Chapter 10

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"I'm gonna fucking kill him." Cheryl was furious. Toni had just told her what happened. "Does you mom know? Who else knows?"

"She wouldn't believe me, plus she super happy with him..." Toni whispered.

"What about you? Your not happy.... So no one else knows but me?"

"Sweet Pea does. He was at the hospit-"

"He put you in the hospital?!"

"Yeah, how do you think I broke my arm? Anyways, can we drop it. I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay, but I need to ice your bruises." Cheryl walked out and came back with a bag of frozen peas. "It might hurt a little... Lift up your shirt."

Toni hesitated, she had scars from beatings, and she was scared to see the damage that was done.

"I'm not gonna judge if you have scars or something." Gosh, it was like Cheryl could read her mind. "I have some too..." Cheryl slide off her jacket, and there were burn scars from what looked like cigarettes, and cut scars. It looked like she gave them to herself but that wasn't the case. Toni gasped lightly at the sight. "I didn't give these to myself if your wondering.." She sat on the bed next to Toni. "My old foster parents gave me the cut scars. They put them on my wrists or thighs so it would look like I gave them to myself. I had to go to therapy, even though I didn't even need it. And the burns are from... my ex. She would tie me up, and abuse me, or put out her cigarettes on me..."

Toni was shocked.

She lifted up her shirt, and she had giant bruises on her. Her whole stomach was purple and blue. She had a few scars her and there, but they weren't very noticeable.

"This might hurt." Cheryl said as she put the peas down one of the big bruises. Toni winced in pain, as she tried to pry Cheryl's hand off. "Shh, I know it hurts, but you have to ice them."

Toni began to cry.

"Baby, please don't cry.... It'll help them get better."

After Cheryl iced all of Toni's bruises, and she calmed down, she laid beside her. Toni was looking around Cheryl's bedroom. "Why is there a bag of clothes in the corner?"

"I was gonna drop them off at my foster parents house, but you're more important." Cheryl said as she drew circles on Toni's arm with her finger.

"I thought you had to live with them?"

"Well, I'm supposed to... but they're only doing for the money so they said I could live here."


Then there was a loud banging on the door, scaring both of them. "Stay here, I'll be right back."

Toni nods her head.

Cheryl gets up to open the door shocked, and angry at who it is.

"I'm gonna be nice, and calm so no one gets hurt..." Jeremy says. "I want my daughter out here, so I can take her home."

Cheryl narrows her eyes. "Who's your daughter?"

"Toni Topaz, she said she dates you... and she's gone."

"Look, she's not here. I haven't talked to her at all. So get your entitled ass out of here, before I throw you out myself."

"Toni! Get your ass out here!" Jeremy yells into the trailer.

"Don't kid yourself she's not here. Now get the fuck off my property."

"You think I'm scared of you. I practically own this tow-"

"No you don't. The person you married owns the town, not you. You would be a little scumbag if it weren't for the person you married. Now I'm sorry you lost your kid, I hope you find her, bye." Cheryl went to close the door, but he stopped it with his hand.

"Get Toni out here, before I ruin you chances at becoming anything in life."

"You don't think I already am. I'm a teenager from the south side. I'm practically already nothing. Garbage even. Maybe work on your threats a bit." Cheryl scoffed.

Then Jason came around the corner, "is everything alright over here?" He didn't have his jacket on.

"No actually, serpent trash over here kidnapped my kid." Jeremy turned around.

"Who are you calling serpent trash?" Jason lifted up his sleeve to show his serpent tattoo. "And what are you doing harassing my sister?"

"Are you gonna leave now?" Cheryl asked. She was tired, and annoyed. She realized he wasn't holding the door anymore, and shut it. She walked back to the bedroom, and found Toni sound asleep. She lightly crawled back into bed, and kissed Toni's forehead. "Goodnight, TT."

Cheryl awoke to Toni softly whimpering. She turned on her lamp, and saw her having a night mare. "Baby, wake up." She said softly rubbing her arm.

Toni jumped up, and screamed. She looked over at Cheryl, and began to cry again.

"Hey, it's okay. Your safe now." Cheryl hugged her, and started rubbing circles on her back.

"He's gonna kill me." Toni whimpered.



"No he won't because I'll protect you..."

"B-But sometimes he takes my phone."

"Toni, I think you should tell your mom. This has been going on for to long-"

"She won't believe me. She loves him, and is happy with him. I don't want to destroy that...." Toni whispered.

"If you catch him in the act she will...."

"What do you mean?" Toni questioned.

"Like get him really angry when you know your mom's gonna be home. Then- actually you might get hurt it's not a good idea."

Toni thought about it and decided that she was going to do that. She just needed a plan.

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