she physically could, and began to nuzzle into his bicep, a move which made him smile and give her the attention that she wanted as he scratched her in her favourite place, behind her ear, all the while making sure he still had an arm around me and I was as close as he could get me to him. All the while he fused over the needy kitten, I could see in his eyes he wanted to say something, kissing his collar bone, I whisper "spill it Smith", smiling sadly, I hear him finally open up "I knew when I took on the role, it was going to cause a shit storm to begin with, but I honestly thought that  as time went on it would simmer out and people would see my vision. I'm just....close to just giving the role to Brandi, or another one of the higher ups and cutting my loses. That way I can protect you from all of the mud slinging you don't deserve to go through again and I can get my mind back into matches fully again, especially with the tournament coming up". 

Running my acrylics over the forearm of the arm that was currently wrapped around my torso, I couldn't help but smile to myself slightly hearing his reply. There were many reasons I had fallen so hard for Ty, some that no one really knows about bar us, but the one that stood out most of all was the ability to make me protected, regardless on if I felt like It was needed or not. As I move my head to lay kisses on his bicep, I reply back, making sure his attention was fully on me before I started to talk "Firstly, you know better than anyone that I am a big girl, I can cope with what that sorry excuse of a human being has to say about me, but I love you for wanting to come to my protection. Secondly,and most importantly even if you wanted to give up, I wouldn't let you. Do you remember when he launched that massive online attack on me, telling people I had no talent and I was only with the company  because I was with a certain,higher up, very muscular and attractive Canadian, What was it you said to me when I told you  that I wanted to leave and focus on a career away from wrestling. You told me that you weren't going to let me give all of my dreams up and that Cornette and his flying monkeys were nothing more than jealous puppets that were saying what they were saying for their own sexual pleasure as they couldn't get someone like me if they spent all the money in the world". Looking away for a split second to calm my emotions, I look back and see the ocean blue eyes staring at me with a shine that made my breath hitch slightly.  Clearing my throat, I feel him gently running his thumb over my knuckles, knowing how much that time really affected me and my mental health.  As  the memories of that time flood back to the surface, I turn to Tyson and carry on, praying my emotions stay in line " You have done more with our division than any other company has for theirs and that is for one reason and one reason alone, you don't see us as just woman. You see us as equals and more than two minute matches. You also see us as more than stick thin models who need to be under a certain weight to be on TV,  Baby, you accept us for our flaws and let us be the athletes we want to be... women who could kick a lot of the men's asses and you don't know how much we appreciate that,.so he is throwing another temper tantrum and has sent his flying monkeys back out to stretch their wings again, so what they don't like what you are doing, or don't like the fact I got signed and am in love with you. Stuff them".

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