Chapter 48

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Summer came to an end, sadly. The girls were leaving for college, and becoming adults. Toni decided not to move into a dorm room, while Cheryl was trying to move into her apartment.

"Don't forget to go grocery shopping. Oh! And also I-"

"Mom I know." Cheryl huffed.

"Sorry it's just...your growing up." Jaime sighed, and wiped a few tears.

"What about me?" Jason asked.

"Well, I better get going." Cheryl hugged Jaime, and then Jeshua. "I love you."

"We love you too. Now hurry and get out of here." Jeshua joked.

"Okay. Okay." Cheryl laughed and walked out of the house.

Adult life here she comes.


Toni was so bored. She has this huge house, and she's all alone. Cheryl's too busy moving, Sweet Pea moved, and Fangs is in New York. What on earth is she supposed to do all day...

A couple hours passed, and Toni was just laying in her bed scrolling through her instagram, when a notification came up.

[Unknown] you have 24 hrs to get me 5 million dollars and I won't shoot red's brains out.

[Toni] who is this???

[Unknown] an old friend. y'know me. anyways red is hear being beat by my men, and I don't think she's gonna last much longer, get that money quick! 😊

[Toni] wait...

[Toni] heather?

[Unknown] ding ding ding! you got it! meet me at an abandoned barn off exit 42 and go down to the basement once you get the money. red should still be alive by then

"Shit." Toni huffed to herself. What the fuck was going on. Cheryl was supposed to call her when she got to her apartment, but now Toni know why she never did. Toni got up, and went to her vault in her bathroom under the sink. No one has ever checked for money down there, so that's where she stored it. Toni opened the vault and realized it wasn't enough. It was only one mil. That wouldn't get her anywhere. She huffed and walked to the next bathroom. Five hundred thousand was in there. She then just went to the bank and made a withdrawal. She also made a few calls before leaving.

Toni went to the old farm and looked around for a basement. She then heard a few grunts, and groans and followed the sound.

"C'mon Blossom, just tell us." A man said. Toni heard Cheryl groan and cough.

"Fuck you." She spat.

She found a door in the ground and slowly opened it, revealing steps. She slowly walked down the steps, and saw two huge men beating on Cheryl. She was on the ground nearly unconscious. No one had noticed Toni yet.

"Wanna tell us now?" One of the men asked.

Cheryl eyes were swollen, and bruised. She slowly looked up, blood coming out of her nose and mouth, and shook her head. "No." She croaked out. They socked her in the face again, and again until Toni spoke up.

"Stop! I have the money, and you can let her go now."

"There you are." Heather smiled coming out of nowhere. "Cherry here did stab one of my guys so I'm gonna need an extra million for the trouble."

"No. A deals a deal."

"Carry along guys." Heather motioned to the men.

One of the men punched Cheryl and that did it. She knocked out.

The other dude kicked her in the stomach. "Wake the fuck up."

Veronica, Betty, and the rest of the serpents barged in, and went after the men. Toni ran over to Cheryl, and picked the unconscious girl up bridal style.

She carefully put Cheryl in the car, and drove her back to Toni's house.


Cheryl opened her eyes and looked around. Where was she? Did Heather by a new house? She looked over and saw a random brunette girl. She jumped and fell off the bed.

The brunette woke up. "Babe, what are you doing?"

"W-Who are you? Where's my g-girlfriend."

"I'm your girlfriend...remember?"

"Heather!" Cheryl called and got up. "What's going on?"

"Babe, it me Toni. Your girlfriend. You haven't been with Heather for two years." Toni grabbed Cheryl's hand as she felt tears brimming her eyes.

"Let go of me." Cheryl snatched her hand away. "Look, I don't know who you are but if my girlfriend found out she wouldn't be to happy."

"Cher please." Toni stood up, and pulled Cheryl back.

Cheryl pushed her away, and Toni fell back and hit her head.

Toni woke up in a sweat, crying. She looked beside her and Cheryl was gone. "No." She whispered getting up and looking around. "No." The brunette walked out of her room, and looked everywhere. No sign of Cheryl. She began crying. "No!"

Toni slammed against the wall and slid down it, sobbing at this point. She actually lost Cheryl for good.

Then Cheryl walked through the door with Pop's. "Oh hey your u- Babe? Are you okay?" She rushed over to her.

Toni clung on to her, as if she were to let go Cheryl would disappear. "I-I th-though I lo-lost you." She cried into the redhead's chest.

"I just went to Pop's...what happened?"

"I h-had a sc-scary dream th-that you d-didn't remember w-who I was, a-and then wh-whe I woke u-up y-you were gone."

"Babes I'm not going anywhere, nor forgetting you." Cheryl sighed pulling the girl onto her lap.

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