3. Dodging The Bullet 🥀

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(Don't forget to hear the song👆)


"Come and have some breakfast," Mom said with a cherry tone when she saw me. "I made Haggis for breakfast."

I walked towards the kitchen leisurely while scratching my head. My super tousled hair looked exactly like Anna from the Frozen movie. I was only missing those gray strands.

Should I just shave my head?!

"Smells good!" I promptly pulled out a chair and flopped down on it. Mom carefully pushed a loaded plate towards me and poured me some coffee. I looked at my fancy breakfast laden plate with awe. We had haggis, bacon, black pudding, sauteed mushrooms, tomato (topped with cheese), toasts and fried eggs.

No ham sandwiches!

"Mom, are you alright?" Lucas pulled out a chair eagerly while staring at my full plate. He sat down and reached out his hand to my plate. I swatted his hand away.

"That's mine!" I glared at him fiercely while trying to secure my food from him.

"Yeah, why?" Mom smiled sweetly as she was busy with arranging a plate for Lucas.

"You didn't make any ham sandwich!" Lucas stated his point with an innocent look on his face. I was enjoying their conversation as much as my savoury breakfast.

Mom paused her hand which was half reached out with Lucas's breakfast.

"Are you testing my patient?"She looked at him with a super unamused expression.

"No way! You are the best mom in the world!" Lucas hastily took the plate from her. "I love you!" I started to laugh.

"Did you sleep well?" mom asked me as she also took a seat.

My hand paused with the fork which was stabbing a piece of mushroom. Suddenly my hand and feet became cold. I quietly put down my fork.

"Mom," I called out mom warily, "did I hit my head somewhere which caused me some partial memory loss?"

"Oh god!" Mom's fork and knife fell on the plate with a loud clattering sound. "What did you forget?" Mom sprung up from her seat and came to me. She cupped my face and looked into my eyes. "Did you hit your head yesterday? Where did you get hurt? Can you tell who I am?"

"Mom!" I tried to move her hands from my face.

"Thank god!" Mom sounded relieved. "You scared me."

Lucas poked his index finger on my forearm. "Can you tell who I am?"

"Fuck off!" I snarled irritatedly.

"So, what did you forget?" Mom asked as she picked up her fork and knife again.

"Nothing!" I said annoyed. "It's just....just..." I trailed off as I remembered those nightmares again. "I often have some weird dreams, which seemed like some lost memories to me." I sighed profoundly while playing with my food. "Sometimes I couldn't sleep because of those dreams."

"Esmé, dear," mom leaned to the table a little, "don't get stressed because of some mere dreams."

"She is right!" Lucas commented casually while gobbling up his food. "And you are old enough to have weird dreams."

"I am not talking about my wet dreams." I looked at him unamused.

"Okay, okay!" Mom hurriedly interrupted us. "No more fighting!"

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