Chapter 5

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Cheryl Blossom hadn't had much experience with women. Only one toxic relationship she had, that didn't end well. She was abused, and she was to scared to stand up to her, so she just let it happen. After Cheryl went into a dark state, and started having one night stands a lot. So much so, her brother talked with her, and got her the help she needed. Now, she was talking to her bestie about what she should wear to the date.

"Hmm, I definitely think you should wear a red crop top, with black ripped jeans."

"Red, on red? I'm mean I was thinking black crop top, with black ripped jeans. Then, my red serpent jacket to top it off." Cheryl said.

"I'm mean that would look good too. But, you pop in red."

"Yeah, maybe your right." She sighed.

Veronica scoffed. "Sweetie, I'm always right. Now, go get your girl."

"Okay, I'll call you after, and tell you how it goes?"

"Yeah, love you."

"Love you."

Cheryl hung up, and got ready for her date. She got a knock on the door, and it was Betty. "Cher, my motorcycle broke, and I was wondering if you can fix it?"

"Sorry Betts. I got a date to get to. Maybe when I get back?"

"Fuck. Sorry, it's just I have a date to, I'll ask around. Thanks though."

"Who are you going on a date with?" Cheryl furrowed her eyebrows.

"Jughead Jones. The running back on the football team..." Betty blushed. "What about you?"

"Him? Wow. I may are may not be going with Toni Topaz, the HBIC."

"Oh my god, good for you." Betty smiled.

"Well, I gotta get going Betts. I hope you find someone, bye."

"Bye, Cherry."


"Hey, Violet?" Jeremy asked as Toni walked down the hall. She stopped in her steps to listen.

"Yes, love?"

"I need to talk to you..."


"There's this group home, on the end of town, and I think it would help Toni."

"You want to send my daughter to a group home? For what, she's happy here, and there's nothing wrong with her." Violet was confused. She know about that horrid place, and the people who go there, aren't the same person when they come out.

"Well no. It has therapy, for people with her... traits."

"You don't think that stuff actually works right? I mean that place is horrid. The people who go there are never the same." Toni didn't know what they were talking about.

"Yeah, that's kind of the point..."

"Jeremy, I'm sorry, If your homophobic I don't know if this would work... I mean I love Toni for who she is. Love is Love."

"No, no, no. That was a joke. I was just making sure that we were on the same page."

"Oh, good." Violet let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Toni now knew what they were talking about. Conversion therapy. She knew Jeremy was homophobic, because he always made homophobic "jokes" but really meant them. He always called them "jokes" though. Same as when he would abuse her, he called them "fun games." And that's why Violet always thinks they're having fun, because Jeremy always told her they had played a "fun game."

"Bye, mom. I'm leaving." Toni said heading for the door.

"Your dressed pretty nice, where are you off to?" Her mom asked.

"If you must know... I have a date." Toni smirked.

"Really? Well I hope you have fun, don't stay out to late."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye sweetie."

Toni walked to out, and drive to Pop's. She walked in and saw the gorgeous red head sitting there. "Hey." Toni said walking over. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, you look beautiful as well."

They ordered they food, and talked for a while. They were giggling, and laughing so much, that they hadn't realized how much time has passed. "I better get going it's getting late."

"Yeah, I should probably get going too. We should do this again sometime."

"Yeah, see ya Cherry." Toni kissed Cheryl's cheek, and she blushed.

"Y-Yeah see ya." Cheryl got on her motorcycle, which Toni thought was pretty hot, and left. Toni got into her car, and drove home.

"So how was your date?" Her mom asked, she and Jeremy were watching a movie together.

"Good." Toni said. "She's really sweet, and funny."

"She?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah..." Toni mumbled. "Anyways, I'm pretty tired, I'm gonna get ready for bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight sweetie." They said in unison.

Meanwhile at the trailer park...

Cheryl found Betty sitting in front of her trailer. "Hey, Betts."

"Hi!" Betty squealed excitedly.

"What's got you so happy?"

"Well, bad news, I couldn't get my bike fixed.... But good news, Jughead picked me up, and we had a little picnic, and then watched the stars, and kissed."

"Wow, sounds amazing Betts, and I'll fix your bike tomorrow."

"How was your date?"

"Good. Toni is pretty sweet once you get to know her. We talked, and laughed for a bit, and then she had to go so..."

"Nice, anyways gotta go I'm pretty tired, see ya cuz."

"See ya." She walked into her trailer, and started to get ready for bed. She turned the shower water on, but then she got a call. She groaned and picked up. It was Veronica. "Hello?" Cheryl said annoyed.

"Cher, Jason got into a bar fight at the wyrm. He's pretty drunk."

"Oh my god. I'll be there in a few. See ya V."

She shut off the water and went to the wyrm.

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