Chapter 25

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Dinner was.....awkward, to say the least. Violet was making most of the conversation, asking everyone questions about how their life, and stuff. Then, Thomas spoke up. "Hey, so I was wondering..." He sighed. "Me, and Juniper are in a little of a jam right now, and as you know my foster license has been taken away, and I want it back. So, can you maybe get me a good lawyer?"

Toni narrowed her eyes. Violet looked over at her confused, "no." She scoffed. "Can't you get your own lawyer?"

"Well, like I said were in a little bit of a jam."

"Sure Tom, we could for sure help you." Violet smiled at him.

"What?! Mom no!" Toni raised her voice a little.

"Toni! What has gotten into you?"

"He doesn't need it. I mean how did your license get taken away anyways? Also around that time you went to jail for a few months, do you wanna explain to us why first?"

"That's none of your business." Tom said.

Cheryl and Juniper were just sitting awkwardly and watching. I mean everyone but Violet knew why, and she couldn't be more than happy to help her brother. Little did she know...

"Yes, it is. How could you come over here, and ask for a lawyer and not tell us why?"

"Everyone stop." Juniper stepped in. "No need to argue on Christmas. Dad, you can tell them, no need to be embarrassed."

Thomas sighed. Cheryl's eyes went wide, were they actually about to tell them everything. "My house, was really messy...and they took the kids, and my license."

"Bullshit." Cheryl scoffed. Everyone looked over at her, and she had realized she said that out loud.

"Cheryl, what are you talking about?" Violet asked.

"Oh, I-Uh....don't know."

Toni looked at her, and she shook her head. She wasn't about to say anything. Thomas gave Cheryl the death stare. That's when she lost it. She hated him, and couldn't hide it anymore.

"Fine. Your brother lost his license because he would cut my wrists." Cheryl lifted her sleeves, and showed her wrists. "He landed me in therapy, even though I didn't have any problems, he would starve me, put bars over my window, and lock me in my room for days. That's why he was in jail, and lost his license."

"That's bullshit." Thomas scoffed.

"Fine, you guys believe who you who want. I'm gonna go." Cheryl walked out.

"Cher, wait!" Toni said running after her.

Violet was silent. She didn't even know Cheryl was ever in the foster system, nor about her brother's doings.

Juniper spoke up after that. "It's true. He did do that." Thomas lost it, and slapped her.

"THOMAS!" Violet yelled. "Stop, get out of my house now!"

"Juniper, let's go."


"Cher, wait." Cheryl was picking up her stuff.

"Yeah, Toni I'm gonna go, thanks for today." Cheryl sighed. She pulled a gift out of her bag. It was small, like a necklace box. 

"No, Cheryl don't. I'll go kick him out, just please."

Cheryl sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me about the other stuff?"

"Because, it didn't really matter...I found a way to sneak out anyways. Plus, theres nothing anyone could do about it, the past is the past."

"I'm sorry Cheryl." Toni pulled Cheryl into a hug.

"It's fine."

"Wanna go to the theater, and just forget them."

"I guess."

Toni and Cheryl ended up having a good night, they watched movies, and like at 3 am they decided to open presents. "Okay so I have two." Cheryl said. They honestly weren't bothering to be quite because Violet's room is across the house, and they have a huge ass house, "but first this one." Cheryl handed Toni a small box in green wrapping paper.

Toni slowly opened it, and it was a gold necklace with a C pendant on it. "Cher..."

"Do you like it? I mean I cou-" Toni cut her off with a kiss.

"I love it, thank you." Toni pecked her lips once more. "Put it on for me?"

Cheryl grabbed the necklace, as Toni moved her hair to the side, she clipped it on, and Toni turned back around. "Okay, I have one more, but I couldn't wrap it, because...reasons." Cheryl went over to her bag, and pulled out something, but quickly hid it behind her back. "This is a little cheesy, but I went to the mall with you for the first time a few weeks ago, and you said you had never had one, nor had I, so I got you this." Cheryl pulled a build a bear frog out of behind her back, Toni gasped.

"Oh my god, it's so cute!" Toni squealed. Cheryl handed it to her, and she read the name. "Mr. Froggy?"

"Well yeah. Their name is dope."

"I love it. Thank you." Toni kissed Cheryl. "Your turn!" She ran out of the room excitedly. She came back with a thin rectangular box, and had another thing wrapped weirdly. Cheryl couldn't even make out what it could be. "Okay, don't judge a present by its wrapping."

She handed her the small box first. "I can't explain unless you open it first."

Cheryl opened it, and it was a cd.

"Okay, this sounds really cheesy, but you had a cd player in your room, and I recorded me reading the Harry Potter books, so I don't know you could listen to the books, and I know when I read to you it helps you sleep."

Cheryl didn't even say anything she just kissed her. "I love you. Thank you."

"I love you too." She handed Cheryl the second one, and she really couldn't explain that into detail with out spoiling it. "Okay, let me just say, great minds think a like."

Cheryl slowly opened it, and it was a build a bear cow. "Oh my gosh. I love it!" Cheryl squealed.

Eventually, the two girls were laying in bed. Cheryl had her head on Toni's chest, while Toni stroked her hair lightly.

"I love you." Toni whispered.

"I love you."

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